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第二部分 閱讀理解 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的 A、B、C、D 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.Follow this four-day route,and you'll lose yourself in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
       Day 1 Overview Edinburgh
       It was in Scotland's capital city that J.K.Rowling started to plot the adventures of Harry and his pals.With stoned streets,winding alleys and medieval (中世紀(jì)的) architecture,the city certainly has a few things in common with the settings from the books and films.She wrote the early chapters in various cafes around the city s Old Towns.
       Day 2 Overview travel to Fort William
    Travel by train from Edinburgh to Glasgow.From there,you can take the West High-land Line to Fort William.This is a great way to see some famous spots from the window,including the mysterious Rannoch Moor,the place where Death Eaters board the train in the movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.
       Day 3 Overview all aboard the Hogwarts Express
       Witness the sweeping cinematic scenery of the movie Harry Potter by booking a seat on the Jacobite Steam Train.Stop for lunch in Mallaig and then make the return journey to Fort William.Please be sure to book the steam train in advance,as it is very popular.By the way,it runs seasonally.
       Day 4 Overview lakes and glens (峽谷)
       In the films,mysterious,misty landscapes frame the background of Harry 's tale,so it's no surprise that the film producers chose the Highlands for many scenes.Spend a day wandering through some of these beautiful spots and feel the magical atmosphere.

    (1)Where did J.K.Rowling create Harry Potter at first?

    A.In Edinburgh.
    B.In Mallaig.
    C.In Glasgow.
    D.In Fort William.
    (2)What should you pay attention to if taking the Jacobite Steam Train?

    A.Reviewing the movie.
    B.Booking tickets in advance.
    C.Bringing lunch ahead of time.
    D.Buying one way ticket specially.
    (3)In which section of a newspaper will you read the text?

    A.Current Affairs.
  • 2.We all put our hands in the middle,ready for the "TIGERS!" shout.Andrew looked up,his face wrinkled in confusion,and then loosed in relief he said, "Whoa,for a second I forgot there was a girl on this team.I was wondering why there was one hand with painted pink nails!"The guys laughed,and I smiled,once again reminded how cool it was that I was different. "1,2,3,TIGERS!" and we were off to the field.
       My adventures as the only girl on my all-boys middle school football team were always interesting.Football is known as being predominantly male.But I love football.Ever since I could walk I would get around the fields.My dad is a huge football fan,and we spend many Saturday afternoons playing football in the yard or watching games.Football is in my blood.So when signups came for the 7th- and 8th-grade team,I signed up.Who says a girl can't do it?
       Back to Grade 7.Though it was strange for the guys to have me there,and a few felt embarrassed when they heard they'd be tackling a girl,they got used to it.The coach treated me like anyone else,and the boys learned to also.I did the drills,I tackled people,and I got tackled.By the time I got home every night,my body literally crumbled into my bed.But it was all worth it.
       Game days were everyone's favorite.Football is a team sport of passion,pride and love.The coach would always tell us, "We win as a team;we lose as a team!" To play well we needed to work as a team.Different as I was being the only girl,it didn't matter.One person,one girl,is not a big thing.I was a part of the team.The coach got us all together,and we'd once again shout "TIGERS!"

    (1)What is the author's purpose in writing Paragraph 1?

    A.To introduce members of her team.
    B.To stress the distinctiveness of her team.
    C.To show the routine before a football game.
    D.To describe the tension before a football game.
    (2)What pushed the author to sign up for the 7th- and 8th-grade team?

    A.Her love for football.
    B.Her father's encouragement.
    C.Her desire to show off her skills.
    D.Her dream to be a football coach.
    (3)What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 show?

    A.The author was really excited.
    B.The author was extremely tired.
    C.The author had difficulty falling asleep.
    D.The author kept practicing even before sleep.
    (4)What plays a key role in winning a football game according to the author?

    A.The coach.
    B.The team leader.
    C.Fighting spirit.
  • 3.Pinocchio may be just a children's fairy tale,but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated this so-called "Pinocchio effect" and found that our noses don't grow when we tell a lie,but actually shrink a bit.
       Dr.Gómez Milán and his team developed a lie detector test that used thermography(體溫計(jì))to tell if people were lying,and found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful,the temperature of the tip of their nose dropped up to 1.2℃,while the temperature of their forehead increased up to 1.5℃.Scientist also found that drop in temperature at nose level actually caused it to slightly shrink,although the difference is undetected by the human eye.
       "One has to think in order to lie,which rises the temperature of the forehead," Dr.Gómez Milán explained the findings. "At the same time we feel anxious,which lowers the temperature of the nose."
       For this study,researchers asked a number of 60 students to perform various tasks while their temperature is scanned by technology.One of these tasks required making a 3 to 4 minutes call to their parents or a friend and telling a significant lie.Participants had to make up the lie themselves during the call.Interestingly,this lie detector picked up the "Pinocchio effect" temperature difference in 80 percent of the test subjects,which is a better rate of success than that of any modern lie detector.
       "With this method we have achieved to increase accuracy",said Dr.Gómez Milán,who added that law enforcement interviewers could one day combine other lie detection technology with thermal imaging to achieve better results.

