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發(fā)布:2024/9/22 13:0:9

第一節(jié)(共5小題; 每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)

  • 1.What does the man want to be?
    A.A cook.
    B.A teacher.
    C.A gardener.
  • 2.What will the woman do this weekend?
    A.Visit Amy.
    B.Watch a movie.
    C.Be busy with her work.
  • 3.How much should the man pay?
  • 4.Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.In the street.
    B.In a school.
    C.In a bank.
  • 5.What are the speakers talking about?
    A.A cure for flu.
    B.A kind of drink.
    C.A kind of medicine.

第二節(jié)(共5小題; 每小題1.5分, 滿分22.5分)

  • 6.(1)Where will Johnny go next?
    A.To the school.
    B.To the cinema.
    C.To his house.
    (2)What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    B.Brother and sister.
    C.Boyfriend and girlfriend.
  • 7.(1)When will Jude give a presentation?
    A.In a short time.
    B.Tomorrow morning.
    C.As soon as possible.
    (2)What will the woman do next?
    A.Play a game.
    B.Practise her lecture.
    C.Help the man practise.
  • 8.(1)How did the family probably feel about the questions?
    (2)Why did the man ask the questions?
    A.He was curious.
    B.He was nervous.
    C.He was impolite.
    (3)What does the woman advise the man to do?
    A.Send them an email and apologize.
    B.Don't be nervous any more.
    C.Look for answers online.
  • 9.(1)When did the man buy his electronic dictionary?
    A.Last Sunday.
    B.Last Saturday.
    C.Last Wednesday.
    (2)Why did the woman fail to buy an electronic dictionary?
    A.She didn't like the type.
    B.She didn't take enough money.
    C.She thought it rather expensive.
    (3)What does the man think of the department store?
    A.Things are expensive there.
    B.Fewer products are for sale.
    C.The electronic dictionaries there are out of date.
    (4)Where will the woman probably buy her electronic dictionary?
    A.At a department store.
    B.At an electronic mall.
    C.At an online shop.
  • 10.(1)What makes some poor countries even poorer?
    A.Poor schooling.
    B.Learning crisis.
    C.No help from developed countries.
    (2)How can the UN deal with the global "learning crisis"?
    A.By forcing girls to go to school.
    B.By improving the primary teachers.
    C.By training the girls from poor countries.
    (3)What percent of girls can read and write in Yemen?
    (4)What makes the UN relieve the global "learning crisis"?
    A.More girls drop out of school.
    B.School teachers are well trained.
    C.More children go to school in some countries.


  • 11.Love sugar-white sand beaches?Whether you're looking to ski down the side of a mountain or surf in the sunshine,you'll find the following three places in the best winter travel destination list.
    Best for:Families and water babies
       The newly-built Coral Towers at the Atlantis resort(旅游勝地) in Paradise Island,Bahamas,with new next-door neighbor Marina Village,an open-air shopping and dining marketplace,are just two of the newest reasons to visit this Caribbean popular travel destination.Don't forget about Aquaventure,the world's largest open-air water park.With the average winter temperatures between the mid 60°F and high 70°F,it's a perfect place to escape the cold.
    Best for:Adventurers
       Iceland in the winter is simply dreamy and temperatures aren't as cool as you might think.Plus,there's no better time than winter to view the Northern Lights.Short winter days mean you'll have an even greater chance to catch the magic.An increasing number of flights in and out of Reykjavik make it easier than ever to visit.
    Best for:Families and theme park lovers
       Whether you come for the Pro Bowl in January,the new Toy Story land at Disney's Hollywood Studios,or Supercharged ride at Universal Studios Florida,Orlando is yet another warm-weather destination for winter travel.The weather is at its best and the crowds are at their thinnest.

    (1)Which of the following is a good place for shopping?

    C.Marina Village.
    D.Ski City.
    (2)What makes Iceland become one of the best winter travel destinations?

