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語(yǔ)法選擇 通讀下面短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語(yǔ)法性和上下文連貫的要求, 在各小題所給的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)最佳答案, 并將答題卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目所選的選項(xiàng)涂黑。

  • 1.My name is Tony.And my (1)
    name is Bryant.I'm fourteen years old.I'm from (2)
    USA.My parents and I(3)
    in China now.They want to study (4)
    .I live in Shanghai with my father and my mother.I have got a brother but no sisters.My grandparents aren't with us.(5)
    are in New York with my brother.Shanghai is a big city.There are many people here.Now I study(6)
    a middle school.I am a new student,(7)
    I have got two good(8)
    .They are Tom and Leo.After school,we often watch TV and play football together.And they always help me with (9)
    study.My father is an engineer and my mother is a teacher.She can (10)
    English and teaches it in our school.We all love our school and the city.What do you think of my life in Shanghai?

    (1)A.given B.first C.last
    (2)A.a B./ C.the
    (3)A.am B.are C.is
    (4)A.English B.French C.Chinese
    (5)A.They B.We C.You
    (6)A.on B.in C.of
    (7)A.or B.and C.but
    (8)A.friends B.friend C.friend's
    (9)A.I B.me C.my
    (10)A.tell B.speak C.talk

完形填空 通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)最佳答案,并將答題卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目所選的選項(xiàng)涂黑。

  • 2.What (1)
    is the sea?Xavier McCoury doesn't know the answer(答案).Because he can only see three colors,black,white and gray.But he (2)
    see red,green,yellow,purple,pink,orange,blue or other colors.So you can say Xavier is color-blind(色盲).
        Now Xavier is ten years old.He has a pair of EnChroma Glasses (3)
    his aunt Celina.The glasses(4)
    him see all the colors.
        When Xavier puts on(戴上) the glasses for the (5)
    time,he is shocked(震驚的) at seeing many colors."Can you see my shirt?White?"his mom asks.Xavier cries happily and says (6)
    .It's an (7)
    and white shirt.
        "Thank you!"he says to his aunt. (8)
    smiles and says,"(9)
    ."His dad,Messi,says,"Xavier is (10)
    to see many colors with the glasses for the first time.He doesn't want to take off(脫下) the glasses."

    (1)A.place B.number C.name D.color
    (2)A.can B.can't C.too D.also
    (3)A.from B.of C.with D.to
    (4)A.is B.help C.have D.spell
    (5)A.second B.first C.last D.third
    (6)A.okay B.no C.yes D.yeah
    (7)A.blue B.orange C.purple D.yellow
    (8)A.He B.Him C.She D.Her
    (9)A.All right B.Very good C.That's right D.You're welcome
    (10)A.happy B.good C.nice D.sad

閱讀理解 閱讀短文,從每小題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的最佳答案,并將答題卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目所選的選項(xiàng)涂黑。

  • 3.Elsa and Anna are sisters.They are from an interesting film FrozenⅡ(《冰雪奇緣2》).In the film,Elsa,the queen of Arendelle,defeats(打?。? the bad guys with the help of Anna finally.In this film,they wear trousers.And the two girls are in trouble again.There is something wrong with Elsa's magical powers(魔力).This puts her homeland in danger(危險(xiǎn)).One day,Elsa with Anna goes to find where her magical powers come from.On their way,they meet some friends.Now let's know more about them.
        She is beautiful.She has long hair.She was born with strong magical powers,but sometimes they bring her some trouble.
        She's Elsa's younger sister.She always looks happy.When Elsa is in danger,she tries to help Elsa.
        He's a strong ice harvester(采冰者).He's always there for the girls.
        He's a cute snowman.Elsa makes him with her magical powers.
    (1)Elsa is Anna's
    (2)Which one is not right about Elsa?

    A.She wears trousers.
    B.She has strong magical powers.
    C.She is a beautiful girl.
    D.Her hair is short and brown.
    (3)How does Anna look every day?

    (4)What is Kristoff good at?

    C.Harvesting ice.
    (5)What's the best title(標(biāo)題) for this passage?