    (1)Why does the writer talk about Pinocchio in the first paragraph?

    A.To tell a fairy tale.
    B.To give an example.
    C.To talk about a scientist.
    D.To introduce the topic.
    (2)What is "Pinocchio effect"?

    A.Our noses will grow when we tell a lie.
    B.Our noses will shrink when we tell a lie.
    C.The temperature of the forehead falls if we lie.
    D.The temperature of the student rises for anxiety.
    (3)How did Dr.Gómez Milán feel about the lie detector?

    (4)What lesson can we learn from the text?

    A.A lie will travel very hard.
    B.Many ways to bring a liar to light.
    C.A lie never lives to be old.
    D.Once a liar always a liar.
  • 4.The wish to capture the wonder of nature on a smartphone or camera is understandable.People like the beauty of nature and also want to share with their followers,friends and family,but our relationship with the outdoors should not be centered around social media.The "do it for the 'gram'" thought needs to be reconsidered.
       Social media has undoubtedly helped attract more visitors to wild places.There are both good and bad sides that come with an increased visitation to these sites.Visiting nature and observing wildlife can help people feel more connected to wild plants and animals.These experiences may encourage more protection of natural spaces.Yet increased traffic to these sites has also caused them harm.Spaces that are ill-equipped to deal with too many visits experience environmental degradation,which in turn can endanger those who take photos by putting them in dangerous situations.Search and rescue cases have increased by 38% in the last few years in LA County,some of which were connected to adventurers trying to capture photos for their social media.Deadly falls in the outdoors can and should be avoided with less photographing for social media.
       Recently,one highly visited natural site stopped photography-only tours.Antelope Canyon in Page,Arizona,will no longer be allowing visits that are centered around cameras.Handheld phones will still be allowed,but large tripods(三腳架) and monopods(獨(dú)腳架) will not be.This is a great first step that should be brought to other natural settings,especially in places that have already been completely photographed by professionals.
       It is necessary to free ourselves from technology every once and a while.The unhealthy attachment(依戀) to photography and social media feeds has created problems for humans and nature,and should be replaced with practicing mindfulness while in the outdoors.

    (1)What does the underlined word "degradation" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    (2)What has been the result of visitors taking photos of nature according to the passage?

    A.Serious traffic problems.
    B.Unnecessary travel costs.
    C.Some unexpected deaths.
    D.Their watching fewer scenes.
    (3)What does the author suggest natural sites do?

    A.Limit the number of visitors.
    B.Follow Antelope Canyon's lead.
    C.Warn visitors to take fewer photos.
    D.Just allow professional photographing.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Learn from professional photographers.
    B.Nature will punish those who damage it.
    C.Photos of nature are popular on social media.
    D.Don't endanger yourself and nature for social media.

第二節(jié) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。

  • 5.Do you ever find yourself studying really hard for a test but finally not doing so well?You spent hours reviewing your notes,only to find your hard work doesn't make you receive a grade you want.It's not that you're not smart. (1)
    .If you want to study in an effective way,below are studying methods that may be suitable for you.
       Try explaining the concepts (概念) that you' re studying to family members or friends. (2)
       Study with friends.If you're able to stay focused,studying with a group might be more fun than studying alone. (3)
    .It is possible that there's something you miss or misunderstand,so hearing others' opinions is very important.Pick possible test topics and hold discussions to gain understanding of these topics in different ways.
       Use flashcards.Flashcards are a great way to memorize important information!To make it more fun,write your flashcards using colorful pens and mark important parts.
    .I personally use learning apps (應(yīng)用軟件),where I can find very useful resources (資料) for foreign language studies.I've also used websites in the past.A lot of sites offer expensive versions,so be aware of which features are free.
       Try using some of these methods when you study for your next test,and see whether you've improved.Studying can be boring. (5)
    .Don't lose motivation(積極性),and you'll succeed!

