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人教版(2019)選擇性必修第一冊(cè)《Unit 5 Working the Land Section A》2021年同步練習(xí)卷

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.
    devote oneself to,deep down,other than,be comprised of,depend on,dream up
    (1)We believe firmly what you have
    is sure to come true.
    (2)A year
    the four seasons of spring,summer,autumn and winter.
    ,she supported her husband's involvement in the organisation.
    (4)The party
    whether or not they collect enough money.
    (5)The form cannot be signed by anyone
    the idea of painting our living room wall a bright red?


  • 2.The first reason to
    (應(yīng)對(duì)) these problems is to save children's lives.
  • 3.The rapid increase in population caused a
    (缺乏) of natural resources.
  • 4.In our school,most of our students a
    five "A" grades in their exams.
  • 5.One
    (特點(diǎn)) I have observed over the years in all great software developers is their passion for their work.


  • 16.The connection between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research.Recent studies have found positive effects.A study conducted in Youngstown,Ohio,for example,discovered that greener areas of the city experienced less crime.In another,employees were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.
       The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)have taken it a step further-changing the actual composition of plants in order to get them to perform diverse,even unusual functions.These include plants that have sensors printed onto their leaves to show when they're short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in groundwater."We're thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every day," explained Michael Strano,a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.
       One of his latest projects has been to make plants glow(發(fā)光)in experiments using some common vegetables.Strano's team found that they could create a faint light for three-and-a-half hours.The light,about one-thousandth of the amount needed to read by,is just a start.The technology,Strano said,could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.
       In the future,the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a one-off treatment that would last the plant's lifetime.The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off "switch" where the glow would fade when exposed to daylight.
       Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US.Since lighting is often far removed from the power source(電源)-such as the distance from a power plant to street lamps on a remote highway-a lot of energy is lost during transmission(傳輸).Glowing plants could reduce this distance and therefore help save energy.

    (1)What is the first paragraph mainly about?

    A.A new study of different plants.
    B.A big fall in crime rates.
    C.Employees from various workplaces.
    D.Benefits from green plants.
    (2)What is the function of the sensors printed on plant leaves by MIT engineers?

    A.To detect plants' lack of water.
    B.To change compositions of plants.
    C.To make the life of plants longer.
    D.To test chemicals in plants.
    (3)What can we expect of the glowing plants in the future?

    A.They will speed up energy production.
    B.They may transmit electricity to the home.
    C.They might help reduce energy consumption.
    D.They could take the place of power plants.
    (4)Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

    A.Can we grow more glowing plants?
    B.How do we live with glowing plants?
    C.Could glowing plants replace lamps?
    D.How are glowing plants made pollution-free?
  • 17.The organic food has gained a lot of popularity as they are being considered healthier and tastier.A fair number of people advocate a large-scale shift to organic farming from conventional agriculture.But this might not seem well-founded.
       Since the mid-19th century,conventional industrial agriculture has become incredibly efficient on a simple land to food basis.Conventional farming gets more and more crop per square foot of land,which can mean less wilderness needs to be transformed to farmland.
       To make farming more efficient,conventional agriculture uses a significant amount of synthetic fertiliser(合成肥料) each year,and all that nitrogen(氮)enables much faster plant growth.However,the cost is paid in vast polluted dead zones at the months of many of the world's rivers,because much of the nitrogen ends up running off the soil and into the oceans.This also makes conventional farming one of the major threats to the environment.
       To weaken the environmental impact of agriculture,improve soil quality as well as produce healthier foods,some farmers have turned to organic farming.Environmentalists have also welcomed organic food as better for the planet than the food produced by agricultural corporations.Organic practices-refusing artificial fertilisers and chemical pesticides-are considered far more sustainable.Sales of organic food rose 7.7% in 2010,up to $26.7 billion-and people are making those purchases for their moral senses as much as their tongues.
       Yet a new meta-analysis in Nature does the math and comes to a hard conclusion:organic farming produces 25% fewer crops on average than conventional agriculture.
       In the Nature analysis,scientists performed an analysis of 66 studies comparing conventional and organic methods across 34 different crop species,from fruits to grains.They found that organic farming delivered a lower output for every crop type,though the difference varied widely.For crops like fruit trees,organic farming trailed(落后于)conventional agriculture by just 5%.Yet for major grain crops and vegetables-all of which provide the world's main calories-conventional agriculture outperformed organic farming by more than 25%.
       What that means is that while organic farming may be more sustainable than conventional agriculture,there are trade-offs(此消彼長) with each.So an ideal global agriculture system may borrow the best from both systems rather than upholding merely organic or conventional practices.

    (1)What do we know about conventional farming?

    A.It produces more crops with fewer fertilisers.
    B.It achieves efficiency at a huge cost to the environment.
    C.It offers a long-term solution to global demand for food.
    D.It performs far better for each crop type than organic farming.
    (2)What does the author most probably agree with?

    A.Employing organic farming to plant rice.
    B.Adopting organic practices to grow potatoes.
    C.Using conventional methods to plant cabbages.
    D.Applying conventional farming to grow apples.
    (3)What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?

    A.To compare two types of farming.
    B.To criticise conventional agriculture.
    C.To discuss the development of farming.
    D.To argue for a realistic agriculture system.
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