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發(fā)布:2024/7/11 8:0:9

第一節(jié) (共5小題; 每小題1.5分,滿分7:5分)

  • 1. What is Sam going to do tonight?
    A.Attend a party.
    B.Catch a flight.
    C.Go to a meeting.
  • 2. Which subway line will the man get on first?
    A.The red line.
    B.The blue line.
    C.The central line.
  • 3. What does the woman love most about running?
    A.Getting fit.
    B.Feeling happy.
    C.Being out early.
  • 4. What does the man ask the woman to do?.
    A.Walk the dog.
    B.Clean the house.
    C.Finish her homework.
  • 5. What time will the woman have the interview?
    A.At 1:00 pm.
    B.At 2:00 pm.
    C.At 3:00 pm.

第二節(jié)(共 15 小題; 每小題1.5分, 滿分22.5分)

  • 6.(1)Where was the woman on the 19th of November?
    A.At school.
    B.At a party.
    C.At an art show.
    (2)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    B.Parent and child.
    C.Teacher and student.

寫作 (共兩節(jié); 滿分40分)

  • 18.假如你是李華,上周五你校舉辦了一次遠足研學活動。請給你校英文報寫一篇報道。內(nèi)容包括:
    An Educational Outing
  • 19.    It was around 7 on Monday morning.Paul,a ticket gateline assistant,was working his usual shift at Leagrave Station."Another wonderful day!" he thought and began to hum(哼)a tune.Suddenly a flash of movement around Platform One caught his attention.After taking a closer look,he realized it was a dog without a collar,silly and excitable,running round after nothing at all."Oh!"he hurried down,appeared in a flash and successfully got hold of the dog,but it managed to struggle free out of his grasp,jumped down on the tracks and got stuck.
       Panic struck among standerss-by as the dog madly raced up and down the tracks,trying to find a way out.
    There was a lot of noise of people shouting and dog barking.Then the train kicked in.
       Obviously,there was no time left to wait for the dog to jump out on his own,but he was not allowed to go down on the track.So he took out his phone and rang the signalman to warn the trains,getting them to slow down,ready to stop if necessary.
       Like a cat on hot bricks,he looked around to find something useful.Luckily a guy on the platform there had some bread.So without any hesitation,Paul took the bread and used it to attract the dog as the last hope.
    Immediately,the dog came over to the platform edge with wagging(搖) tails.But it couldn't jump back up.
    That's not the thing,Paul thought.Just as it put its paws up to get the bread,Paul managed to grab it.Thank goodness.Paul dragged it up on to the platform.He couldn't let go of it for fear that it would struggle free a second time.He just held on,stroking its fur and patting on its head to calm it down.Finally he took the dog into the safety of the staffroom.
    Then Paul decided to turn to social media to identify its owner.

    The couple shared the photos and the story on the TikTok that evening.
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