    A.Use online resources
    B.Start studying in a more interesting way
    C.It's just that the way you study is wrong
    D.This stops us from dealing with information
    E.It's of great help to hear other people's thoughts
    F.Finding ways to make it more fun can really improve your grade
    G.Correctly explaining the concepts to others means you understand them

第三部分 語(yǔ)言運(yùn)用

  • 6.In order to save the environment,everybody has a role to play.The perfect(1)
    of someone who knows this well enough is a 70-year-old grandmother,Pat Smith.(2)
    with bags,rubber gloves and a rubbish picker,she spent an entire year(3)
    rubbish and caring for 52 British beaches after she made it her 2018 New Year's resolution to(4)
    one beach each week.She(5)
    spent her Christmas Day picking up plastic bottles on Trevone Beach.
       During her year-long cleanup,Smith was often(6)
    by other volunteers,including her grandchildren,who were determined to help her tidy up beach rubbish.However,some people often(7)
    Smith for doing community service,and to this,she said: "people don't understand I've been doing this(8)
    .We should all take responsibility for picking up the rubbish as well as(9)
    we don't drop rubbish in the first place."
       The environmentally conscious granny has no intention of(10)
    just because 2018 was over. "Cleaning 52 beaches in 2018 was my New Year's Resolution and it's finally(11)
    , "said Smith. "I won't stop,as our beaches(12)
    me.I'm driven to try and protect our(13)
    for my children and grand children and I will(14)
    doing everything in my power to achieve that.I hope my efforts will help people be more(15)
    of their plastic consumption and recycling habits."

    (1) A.example B.position C.model D.role
    (2) A.Associated B.Armed C.Combined D.Rewarded
    (3) A.recycling B.collecting C.a(chǎn)bandoning D.trapping
    (4) A.explore B.decorate C.clean D.survey
    (5) A.thus B.still C.a(chǎn)gain D.even
    (6) A.joined B.recorded C.a(chǎn)dmired D.interrupted
    (7) A.blame B.forgive C.a(chǎn)dmire D.mistake
    (8) A.voluntarily B.secretly C.frequently D.cautiously
    (9) A.declaring B.a(chǎn)dmitting C.ensuring D.realizing
    (10) A.escaping B.disappearing C.leaving D.stopping
    (11) A.canceled B.found C.obtained D.done
    (12) A.impress B.understand C.need D.trust
    (13) A.planet B.community C.continent D.energy
    (14) A.enjoy B.continue C.recommend D.imagine
    (15) A.proud B.curious C.skeptical D.a(chǎn)ware

第二節(jié) 語(yǔ)法填空 閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。

  • 7.Northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has adopted digital technology (1)
    (preserve)ancient cliff(懸崖) carvings and paintings before their disappearance.
        Workers have copied more than 2,000 immovable rock carvings and paintings at Helan Mountain to digitalize the overall views as well as (2)
    (they)accurate locations.The digital information will be sorted and-workers will conduct a disease analysis.
        Rock carvings (3)
    (appear)before writing systems were invented.Now,more than 20,000 cliff paintings and carvings (4)
    were created by the ancestors have been discovered at Helan Mountain.The works record the lives of the people who lived 3,000 to 10,000 years ago.In general,(5)
    (image)of animals dominate(占主要地位),followed(6)
    humans,vehicles,plants,planets,fingerprints and abstract signs.The surfaces were (7)
    (main)carved with stone or metal in the open air, (8)
    (expose)to weather beaten.
        The protection of rock paintings and carvings is a worldwide issue.At present,there is no(9)
    (effect),naturally scientific and technological means to prevent their disappearance.Some experts have predicted that by the end of this century, (10)
    quarter of the world's rock paintings will disappear completely.

第四部分 單詞拼寫(xiě) 根據(jù)括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的中文意思,結(jié)合句意,在橫線處填入該單詞的正確形式。需使用B2Unit2-Unit4所學(xué)單詞。

  • 8.If sales continue to recover, they can hire more workers and still make
  • 9.The dinosaur became
    (滅絕的) before the appearance of man.

第五部分 完成句子(共20空)每空0.5分,共10分)根據(jù)句意,結(jié)合所學(xué)句型,在橫線處填入B2Unit2-Unit4所學(xué)短語(yǔ)的正確形式。

  • 28.冬季臨近,許多動(dòng)物在儲(chǔ)存食物。
    ,many animals are storing food.

第六部分 書(shū)面表達(dá)(滿分15分)

  • 29.你被自己所在的城市選為"動(dòng)物代言人",請(qǐng)你用英語(yǔ)發(fā)表一篇120字左右的演講稿,呼吁人們保護(hù)野生動(dòng)物。內(nèi)容包括:
APP開(kāi)發(fā)者:深圳市菁優(yōu)智慧教育股份有限公司| 應(yīng)用名稱:菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) | 應(yīng)用版本:5.0.4 |隱私協(xié)議|第三方SDK|用戶服務(wù)條款