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發(fā)布:2024/9/21 7:0:8

聽力測試。(共 30 分)

  • 1.A.My pleasure.
    B.With pleasure.
    C.That's right.
  • 2.A.Easter.
    B.Mother's Day.
    C.The Dragon Boat Festival.
  • 3.A.It closes at 6 o'clock p.m.
    B.It opens at 9 o'clock a.m.
    C.It's on the other side of the street.
  • 4.A.By taking notes.
    B.By keeping English diaries.
    C.By having conversations in English.
  • 5.A.In 1876.
    B.Since 1876.
    C.For less than 200 years.
  • 6.A.In Thailand.
    C.Last year.

第二節(jié) 對話理解(每小題 1.5 分,共 9 分)

  • 7.A.Because he failed the English exam.
    B.Because he has some problems with grammar.
    C.Because he finds it hard to remember English new words.
  • 8.A.Pop music.
    B.Country music.
    C.Rock and roll.
  • 9.A.Yes,they do.
    B.No,they don't.
    C.Yes,but only a little.
  • 10.A.Five.
  • 11.A.Grace.
    C.Her grandma.
  • 12.A.Twice a year.
    B.Once a year.
    C.Every August.

第三節(jié) 長對話理解(每小題 1.5 分,共 6 分)

  • 13.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)How long has it been since they saw their primary school classmates?
    A.Three years.
    B.Four years.
    C.Five years.
    (2)What did Alice use to be like?
    A.Tall and thin.
    B.A little heavy and shy.
    C.Short and outgoing.
  • 14.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)What happened to the boy that morning?
    A.He had a fight with his mom.
    B.He was late for school.
    C.He was punished by the teacher.
    (2)How will the boy say sorry to his mom?
    A.By calling her.
    B.By writing her a note.
    C.By talking with her in person.

第四節(jié) 短文理解(每小題 1.5 分,共 6 分)

  • 15.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)Who wants to invent a special pen in the passage?
    (2)Why will it be easier to take the special pen with the user?
    A.Because it will be smaller.
    B.Because the user has a bigger handbag.
    C.Because it can be folded and won't take up much space.
    (3)If the special pen becomes blue,it will mean the temperature of the user's hand is
    A.a little high
    B.a little low
    (4)How does the teacher like his students' ideas?
    A.He thinks they are crazy.
    B.He thinks they are useless.
    C.He thinks they are creative.

短文填空。(每空 2 分,共 16 分)

  • 46.What does it mean to be green?Green is more than just a (1)
    .It also means taking special steps to protect the environment.Buying a green product is a small step everyone can take.Deciding (2)
    a product is green,however,isn't always easy.We need to consider the whole life cycle of the product even after it's of no use.Here is what we may keep in mind.
       The materials of a product are usually the first thing we need to pay attention to.What is it (3)
    of?Are there any harmful chemicals(有害化學(xué)物質(zhì)) in it?Green products are made of more natural materials which are free from harmful chemicals,so (4)
    can be good for our physical health.
       Packing is important.How is a product packed?Is it over packed?We'd better choose glass and paper packaging as these can be reused.We can (5)
    look for less packing or even choose unbagged products if it's possible.
       Location matters.Where was a product produced?Where are we buying it?Try to choose (6)
    products.When it comes to food,it is a good idea to order directly from farmers,shop at markets and buy fruits in season in your own town or city.Buying from stores near our houses is also a good choice because we can go there (7)
    driving a car.
       Look into what companies(公司) tell us about their product.It's easy to say that a product is "green" or "all natural" but the words may be too good to be true.So,much of the information about a product can't be completely believed.After all,companies try to make us believe that their products are environmentally responsible(負(fù)有責(zé)任的).
       We should develop a habit of buying what we really need.Things like food and clothing are necessary for life,but many others (8)
    .Better than buying is choosing to leave an unnecessary product in the store.It sends the message to the producer — keeping money in our pockets,reducing waste and keeping the planet healthy.

書面表達(dá)。(滿分 18 分)

  • 47.同學(xué)們還記得本學(xué)期四單元課文He Studies Harder Than He Used To中的李文嗎?那個曾經(jīng)孤獨、厭學(xué)、逃課的孩子在老師的幫助下,和父母進(jìn)行有效的溝通后有了很大的進(jìn)步。上個月,他被評為了當(dāng)月的班級之星。假設(shè)你是李文,請圍繞自己的經(jīng)歷和如何與父母溝通寫一篇英文發(fā)言稿,在家長開放日發(fā)言,談?wù)勛约撼砷L中的煩惱、改變和收獲,同時給同學(xué)和家長一些建議,呼吁大家直面問題,積極溝通為美好的明天而努力。
    (1)80-120 詞,開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);
    My dear parents and classmates,
       I'm Li Wen.Today,I'm happy to give a speech here.It's hard to believe I have been chosen to be the Star of the Month.
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