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發(fā)布:2024/7/5 8:0:9

第一部分 知識運用(共兩節(jié),30分)

  • 1.We don't see many 17-year-old who can list as many accomplishments(成就) as Eduardo Caiado.
       Edu,as he likes to be called,lives in Anapolis,Brazil.He's always been driven to help others.In fact,when he was just 15,he was named one of the 50 Young Inspirers of the United Nations for his project on reusing(1)
    to provide drinking water in a village.He also bought gifts for 52 people living in a local nursing home,(2)
    his own money.
       These are all totally natural for Edu,who says he's been(3)
    trying to help others for most of his life.But right now he centers on saving stray(走失的) animals.
       Since he was 9,he's dreamed of the day he could open a(4)
    for the many lost or forgotten pets he's seen.Less than ten years later,he(5)
    that dream a reality by starting the EduPacoca Institute!
       "The place where I live is cold,and many stray dogs were dying of(6)
    cold," he said.The EduPacoca Institute depends on(7)
    to help these animals in need.First,Edu rented a house;now,he's using the money to(8)
    food and other expenses. "I want these animals to know that even if they don't have owners,they will be with me until they grow old and die." he said.
       After years of feeding animals on the streets,Edu understands that while they're not human,animals have feelings of their own.Each has their own habits,(9)
    ,and preferences,and Edu loves getting to know them.
       He's already given about 30 dogs and cats a home,and the number keeps growing every day!His only regret is that he doesn't have enough room or money to(10)
    every stray.

    (1) A.newspaper B.rainwater C.leftover D.oil
    (2) A.borrowing B.winning C.using D.wasting
    (3) A.a(chǎn)ctively B.normally C.casually D.negatively
    (4) A.nursery B.hospital C.zoo D.shelter
    (5) A.made B.brought C.raised D.reminded
    (6) A.slight B.certain C.extreme D.immediate
    (7) A.inventions B.donations C.responsibilities D.values
    (8) A.cook B.buy C.order D.cover
    (9) A.personalities B.performances C.a(chǎn)ppearances D.originalities
    (10) A.take down B.take off C.take in D.take up

第二節(jié) 語法填空(共3小題;每小題1. 5分,共15分)

  • 2.    Did you ever run off and forget your drink?That's (1)
    happened to 11-year old Frank Epperson in 1905.He'd been mixing drink mix with a stick and (2)
    (leave) the cup and stick out on the porch all night.And it got cold.In the morning,F(xiàn)rank found a(3)
    (freeze) block of sweet drink- with a handy stick to hold it.He thought that was pretty cool so he made more.Soon,everyone enjoyed his ice pops.At first Frank called them Epsicles,but later they got a different name — popsicles.
  • 3.    The robotic lunar mission ended (1)
    (successful) early on December 18th.Chang'e 5's reentry capsule, (2)
    (carry) rocks and soils from the moon,landed on the grassland in northern China.It is reported that Chang'e 5 mission is China's most complicated and challenging space adventure,which (3)
    (make) China the third nation in the world to bring back lunar samples — right after the U.S.and the former Soviet Union.The mission's results will contribute to deepening mankinds' understanding of the origin of the moon and (4)
    (develop) of the solar system.

第三部分 書面表達(共兩節(jié),32分)

  • 10.The Weight of White Lies A man taking his mother to a surprise party tells her they're going to the mall.A woman fibs (撒小謊) that the store was out of her overweight boyfriend's favorite junk food.A tutor assures his student that her spotty resume looks fine.
       Even kind forms of deception(欺騙) come in shades of acceptability,and people who learn that they have been misled don't always see it the way deceivers do.A lie that's meant to inflate (增強) someone's confidence or discourage a bad habit,for example,often involves making a judgment about what's best for that person.That presumption can backfire (適得其反).
       In recent experiments,participants playing an economic game on a computer received a tip that led them to one of two possible payoffs.Some learned that the sender of the tip had lied to them to secure them a particular option.If the best option had been debatable rather than obvious—such as receiving $10 right away rather than $30 after three months—participants judged that person as less moral for lying and were less satisfied with the outcome,on average,even if it was the one they had previously said they preferred. "People seem to feel they have a right to the truth,and that by taking that away,you diminish their ability to act freely," says study co-author Matthew Lupoli,a Ph.D.candidate at the University of California,San Diego.
    Making up falsehoods isn't the only way to kindly deceive,though:You might also simply omit (省略) unpleasant facts.Recent studies by University of Chicago researcher Emma Levine and colleagues examined both types of lie in hypothetical patient-doctor talks and other contexts.
       People in the role of deceiver tended to view the omission of potentially harmful details (such as a poor prognosis (預斷結果)) as comparable to or more acceptable than offering a comforting fiction (that a patient's outlook was favorable).But those in the role of the deceived often considered false-but-supportive statements more tolerable than lies of omission.For deceivers,actively committing a lie feels more intentional and might provoke more guilt than omission,Levine says.But the targets of deception "aren't likely to be sensitive to these differences because they just experience the consequences."
       In general,honesty is probably still the best policy.A lie that provides some emotional benefits and has little downside could be the closest second.

    (1)What is the presumption people make when telling a white lie (a lie that's meant to be good)?

    (2)What are the ways to kindly deceive others?

    (3)Please decide which part is false in the following statement,then underline it and explain why.
    ? Those in the role of the deceived often considered lies of omission more tolerable than false-but-supportive statements.

    (4)Do you prefer to be honest or tell a white lie when informing your friend of something unpleasant?Why? (In about 40 words)


  • 11.    假如你是紅星中學的學生李華。下周五你校將舉行以"綠色校園"為主題的環(huán)?;顒?,請你給在你校的英國交換生Jim寫信,邀請他參加,內容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
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