    A.Two popular girls
    B.An interesting film
    C.Elsa's new friends
    D.Girls' favorite trousers
  • 4.Family is the most important(重要的) to all of us.But many of us don't understand(理解) this.We have problems with our family members.How can we get on well with our family members?Here are three tips(小建議).
        First,spend(花) more time with them.Don't spend too much time playing computer games.You can ask one of your family members to play with you—your dad,mom,grandpa or grandma.If they are busy,sometimes you can even play with your aunt,uncle or their daughters and sons.
        Second,share(分享) your feelings and ask for help.You want your family members to help you when you're unhappy,but they may not know that.Tell them what has happened(發(fā)生) and you'll be glad(高興的)after that.
        At last,do your best at what you do.When you do your best,you make your family happy.Why?Because it lets them know you're good and they have a great kid.

    (1)The writer thinks
    is(are) the most important in our life.
    (2)How many tips are there for the kids to get on well with their family?

    (3)What does the underlined phrase(劃線短語(yǔ)) "get on well with" mean?

    A.Talk with.
    C.Meet with.
    D.Get along with.
    (4)Your parents will be happy if
    A.you try your best at what you do
    B.you say nothing when you are unhappy
    C.you don't ask your parents to help you
    D.you spend much time playing computer games
    (5)What does this passage mainly(主要) tell us?

    A.How kids can do their best at school.
    B.What kids can play with their family members.
    C.What family members should do to teach their kids.
    D.How kids can have a good relationship(關(guān)系) with their family members.

配對(duì)閱讀 請(qǐng)從右欄所給信息,選出最符合左欄描述的個(gè)人介紹, 并將答題卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目所選的選項(xiàng)涂黑。

  • 5.配對(duì)閱讀。Ⅰ欄中是五位同學(xué)對(duì)自己家人的描述,欄中是對(duì)不同人物的介紹。請(qǐng)從Ⅱ欄中選出與Ⅰ欄中的描述相對(duì)應(yīng)的人物身份。
    My grandparents are kind.They have a dog named Coco.
    My father's English is very good.In this photo,he's teaching(教) English.
    My mother has many jackets of different(不同的) colors.She looks cool in them.
    My sister has five good friends and she has some photos of them.
    My cousin has a black phone.It looks really good.
    A.Sharon is a fashionable(時(shí)尚的) mother,She likes jackets,and she is often in jackets of all kinds of colors.
    B.John loves dogs.He has a cute dog named Sun.And he says Sun is his best friend.
    C.Michael is a phone lover.And he likes the color black,so he always has a black phone is his hand.
    D.Adam is an English teacher in a middle school.He can speak English well.His students like him and they often take photos of him.
    E.Tina is a good girl.She is nice to others,so they like to be her friends.And she often takes photos of her friends.
    F.Mr.West and Mrs.West are both 80.They are so nice,and they like dogs very much.
    G.Mary is a middle school student.Her English is very good,and she often helps her friends with their English.

單詞拼寫 根據(jù)句意及音標(biāo)提示寫出形式正確、意義相符的內(nèi)容。

  • 6. I can't hear(聽見) you.Can you
    /se?/it again?
  • 7.-It opens like(像) this.

讀寫綜合 回答問題 請(qǐng)閱讀下面這篇文章,根據(jù)所提供的信息,用完整的句子回答問題, 把答案寫在答題卡指定的位置上。

  • 22.Look!This is our classroom.It is very big and clean.It has four big windows.We're having an English class.There are 22 girls and 28 boys in our class.Everyone has a desk and a chair.They are all new.We look after them very well.In our classroom there are two blackboards.One is for the teacher and the other is for students.We can see some pictures on the board.The walls look very white.On them we can see two maps,the map of China and the map of the world(世界).
       In the morning the students come to school very early,and the teachers come to school early,too.We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We like our lessons very much.We like our class and our classroom.We also love our teachers.
    (1)How many students are there in the class?

    (2)What color are the walls?

    (3)What are those on the board?

    (4)Can we see the map on the wall?

    (5)Who go to school early in the morning?


  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)23.假設(shè)你是 Gina,請(qǐng)根據(jù)所給信息,以"My Family"為題,寫一篇60詞左右的英語(yǔ)短文,在英語(yǔ)課上介紹你的家庭情況。
    姓名 Gina
    年齡 12
    班級(jí)年級(jí) 七年二班
    電話號(hào)碼 427-0635
    My Family          
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