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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.At the hotel.
    B.At the customs.
    C.At the cinema.
  • 2.How much money will the man get back?
    A. ﹩4.
    B. ﹩6.
    C. ﹩10.
  • 3.How does the woman feel finally?
  • 4.What does the man want?
    A.Ship models.
    B.Some chips.
    C.Pig dolls.
  • 5.What made the woman wait so long for her clothes?
    A.Her not being informed in time.
    B.The wrong delivery of her package.
    C.The breaking-down of the company


  • 6.聽下面一段較長對話,回答以下小題。
    (1)How long will the speakers wait for?
    A.45 minutes.
    B.55 minutes.
    C.60 minutes.
    (2)What will the speakers do next?
    A.Wait in line.
    B.Do some shopping.
    C.Find another restaurant.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)

  • 18.假定你是李華,由于疫情影響,你校交換生Mark最近正在居家上網(wǎng)課,因無法適應(yīng)線上學(xué)習(xí)而感到十分焦慮,寫信詢問你如何改善。請你給他寫封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Mark,
    Li Hua
  • 19.As the mother of an eleven-year-old girl,I have read several books that tell parents how to bring up a girl to be beautiful,elegant,confident,and rich.However,I have always believed that girls need to be brave above all else,but this is easier said than done.
        I still remember I couldn't see the screen directly when my daughter switched to the animal channel,which was broadcasting a show about snakes.I stood as far away from the TV as possible,too scared to open my eyes.However,my little angel was not scared of the snakes.In fact,she watched the show with a keen interest.I was relieved that my daughter didn't get too many genetic phobias(遺傳恐懼癥).Even to this day,she is still obsessed with challenging herself with new things.
        This year,I got a chance to study in Singapore for six months.After the novelty of the first few days had gone,I found myself missing my family.With the summer vacation approaching,my husband agreed to make good use of the fact that I was staying in Singapore.He brought our daughter out to visit me and to enjoy the new experience in a new country.
        The reunion day finally came.My husband and my daughter arrived in the second week of July.I was so looking forward to seeing them.I had made many preparations for their visit.On the first day,I arranged for us to see Gardens by the Bay.When we walked out of the MRT station,we were amazed by the sight of the Super Trees.When my daughter saw lots of people walking on the Skyway,she couldn't help shouting excitedly that she wanted to have a try.The Skyway is a 22-meter-high suspension bridge from which you can enjoy a birds eye view.Last time I came here with my friends,I firmly rejected their repeated attempts to challenge me to go up there.It was like the day with the snakes all over again.But could I really reject my little angel?

    Paragraph 1:
        My daughter was waiting for my reply._________
    Paragraph 2:
        Halfway across the bridge,I had to stop._________
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