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發(fā)布:2024/6/2 8:0:8


  • 1.Australia is a fantastic country that boasts a variety of breathtaking natural attractions and cultural hot spots.Here are some of the best tourist destinations to visit in Australia.
        The Great Barrier Reef
        The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most iconic natural wonders of the world,located off the coast of Queensland.It is the world's largest coral reef system,home to over 1,500 species of fish and hundreds of different types of coral.Visitors can snorkel or scuba dive to explore the vibrant underwater ecosystem,or take a scenic flight above the reef for a bird's eye view.
        Ayers Rock
        Ayers Rock is a large sandstone rock formation located in the heart of the Australian outback (內(nèi)陸).It is sacred to native Australians,who have lived in the area for over 10,000 years.Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the history and cultural significance of Ayers Rock,or hike around the base of the rock to see its impressive size up close.
        Sydney Opera House
        Sydney Opera House is undoubtedly one of Australia's most recognizable landmarks.Completed in 1973,it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a masterpiece of modern architecture.Visitors can take a guided tour to learn about the building's history and design,or attend a performance in one of its many theaters.
        The Great Ocean Road
        The Great Ocean Road is a scenic coastal drive that stretches over 240 kilometers along the southern coast of Victoria.It offers stunning views of rough cliffs,primitive beaches,and towering rock formations like the twelve apostles (使徒).Visitors can stop at lookout points along the way,or take a helicopter ride for a truly unforgettable experience.

    (1)Where can people go to see diverse marine life?

    A.Ayers Rock.
    B.The Great Ocean Road.
    C.Sydney Opera House.
    D.The Great Barrier Reef.
    (2)What do we know about Ayers Rock?

    A.Its landscape was made by hand.
    B.It has a history of over 10,000 years.
    C.Guided tours are available at Ayers Rock.
    D.UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site.
    (3)What can impress a tourist on the Great Ocean Road?

    A.Taking a flight above the road.
    B.Attending a theater performance.
    C.Driving along the coast.
    D.Diving into the deep sea.
  • 2.    Former Disney child star Jennifer McGill recently shared how,after her mother passed away,she went through an extremely dark period in her life.
       Jennifer was born ready for the stage.She grew up in a loving home in Texas.And by age 7,she begged her mom to let her enter contests.Jennifer's mom was uncertain.But seeing her daughter's high energy and unshakable love of the stage,she finally supported her daughter's wish.
       Jennifer won many contests,and soon her parents were advised to have her audition (試演) for The New Mickey Mouse Club,a Disney show.Jennifer tried out and landed her dream job.
       Many of Jennifer's costars on the show went on to run after their careers.But after many years as a Disney child star,Jennifer didn't feel ready for Hollywood just yet.
       "I just needed to grow up and grow wiser in order to be the artist I thought I was meant to be," she said.Instead,Jennifer chose to go on to college — a decision her mother fully supported.
       Jennifer's parents were supportive throughout her career and schooling.But her mom was her champion — a constant source of support.Unfortunately,when Jennifer was 24 years old,her mom passed away.
       "The biggest light and fan was gone,the person who'd reminded me that I was unique and valuable.I was kind of lost," she said.The next several years grew very dark.She began feeling herself lonely.She felt lifeless and purposeless.
       Much as Jennifer still missed her mother,she realized she should get her life back to normal.She's now pursuing a new career in music.She also spends her time coaching young artists.She encourages them to put fame at the bottom of their list.

    (1)What do we know about Jennifer from Paragraph 2?

    A.She loved her mother deeply.
    B.She had a natural talent for acting.
    C.Her parents didn't support her acting career.
    D.Her mother was for her decision from the very beginning.
    (2)What was special about Jennifer compared with other Disney child stars?

    A.She was much wiser than them.
    B.She kept practicing her acting skills.
    C.She got herself ready for Hollywood.
    D.She decided to continue her education.
    (3)What made Jennifer suffer greatly?

