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發(fā)布:2024/8/27 3:0:8


  • 1.The University of Sheffield
    Back to its origin
       The University of Sheffield is a research university in the city of Sheffield in South Yorkshire,England.It is one of the original "red brick" universities,which are a group of top and famous old universities.The University of Sheffield was originally formed by the combination of three colleges.The Sheffield School of Medicine was founded in 1828,followed in 1879 by the opening of Firth College by Mark Firth,a steel manufacturer(制造商),to teach arts and science subjects.Firth College then helped to provide money for the opening of the Sheffield Technical School in 1884 to teach applied science.In 1897 the three institutions were joined together to form the University College of Sheffield,which in turn became the University of Sheffield by Royal Charter(特許)in 1905.This university is famous for its good education and boasts a number of Nobel Prize winners among its former students.
       More information
       System:The University has five departments:Arts and Humanities;Engineering;Pure Science;Social Sciences;Medicine,Dentistry and Health.Sheffield also has many research programs in fields including aerospace,environmental science,psychology,and biology.
       City show:Sheffield is a lively city in the north of England.Sheffield is known as the greenest city in Europe because of its 2 million trees.As a result,there are many parks and woods throughout the city and beyond.Sheffield is the greenest city in England with 150 woodlands and 50 public parks within the city.Once,in Sheffield,the folk hero—Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with 150 of his loyal friends.And Charlotte Bronte,the English writer noted for her novel Jane Eyre was born in Sheffield.

    (1)Sheffield is in the
    of England.
    (2)Which statement about the University of Sheffield is not TRUE?

    A.It has a good fame for many great graduates.
    B.It has a long history of more than 180 years.
    C.It is one member of "red brick" universities.
    D.It owns different departments and research programs.
    (3)What can we infer from the text?

    A.Sheffield has very beautiful scenery.
    B.Charlotte Bronte is an English writer.
    C.Sheffield is the biggest city of England.
    D.Robin Hood is a character in Jane Eyre.
  • 2.Ranked as one of the poorest states in America,Louisiana is often struck by coastal storms and hurricanes.The sky-high poverty and crime rates are destructive for residents—especially for young people.Despite the unfavorable situation,there is a spirit of survival and hope for people living in Baton Rouge. "We choose to live by joy and community more than look at horrible issues and challenges that sometimes feel too big for us to take on," said Dustin La Font,whose nonprofit,F(xiàn)ront Yard Bikes,supports hundreds of students in Baton Rouge,Louisiana,every year as they pedal towards a brighter future.
       At Front Yard Bikes,students work to build their own bicycle,learning skills like mechanics,welding and cycling safety,while receiving mentoring,academic support,and job training opportunities.
       "We had to put a ton of energy and love into it,'' La Font said. "Students learned to saw,drill,measure,cut.They learned to paint,design,and plan.And they built their own program from scratch.Our mission is to create safe spaces that empower our kids to learn about their intrinsic worth as they learn,grow,and build."
       Many kids now gather after school in this safe place to ride,play,and help out in the garden. "Pretty much any kid can find a place here to belong," La Font said. "For the fact that they built their park,there's ownership over it.They take care of their park."
       Front Yard Bikes serves nearly 400 young people a year.To date,50 students have been certified in mechanics,and 2,000 kids have benefited from the program.
       "People say to me, 'Thank you for keeping kids busy and out of the streets'," La Font said. "I don't like that because it says kids are the problems to be solved.But they are our greatest resource for our community challenges;they are problem solvers,not trouble makers.My constant fight is trying to get people to see who our kids really are ...and to see that they have something to offer right now."

    (1)How do people in Baton Rouge feel about their life?

    (2)What do we learn about Front Yard Bikes from paragraph 4?

    A.It is energy-consuming.
    B.It brings money for kids.
    C.It builds a sense of competition.
    D.It frees kids from worries about school-life.
    (3)Why do kids find a sense of belonging in the garden?

    A.They created the garden themselves.
    B.They are well protected in the garden.
    C.They find the garden similar to their home.
    D.They receive good education in the garden.
    (4)What role do kids play in the community according to La Font?

    A.They serve as part-time workers.
    B.They bring about many problems.
    C.They fall victim to violence and poverty.
    D.They are helpful in the face of challenges.
  • 3.Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years,but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going.When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers,small,tightly knit(聯(lián)系)groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other.Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago,when the world had just five to ten million people,they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.
       Soon afterwards,many of those people started settling down to become farmers,and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number.In recent centuries,trade,industrialisation,the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education,especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades,all have caused many languages to disappear,and dominant languages such as English,Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.
       At present,the world has about 6,800 languages.The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven.The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages,often spoken by many people,while hot,wet zones have lots,often spoken by small numbers.Europe has only around 200 languages;the Americas about 1,000;Africa 2,400;and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200,of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800.The median number(中位數(shù)) of speakers is a mere 6,000,which means that half the world's languages are spoken by fewer people than that.
       Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡),with only a few elderly speakers left.Pick,at random,Busuu in Cameroon(eight remaining speakers),Chiapaneco in Mexico (150),Lipan Apache in the United States (two or three) or Wadjigu in Australia (one,with a question-mark):none of these seems to have much chance of survival.

    (1)What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times?

    A.They developed very fast.
    B.They were large in number.
    C.They had similar patterns.
    D.They were closely connected.
    (2)Which of the following best explains "dominant" underlined in Paragraph 2?

    (3)How many languages are spoken by less than 6,000 people at present?

    A.About 6,800.
    B.About 3,400.
    C.About 2,400.
    D.About 1,200.
    (4)What is the main idea of the text?

    A.New languages will be created.
    B.People's lifestyles are reflected in languages.
    C.Human development results in fewer languages.
    D.Geography determines language evolution.


  • 8.假定你是校英文報記者李華,你校最近新成立了青少年互助中心(Teenagers Help Center),請你在校英文報上為它寫一篇宣傳稿。內(nèi)容包括:
  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        It was the 9th of January,a day I will remember for a long time.It was a normal Sunday morning around 8:30am.,right on time for Sammy's morning walk.I didn't walk because of my lameness,so I rode in my power wheelchair.We got out the door and made our way toward a property near my apartment complex.We got to the gate and out of the complex,and we went left onto the extra wide sidewalk.It was about a mile's walk one way,passing a firehouse on the right side of the road,before we turned around and started back.
        Along the path we took was a large plate over the sidewalk.l passed over it the first time without any problems.My wheelchair could reach up to 8 miles per hour,but we went a little slower on our walks,around 2 miles per hour,so Sammy could keep up.Even so,this speed was pretty fast for a 15-year-old dog.
    As we turned around and made our way back,I went over the sidewalk plate again except that this time it was moved without me realizing it,putting my wheelchair in the grass on the embankment(路堤).The next thing I knew,my wheelchair started to tip over ,throwing me out of the chair and rolling down the embankment into the muddy water below.
        My right leg was hurt ,and I was unable to pull myself upright.I was too weak to gather my strength to call for help.The muddy water was cold and I felt it hard to breathe with my body folded and twisted in a strange position.Meanwhile,Sammy was sitting up on the sidewalk with his leash(牽狗皮帶) caught under the tipped over wheelchair.I heard him barking louder than I'd ever heard.He knew I was hurt and was in danger.
        By the way my wheelchair tipped over,a passerby on the street would not be able to see it from the road.All anyone could see was a dog barking on the sidewalk almost right across the street from the firehouse.
    I could tell Sammy was trying to help me.____
    Three firemen came to my dog's aid finally.____
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