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北師大版(2019)必修1《Unit 3 Celebrations》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(過關(guān)測試)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.I prefer not to discuss business at social
  • 2.-I got that job I wanted at the public library.
    (祝賀)!That's good news.
  • 3.I will plan my college life,based on what I hope to do after
  • 4.As Christmas is coming,every shop is
    (裝飾) with Christmas trees and flowers.
  • 5.There's a
    (傳統(tǒng)) in our office that when it's somebody's birthday,they bring in a cake for us all to share.
  • 6.We should take
    (考慮) of the requests of our customers.
  • 7.Which of the following can best
    (概括) the main idea of the passage?
  • 8.Jane was
    (打掃)up the bits of paper and broken glass.
  • 9.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for
    (性格) building.
  • 10.They live in a beautiful village,with many trees and flowers
    (圍繞) it.


  • 11.We waved to our teacher and he
  • 12.His pants were
    (塞在……里) the tops of his boots.
  • 13.I wanted to study Political Science with its focus on
  • 14.A meeting was held yesterday
    (為了紀念) the hero who lost his life for saving the drowning girl.


  • 42.Change Your Look Everybody wants to look good,especially young people. (1)

       1.Get into shape.
       Exercising regularly not only keeps you looking your best,but also improves your health,reduces your possibility of getting certain diseases and gives you more energy.
       Healthy adults need 150 minutes of moderate (適度的) aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous (強有力的) aerobic activity each week.Moderate activities include walking and swimming,while vigorous activities include jogging,boxing,and playing basketball.You should do some kind of strength training at least two days per week.
       Also,consider joining a gym or local sports team. (2)

       2.Keep a balanced diet.
    Whether you want to lose weight or simply improve your overall health,what you eat matters.
       Your diet should consist of fruits,vegetables,and whole grains.Read food labels and stay away from foods that contain too much fat and sugar.If you suffer from anxiety or depression,then cut down on alcohol and caffeine,as these drinks will make matters worse.
       3.Change your clothes.
    Make an effort to look your best on a daily basis.This doesn't necessarily mean dressing fancifully (花哨地) or formally;rather,find clothes that are fashionable,affordable,and proper.
    Get a haircut or dye your hair a different color.Women with long hair should consider getting layers,bangs,or a short bob.

    A.Change your hairstyle.
    B.Remember that you are what you eat.
    C.Keep away from clothes that make you feel bad about yourself.
    D.The following tips may help you change your look for the better.
    E.You should do some kind of strength training on your own per week.
    F.Exercising with other people can help keep you energetic,and will make exercise more fun.
    G.Read this article to learn how to make changes on both the inside and the outside to feel more satisfied.

VI. 語法填空

  • 43.I bought a bottle of wine for my father and (1)
    beautiful sweater for my mother before Spring Festival.Every year,the moment I get on the train,I am surrounded by Shanxi (2)
    (accent)— I know that I am(3)
    (head) home to my family.When I get home my parents will fill me in on (4)
    has been happening and it's great (5)
    (hear) what everyone's been up to.We usually have hotpot.However,what we eat isn't the most important thing.What's important is who we eat with.It's a (6)
    (wonder) thing to be back together with my family (7)
    talk of old times.When I (8)
    (be) a kid,Spring Festival was all about fireworks,sweets and decorations.As I get(9)
    (old),coming home and being with my entire family is the most important part of (10)
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