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I. 閱讀理解(共2小題,每小題12分,滿分24分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的人、B、C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。

  • 1.I grew up in a small town in New Hampshire,and every morning,sometimes before I woke up,my dad left for work.I didn't know much about what my dad actually did all day.But one thing I did know about my dad's day was that he often spent his lunch break looking for books for me.He would often come home in the evening with a book for me in his bag.When he handed the "gift" over to me,I immediately investigated its cover,checked out the description on the back,and sometimes started reading right then.
       I was not always as appreciative of those books as I should have been,especially in my younger years.One time,Dad brought home a paperback(平裝書)called Bunya the Witch.I looked the cover quickly before saying, "Ugh!It's just another stupid farm book," and dropping it on the ground.Later I learned that valuable lesson about not judging a book by its cover—Bunya the Witch turned out to be one of my favorites.
       As I got older,my dad favored books about strong young female characters,like Invincible Louisa by Cornelia Meigs,Up a Road Slowly by Irene Hunt,and Homesick:My Own Story by Jean Fritz,books I remember to this day.
       It's not just the books themselves that stay in my memory.It's the girl reading them,and what she felt as she read.I think back to hours spent in my childhood bedroom,reading about young women who faced lives much more difficult than mine.I learned from their courage and drew inspiration from their bravery.
       To this day,I love to read.I love the excitement of opening up a new book and getting lost in whatever story the author wants to tell me.And quite often,when I've read something really wonderful,the first person I pass it along to is my dad.I figure I owe him.

    (1)What do we know about the young author(作者) from Paragraph 1?

    A.She asked for gifts every evening.
    B.She was interested in books.
    C.She cared about her dad's work.
    D.She enjoyed investigating incidents.
    (2)The underlined word "appreciative of those books" most probably means
    A.finding way to get those books
    B.being able to afford those books
    C.getting the main idea of those books
    D.understanding how good those books were
    (3)What lesson may the author learn from the three books mentioned in Paragraph 3?

    A.Treasure one's present life.
    B.Never judge a book by its cover.
    C.Be brave enough to fight difficulties.
    D.Dream big and take action to realize it.
    (4)What can be the best title for the text?

    A.Dad,me,and love of reading
    B.Dad—my first teacher in life
    C.Reading—where of knowledge comes from
    D.Readers,books,and a key to success
  • 2.Train travel is becoming more popular.Amtrak,the US.national passenger rail company,reports that rider ship (公共交通工具的客流量) continues to grow each year.The passenger kilometres and numbers of passenger journeys are also increasing.There's every reason to believe train travel will continue to attract more passengers as fuel (燃料) prices climb.
       As you plan your vacation,you'll need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of train travel.Here are some things that you need to keep in mind.
       Train travel is fast and direct between major cities,especially in countries with high-speed trains.It's relatively easy to book a train trip.In many countries,you can book your tickets online or go to a train station to buy them.For single or couple travelers,travelling by train can be much less expensive than renting (租) a car,especially when you consider the cost of fuel and tolls (通行費(fèi)).
       However,train schedules may not match your preferred travel times and days,so you might have to change your trip.This is especially true for long-distance train travel in the US.You may have to get off the train at midnight in a small station in an empty town in order to make a train connection.
       You need to bring your own food and drink onto the train as the food and drink served on trains can be expensive.Conditions on the train may be crowded,dirty or uncomfortable,especially at busy travel times or in developing countries.
       In the end,you'll need to do some research on train ticket prices,check schedules against your own plan and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of train travel against your personal preferences.

    (1)What may be one cause of train travel increase according to the text?

    A.More new railways.
    B.Growing fuel prices.
    C.Improved train schedules.
    D.Convenient food service.
    (2)What are the advantages of train travel according to the text?

    a.It is the cheapest mode of travel.
    b.It is easy to book a train ticket online.
    c.It is cheaper for single or couple travellers.
    d.It is fast and direct between big cities.
    e.It's easy to bring your own food and drink.
    (3)What problem might passengers meet when travelling by train?

    A.They might have to change a train midway for a long-distance trip.
    B.They might have to pay for the fuel and tolls.
    C.They might have to exchange another train in a crowded town.
    D.They might have to book train tickets.
    (4)What does the underlined word "weigh" mean in Paragraph 6?



  • 3.Molai grew up in a tiny village in India.The village lay near some wetlands which became his second(1)
    .He learned the value and beauty of(2)
    there from a very young age.
       When he was 16,Molai began to notice something(3)
    happening around his home.A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the(4)
    it caused had driven away a number of birds. (5)
    ,the number of snakes had declined (下降) as well.He(6)
    that it was because there weren't enough trees to protect them from the(7)
    .The solution,of course,was to plant trees so the animals could seek (尋找) (8)
    during the daytime.He turned to the(9)
    department (部門) for help but was told that nothing would grow there.However,Molai went looking on his own and (10)
    a nearby island where he began to plant trees.
    young plants in the dry season was(12)
    for a lone boy.Molai built at the(13)
    of each sapling (幼樹) a bamboo platform,where he placed earthen pots with small holes to(14)
    rainwater.The water would then drip (滴落) on the plants below.
    to plant trees for the next 37 years.His efforts have resulted in 1,360 acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals.

    (1) A.dream B.job C.home D.choice
    (2) A.nature B.youth C.culture D.knowledge
    (3) A.strange B.interesting C.troubling D.a(chǎn)wkward
    (4) A.waste B.a(chǎn)nxiety C.pain D.harm
    (5) A.Besides B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise
    (6) A.a(chǎn)greed B.realized C.remembered D.decided
    (7) A.noise B.heat C.disease D.dust
    (8) A.directions B.partners C.help D.protection
    (9) A.labor B.police C.forest D.education
    (10) A.rebuilt B.discovered C.left D.managed
    (11) A.Cutting B.Watching C.Watering D.Buying
    (12) A.challenging B.frightening C.wonderful D.exciting
    (13) A.back B.top C.foot D.side
    (14) A.cool down B.keep off C.drink D.collect
    (15) A.returned B.learned C.failed D.continued

Ⅲ.單詞拼寫(共 12小題;每小題2分,滿分24分)根據(jù)所給句子和漢語提示寫出教材Welcome Unit中所學(xué)單詞的正確形式,每空限填一詞。

  • 4.Teenagers should be encouraged to take risks and
    (探索) the world.
  • 5.The professor together with several students,is doing an interesting
    (實驗) in the lab.
  • 6.My learning
    (目標(biāo)) is to go to my dreaming university three years later.
  • 7.He is coming with me for

V.句子翻譯(每句3 分,滿分9分)

  • 22.當(dāng)他到來的時候,他發(fā)現(xiàn)所有的工作都完成了。(賓補(bǔ)結(jié)構(gòu))
  • 23.他的夢想是成立自己的科技公司(IT company)。
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