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發(fā)布:2024/8/30 7:0:8


  • 1.                                              4 Best Places to Travel in 2023
       2023 is the year when travel returns in a big way.To get you started,we've rounded up some of the best places to travel in 2023.All you need to do is pick the place that appeals to you.
       With its fantastic houses,clean streets and colorful architecture,Copenhagen is regarded as the most livable city on the earth.Named the World Capital of Architecture for 2023,Copenhagen will offer a series of major artistic events and programs sure to delight architects and design lovers.
       For travelers with a sense of adventure and a love of discovery,Bhutan has always been a must-go destination.In 2023,travelers can once again explore the Trans Bhutan Trail,which runs 250 miles from east to west,offering visits to the century-old communities along the journey.The trail spans (橫跨)18 major bridges and national parks and connects more than 400 historic and cultural sites.
       The coming years will be sporty in the historical wine region of Bordeaux in France.In 2023,the city will host the Rugby World Cup,an intense and stressful game.Beyond sports,Bordeaux is one of the favorite historical cities,with more than 350 structures that are either nationally or regionally listed as historical monuments.
       Wildlife and adventure lovers looking for a unique path in African Safari trips should head straight to Namibia in 2023 — this country in southern Africa is the perfect place to travel to reconnect with nature and escape the modern stresses of life.On the wildlife front,you may see lions along with giraffes and elephants.

    (1)What is Copenhagen well-known for?

    A.The natural landscape.
    B.The adventure travel.
    C.Eye-catching architecture.
    D.Famous art designers.
    (2)What can you visit on the Trans Bhutan Trail?

    A.Modern communities.
    B.Cultural relics.
    C.Historical wine regions.
    D.National monuments.
    (3)Which place attracts those who want to be free from stressful city life?

  • 2.Derek and Shirley walked out of the airport building and into the bright sunshine.Looking up at the brilliant blue sky and then at the faraway mountains rising above the swaying palm trees,they couldn't wait to start their holiday.
       A taxi pulled up swiftly and silently.Derek dropped their suitcases into the boot and joined Shirley in the back seat. "Palm Trees Hotel,please," Derek said excitedly. ""Certainly,sir," replied the driver,as he turned around with a flashing white smile.Derek and Shirley gave each other a puzzled look as the taxi eased smoothly into the traffic. "Excuse me,er,your face seems very familiar-in fact,you remind us of that famous film star,Rocky Overton...but of course,you can't be."
       Derek and Shirley sat in silent disbelief as the driver explained that he was not a real person,but a robot made to look like a famous actor. "Rocky" explained that the taxi company had purchased the latest model of robot drivers since they were programmed to be safer and more reliable than human drivers. "So,here I am," "Rocky" continued, "your first robot taxi driver! "
       Derek and Shirley held each other's hands more tightly. "Relax," "Rocky" reassured them, "there is nothing for you to worry about.I can assure you that my driving skills are excellent.I'm equipped with perfect vision and superior reactions,and I know every street in the city.I am instantly updated with the latest traffic information so that I can avoid traffic jams and get you to your destination in the quickest and least stressful manner.Please sit back,relax and enjoy the journey."
       Derek and Shirley,feeling a little better,leaned back in their seats and closed their eyes. "And another thing," "Rocky" added, "my line of robots represents the ultimate in computer technology.I am beautifully designed,made from only the best materials and subject to the strictest quality checks.Therefore,you are entirely safe with me.Nothing could possibly go wrong,could possibly go wrong…go wrong…go wrong…"

    (1)Why did Derek and Shirley feel puzzled when they got into the taxi?

    A.Because the driver gave them a big smile.
    A.Because the driver was Rocky Overton.
    B.Because the driver looked like a famous actor.
    C.Because the driver was a robot.
    (2)What do we know about the taxi driver "Rocky"?

    A.It is the first robot taxi driver in the world.
    B.It has the perfect vision and superior reactions.
    C.It has never get stuck in traffic jams.
    D.It is instantly updated with the latest news.
    (3)What does the underlined word "reassured" in paragraph 4 probably mean?

    (4)What can we infer from the last paragraph?

