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發(fā)布:2024/9/22 7:0:8


  • 1.News Flash
    An art show opens
    About 130 sculptures(雕塑),paintings and drawings by artist Donatello will be on show in Florence.Donatello was born in the 14th century.He was a famous artist at the time.It is the first exhibition(展覽)to show all Donatello's most famous works together.
    Al Jafr Basin,Jordan
    An ancient shrine(神廟)found
    A team of Jordanian and French scientists have found a 9,000-year-old shrine in the south of the country.The shrine had two carved(雕刻)standing stones with human-looking figures on them.The shrine is still in good condition.
    Ancient "lines" found

    Researchers found written lines on pottery(陶器)around 2,000 years ago in Athribis,Egypt.Researchers think teachers made those children with poor performance write the lines.The pottery was one of 18,000 pieces of pottery,including school texts and drawings.
    Mystery over a statue(雕像)
    On 12 February,scientists in Germany made a report.The report showed the secret of a small statue.The scientists found the small statue in a river in northeastern Germany.They made a study and believed that people used the statue to weigh how heavy something was.
    (1)How old were Donatello's paintings and drawings?

    A.About 700 years old.
    B.About 2,000 years old.
    C.About 18,000 years old.
    (2)Where can we see the 9,000-year-old shrine?

    A.In Egypt.
    B.In France.
    C.In Jordan.
    (3)The researchers may find the pottery
    A.in an ancient school
    B.in an ancient hotel
    C.in an ancient restaurant
    (4)What happened in Germany on 12 February?

    A.Scientists found an old statue.
    B.Scientists found an ancient shrine.
    C.Scientists showed the secret of a statue.
    (5)What's the passage mainly about?

  • 2.Boonie Bears is one of the longest-running cartoon films in China.We watched its eighth episode(集)on February 1,the first day of 2022 Spring Festival.
       In the new movie,Boonie Bears:Back to Earth,the two bears start a new trip after the younger bear brother gets special power(能力)from space.In the new movie,the two bears make friends with the bald-headed lumberjack(伐木工).They team up to fight against an evil(邪惡)army.
       In a meeting,director(導(dǎo)演)Lin Huida said the new story is different from other seven movies.They pay more attention to Xiong Er,the younger bear brother.Xiong Er doesn't do well in his work.He sometimes makes trouble.
       "But he is kind and strong,and tries to be brave.He wants to be a superhero with the love from his family and friends.Xiong Er's change shows a belief that trouble-making children could grow up to become heroes if parents love and believe in them." said Lin.
       The new film is different and wonderful.It will be an important part to develop cartoon films in our country.
    (1)How many episodes of Boonie Bears came out before 2022?

    (2)What can we know about Boonie Bears' eighth episode?

    A.The bears get special power from space.
    B.The bears fight against the bald-headed lumberjack.
    C.The bears and the bald-headed lumberjack fight against the evil army.
    (3)Who does the director pay more attention to in the eighth episode?

    A.The younger bear brother.
    B.The elder bear brother.
    C.The bald-headed lumberjack.
    (4)What does the movie want to tell us?

    A.The younger brother is already a hero.
    B.Xiong Er wants to become a hero,but he can't.
    C.Trouble-making children could also become heroes.
    (5)Which word can we use to talk about Boonie Bears' eighth episode?



  • 7.We do many things in our lives.When we like those things,we enjoy doing them.1. 當(dāng)事情很容易時(shí),我們不會(huì)有任何問(wèn)題。
       2. However,some things make us scared or nervous.When we do them,we don't feel comfortable at all.
       That's because those things aren't in our comfort zone(舒適圈).
       We feel safe in our comfort zone and don't want to change.3. 所以做新的事情或難的事情對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)是不容易的。However,we all need to get out of our comfort zone.
       4. To get out of our comfort zone,we can do something a little different each day.We can get up earlier than before or take a different road to work or school.
       We can also do some difficult things.We can face our fears.For example,we may be shy,but we can try talking to other people first.
       5. When we get out of our comfort zone,we grow and change.We learn to face new things and even like them.Just remember to take baby steps.







  • 8.與西方國(guó)家的家長(zhǎng)不同,現(xiàn)在很多中國(guó)家長(zhǎng)為了孩子的學(xué)習(xí),不讓孩子做家務(wù)。作為中學(xué)生的你,你認(rèn)為應(yīng)該幫助父母做家務(wù)嗎?請(qǐng)你以"Should We Do Some Housework?"為題寫(xiě)一篇短文。

    Should We Do Some Housework?                                  
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