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I. Listening Comprehension (25%)Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

  • 1.A.50 minutes.
    B.25 minutes.
    C.An hour and a quarter.
    D.An hour and a half.
  • 2.A.Employer and employee.
    B.Teacher and student.
    C.Salesman and consumer.
    D.Manufacturer and client.
  • 3.A.At a travel agency.
    B.At a theater.
    C.At a railway station.
    D.At an airport.
  • 4.A.Because he disliked his old flat.
    B.Because he wanted a big place.
    C.Because he hated his neighbours' disturbance.
    D.Because he wanted to know new neighbours.
  • 5.A.He likes killing time there.
    B.The seats there are not comfortable.
    C.It provides people with reading material.
    D.He had to wait a long time for a seat there.
  • 6.A.People enjoy eating unhealthy foods.
    B.One's choice of food affects his health.
    C.People should eat as much healthy food as possible.
    D.Whole foods are always good for us because they are rich in nutrition.
  • 7.A.The smog will soon sweep over southern China.
    B.Smog is more serious than reported in the media.
    C.Smog is less serious than reported in the media.
    D.Beijing's air quality is far less than satisfying these days.
  • 8.A.She can't discuss the problem until later.
    B.She's only finished half of the document.
    C.The graph belongs in the center of the page.
    D.They should look for another graph immediately.

V. Translation (15%)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.

  • 25.據(jù)預(yù)測,野生老虎的數(shù)量將在未來十年因它們棲息地的改變而驟減。 (decline) (漢譯英)

VI. Guided Writing (25%)Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

  • 26.假設(shè)你是明啟中學(xué)學(xué)生王磊,你的好朋友李明最近收到了心儀已久的一所美國大學(xué)的offer,但是因為疫情(pandemic)原因,李明非常糾結(jié)是奔赴美國完成學(xué)業(yè),還是申請"間隔年(gap year)"。作為他的好友,請你寫封信給他。你的信應(yīng)包含以下內(nèi)容:
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