    A.Robot drivers are perfectly designed.
    B.Robot drivers can not repeat the words.
    C.Robot drivers are not so reliable as expected can not.
    D.Robot drivers are much safer than human drivers.
  • 3.    Cetaceans(鯨目動物) communicate through sound to find food and to interact socially.Their sounds vary between species and within communities.The long-finned pilot whales can mimic(模仿) artificial noise,but nobody had previously recorded them.A new study,however,found overlap in the cetacean sound book.
       Pilot whales and orcas(虎鯨),the two largest species of cetaceans,are often seen in the same environments and are similar sizes,and both live in social groups with strong union,says Charlotte Curé,a bioacoustics researcher at CEREMA Lab in France,who was not involved in the study.Orcas compete for food with long-finned pilot whales and are potentially their predators(捕食者).
       Evidence from orca stomachs shows they do occasionally eat pilot whales.But pilot whales can mob(成群圍) and chase them away,the only cetaceans seen defending themselves from the strong enemies in this way.
       Mimicry could serve as an additional defense: "One assumption is that if they use similar sounds,they may not be recognized as prey," Erbe says.Pilot whales eating orcas' food remains might go unnoticed if they use orca-like calls. "This is all underwater," she adds, "so these animals rely on sound for detecting their prey and predators." Long-finned pilot whales have shown an ability to distinguish between orca calls with different meanings.Curé suggests that instead of tricking orcas,the callers could instead be presenting a new orca sound to other group members.
       Additional work would confirm whether mimicry is actually occurring.Researchers could pair their listening data with direct observations of the animals' interactions in the wild or perhaps even play orca sounds and watch the whales' reactions.
       But if a future experiment used predatory sounds,it would need to be done very carefully. "A reaction to a predator can be very strong." Curé says. "In some protected areas,you are not allowed to do more than two predatory playbacks per year."

    (1)The pilot whales and orcas share a lot in common except that
    A.they communicate through sound.
    B.they can defend themselves through mimicry.
    C.they have a strong bond with other group members.
    D.they are similar in size,living in the same environment.
    (2)What do we know from the fourth paragraph?

    A.The pilot whales mimic the sounds to detect their prey.
    B.The pilot whales only mimic one kind of the sounds of the orcas.
    C.The pilot whales can pretend to be orcas to share the food remains.
    D.The pilot whales can distinguish different meanings of orcas' calls to trick them.
    (3)How do the researchers confirm whether mimicry is actually occurring?

    A.By mimicking the sounds in the experiment.
    B.By observing the whales from the distance.
    C.By analyzing the data from the cetacean sound book.
    D.By listening or playing the sounds and watching the whales' reactions.
    (4)Which can be a suitable title for the text?

    A.Orcas:Predators in the Sea.
    B.Pilot Whales:Copying Orca Calls.
    C.Pilot Whales:Ways to Defend Themselves.
    D.Pilot Whales and Orcas:Two Largest Animals.


  • 8.假如你將來要開一家餐館或面包店,請你用英語簡單描述。要點:


  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
       When Jackie came to his first piano lesson in his mother's car,he was already 11 years old.I preferred students begin at an earlier age,but owing to his insistence(堅持),I took him as a student.Much as Jackie tried,he lacked the sense of tone and basic rhythm(節(jié)奏).At the end of each lesson,he'd say, "My mom's going to hear me play someday." But it seemed hopeless.I only knew his mother from a distance as she waited in her aged car,but never stepped in.
       Then one day Jackie stopped coming to our lessons.I thought about calling him but assumed(認(rèn)為),because of his lack of ability,that he had decided to quit.I also was glad that he stopped coming — he was a bad advertisement for my teaching!
       Several weeks later I mailed to the students' homes a letter on the upcoming concert.Surprisingly,Jackie received it and asked me if he could be in the concert.I told him that the concert was not for dropouts,but for current pupils.He said that his mom had been sick and unable to take him to piano lessons but he was still practicing.I didn't know what led me to agree eventually.
       The night for the concert came.The high school gym was packed with parents and friends.I put up Jackie last in the program.I thought that any damage he would do would come at the end of the program and the negative effect would reduce to the minimum(最小值).
       The concert went off smoothly.Then Jackie came up on stage.His clothes were wrinkled(皺巴巴的) and his hair looked messy. "Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?" I thought.
    Paragraph 1:
    Unexpectedly,Jackie chose Mozart's Concerto #2 l in C Major.______
    Paragraph 2:
    Immediately I ran up on stage and held Jackie firmly in great joy,asking "How did you do it"?______
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