    A.The new Toy Story land.
    B.Sugar-white sand beaches.
    C.An open-air dinning marketplace.
    D.The magic of the Northern Lights.
    (3)To escape the cold in winter,you can go to
    A.Salt Lake City
  • 12.Over the years,I bought countless pairs of shoes that brightened my mood,picked out dresses that improved my figure,and turned over my credit card for lots of cosmetics (化妝品) that I had hoped would make me look fresher and happier.But all those things failed to bring relief to my pain inside.
       But one afternoon in October 2021,I walked out of one store with something more valuable than anything money could buy.I found hope in the unlikeliest place after months of hopelessness,thanks to a woman who decided to start a conversation with me in the store's café.
       It had been a painful time for me.Married a little over four years,I had suffered five heartbreaking miscarriages (流產(chǎn)) and,at 42,was slowly accepting the cruel idea that I might never be able to have a child.
       On that fateful day,a smartly dressed,slightly older woman seated beside me offered to share the photos and stories of her adopted daughter to break the silence in the half-empty café.Her girl was about seven years old.
       "She's pretty," I said. "But what made you decide to adopt her?" I asked,uncertain whether I had stepped into an area which seemed too personal. "I don't want work to be my whole life," she said.I wasn't sure whether she saw the tears welling up in my eyes as I replied, "I don't either,but I'm afraid it's too late!" "I was 51 when I adopted Melanie," she said, "And it's the most rewarding and exciting thing I've ever done."
       When our checks came,she handed me her business card,and I finally learned her name — and in that minute,I saw a happier and more satisfied myself,a reborn "mother-to-be".

    (1)What did the older woman intend to do when talking with the author?

    A.Advise the author to forget her pain.
    B.Share her feelings of being an adoptive mother.
    C.Show off her beautiful daughter to the author.
    D.Advertise the benefits of adopting a Chinese girl.
    (2)Which of the following best describes the older woman?

    (3)Why did the author see a happier self after the encounter?

    A.She could adopt children because she was still young.
    B.The older woman set an example as a good mother.
    C.She realized life was more important than work.
    D.Her hope of owning a child was built up again.
  • 13.Friendship is something that everyone needs.Success is nothing without friends.You share life,happiness and sadness.A friend is someone you can depend on in a time of need and that can trust you with every secret he or she has.
       So,what happens when a friendship of eight years is broken over something out of their control?Does that mean it was never a true friendship to begin with?
       My friend and I met in high school and have known each other for nearly eight years.What happened recently broke our lifelong friendship.
       This makes me think about what friendship really means.I always thought my friend and I could get through any argument,fight,or the sadness of life.We promised each other we'd always be friends,through thick and thin.We even joked about how we would sit in a circle and laugh at some jokes when we had grandchildren.We always laughed at every little thing.
       But then her grandfather passed away (去世) and suddenly our friendship was nothing.It happened so suddenly that I never found out about it until I discovered a note she had written on the Internet.I was sad and hurt that she would post (發(fā)帖子) what I told her for other people to see.I understand that she was sad and wanted to vent (發(fā)泄) her sadness,but I wish she'd kept everything between us.
       I don't understand why she broke our friendship,and I don't think I ever will.I think friendship means we'll always forgive each other for our mistakes.I hope that finally I'll find that true friend who will always be there for me,and I there for her.

    (1)In Paragraph 1,the author mainly talks about

    A.how to make friends
    B.the importance of success
    C.what to share with friends
    D.the importance of friendship
    (2)What broke the author's friendship with her friend?

    A.The internet.
    B.The death of her friend's grandfather.
    C.Something unhappy between them.
    D.Their jokes.
    (3)What is the passage mainly about?

    A.A true friendship.
    B.An unsuccessful friend.
    C.The author's idea of friendship.
    D.Sharing success with friends.


  • 38.與真正的朋友,我們可以毫無顧忌、毫無保留地分享我們的歡樂和悲傷。
    With true friends,we feel free to share our joy and sadness


  • 39.假定你是李華,是校報"Can I help you?"專欄編輯。閱讀下面一封讀者來信,給他回信。
    Dear Li Hua,
       My roommates at my dorm isolate (孤立) me all the time.They have their own group chat and never talk to me.We have never had any real conflicts (沖突).I don't know whether it's because of different hobbies or my personality.Should I do something to change the situation?
    JiujiuDear Jiuju,
    Best wishes,
    Li Hua
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