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外研新版九年級上冊《Module 9 Great inventions Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?》2023年同步練習(xí)卷

發(fā)布:2024/9/12 13:0:9


  • 1.---Could I_____ your cell phone,please?I want to call my father.
    ---Sorry.It has been taken away _______ Lisa.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.-Those food-serving robots in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games can cook both Chinese and Western food.
    -Yes.We are living in amazing times.The     makes our lives easier and happier.(  )
  • 3.This place _______ a factory but now it is a park.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.Please read the     on the bottle before you take the medicine.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.-If you meet my brother,please tell him to call me.
    -     ( ?。?/div>


  • 6.ChatGPT was released (發(fā)布) late last year by company OpenAI The technology chats in a conversational way,answering questions from users.The online chatbot (chat robot) has been trained on lots of information from the Internet- it can have a human-like conversation answering questions,admitting (承認(rèn)) mistakes and refusing to answer improper questions.Experts say it can be used to write articles,stories,poems and even solve computer problems.But there are limits (限制) to what it can do,which OpenAI admits.Sometimes it writes answers which are incorrect or don't make sense,and it sometimes guesses what the user has asked it instead of asking more follow-up questions to understand the questions better.
        ChatGPT is getting mixed opinions from people.Some think students might use it to cheat,while others think they should use the tool in the classroom to help children learn.Some people believe that.In their opinion,just like when Google was created,people were unsure at first,but if teachers introduce the technology and teach students the advantages but also the disadvantages,that can help write their leaning.
        ChatGPT's ability to answer questions caused some users to wonder if it might take Google's place.Others asked if news reporters' jobs were at risk.ChatGPT and other AI systems,have also raised a number of social risks,according to Carly Kind of the Ada Lovelace Institute,an independent research center to make sure AI works for people.Among the possible problems of AI,Ms.Kind mainly worries that Al might store the false information forever.
        AI has a long way to go,and big ideas yet to discover.We will fall over along the way,and learn a lot from getting in touch with the real world

    (1)What do we know about ChatGPT?

    A.It gives perfect answers to meet users' needs.
    B.It asks follow-up questions to chat better with users.
    C.It's a chatbot that can answer questions from users.
    D.It looks like humans and chats with users as a servant.
    (2)Which of the following can be put in the "" in Paragraph 2?
    A.the chatbot might do harm to teaching
    B.the chatbot should be welcomed
    C.the chatbot has no meaning to students
    D.the chatbot might be better than Google
    (3)Which of the following questions does this text answer?

    A.Why was ChatGPT created?
    B.How was ChatGPT invented?
    C.When can ChatGPT be used at school?
    D.What are the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT?
    (4)Which of the following might be the writer's opinion about ChatGPT?

    A.ChatGPT will bring problems and health risks to people.
    B.ChatGPT still needs time to work for people in a better way.
    C.ChatGPT will be changed by Google and never be used again.
    D.ChatGPT is a perfect invention and brings benefits to the world.


  • 7.A:Hello,Tom. (1)

    B:Hi,Jim.I went to visit the History Museum with my cousin last Sunday.
    A:Really?Was there anything new on show?
    B:Yes,we saw some old inventions like the old phone,the old computer and the old TV.
    A:The old phone? (2)

    B:It was invented in 1876.
    A:Did you see the old light?
    B:Yes. (3)

    A:Of course.It was invented by Edison. (4)

    B:It was great.I learned a lot during the visit.
    A:Can I go to visit it with you next time?
    B: (5)
    I will call you next time.

    A.Of course.
    B.How is it going?
    C.What do you think of the visit?
    D.Do you know who invented it?
    E.When was it invented?
    F.Have a good time.
    G.Where did you go last Sunday?


  • 21.I will look after your pet dog. (改為同義句)
    I will
    your pet dog.
  • 22.The rabbits will eat the carrots. (改為被動語態(tài))
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