    A.The death of her mother.
    B.The loss of support from her family.
    C.The failure to become a Hollywood star.
    D.The lack of courage to pursue her career.
    (4)Which of the following is Jennifer's advice to young artists?

    A.Never forget the social duty.
    B.It is important to earn fame in the career.
    C.Never think too much about being famous.
    D.Get away from sorrow as soon as possible.
  • 3.    At a time when we are all experiencing an extraordinary level of stress,science offers a simple and effective way to bolster our own emotional health.To help yourself,start by helping others.
       Our bodies and minds benefit in a variety of ways when we help others.Some research has focused on the "helper's high".Studies show that volunteering,donating money,or even just thinking about donating money can release feel-good brain chemicals and activate the part of the brain stimulated by the pleasure of food.Studies of volunteers show that do-gooders had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol on days they did volunteer work.
       In fact,the act of giving advice has been shown to be more beneficial than receiving it.In a series of studies of 2,274 people,researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Chicago found that after middle school students mentored younger students about studying,they ended up spending more time on their own homework.Overweight people who counselled others on weight loss were more motivated to lose weight themselves.
       Feeling responsible for other people also can help us cope with whatever challenges life brings.Emily A.Greenfield,an associate professor of social work at Rutgers University,studied a concept called "felt obligation",which is measured by asking people questions such as how obligated they would feel to give money to a friend in need,even if it meant putting themselves in a bind.Dr Greenfield analysed data collected from 849 participants in an ongoing study of health and well-being that asked about felt obligation as well as health-related declines they experienced over time,such as problems carrying groceries or walking a block.
       As it turned out,the people who had higher levels of felt obligation—meaning they were the type of people to sacrifice for others—coped better with their own life challenges.
       She noted that caring for others helps us to regulate our own emotions and gain a sense of control. "When we remind a friend that social distancing measures are temporary,and this too shall pass,we are also,in effect,reminding ourselves and serving to regulate our own emotions," she said.

    (1)According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

    A.Donating money can release brain chemicals making people feel good.
    B.Giving advice is more beneficial than giving money.
    C.Overweight people helping others on weight loss are discouraged from losing weight.
    D.People having higher levels of felt obligation are less likely to help others.
    (2)The underlined word "bolster" in Paragraph 1 most probably means "
    (3)Which one is NOT a benefit of helping others?

    A.Better handling life difficulties.
    B.Having lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
    C.Expressing emotions more accurately.
    D.Achieving a sense of control.
    (4)The best title for the passage is "
    A.The Challenge for Volunteering
    B.A Beneficial Attempt
    C.The Rapid Growth of Volunteer Work
    D.The Science of Helping Out


  • 8.假定你是某學校的學生會主席李華,你校即將舉行100周年校慶活動(100th School Anniversary),請你作為學生代表進行發(fā)言。請你寫一篇發(fā)言稿,要點如下:
  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        "I don't think anyone is going to send you money,Jessica.People just aren't that kind."said my mother.I was shocked by such a comment."But you're wrong.People are kind and they will be generous enough to send me money."I argued.
        Last fall,I sent 200 letters to businesses,doctors and friends asking for sponsorship so I could attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine.Everyone doubted my efforts,and I heard every excuse why people would be too busy to help me."These,people don't even know you.Do you honestly think a stranger will send you money?"asked my friends."Why put yourself through all this disappointment?Just forget it."said my grandfather.I decided not to listen.The best thing I could do was to attend the Forum and learn more about my future career.
        I waited weeks for my first response,which came from a bank."Dear Jessica,"it read."At this time,our bank does not offer aid to students,but we wish you luck and success in your project."My heart sank.I was rejected.I looked at my grandpa."Well?"he asked.He should have been able to tell from my disappointed face."Here,"I said,as I handed him the letter and locked myself in my room.But then I realized what I was doing."It's only one rejection,"I said to myself,"Cheer up.You will receive a letter with a check in it."
    Paragraph 1:
        I rushed home from school every day the next two weeks.___________
    Paragraph 2:
        But one day,I came home and heard five beautiful words:Jessica,you have two letters.___________
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