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發(fā)布:2024/7/10 8:0:8

一. 聽力(共30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題。聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有1個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題何閱讀下一小偷,每段對話僅讀一遍。)

  • 1.What does the woman dislike about the trainers?
    A.Their size.
    B.Their color.
    C.Their price.
  • 2. Why does the man called the woman?
    A.To ask her to cook dinner.
    B.To say sorry for not coming home.
    C.To tell her to come to Paul's house.
  • 3.What does the man think of the math course?
  • 4.Where are the speakers probably?
    A.In a clothes store.
    B.In a supermarket.
    C.In a restaurant.
  • 5.What is the woman doing now?
    A.Doing her homework.
    B.Downloading a film.
    C.Having a meal.


  • 6.(1)What did the man buy?
    A.A pumpkin
    B.A lantern
    C.A costume
    (2)How will the woman spend Halloween?
    A.Attend a party.
    B.Go on a holiday.
    C.Stay with her family.
  • 7.(1)Which season do the speakers dislike?
    (2)What's the weather like today?
  • 8.(1)Where did the woman grow up?
    A.In a large city.
    B.In a small town.
    C.In a village.
    (2)What encouraged the teenagers to work on the farm?
    A.The high pay.
    B.The delicious food.
    C.The beautiful farm.
    (3)Who did the man's father hire to help?
    A.Old people
    B.Teenage girls.
    C.Teenage boys.
  • 9.(1)Why was Tamerton Centre founded at first?
    A.To organize holidays.
    B.To protect the environment.
    C.To encourage people to go outdoors.
    (2)What can the listeners do at 8 P.M.in the center?
    A.Play football.
    B.Have a swim.
    C.Play tennis.
    (3)What does the speaker advise the listeners to take?
    B.Cell phones
    C.Sleeping bags


  • 10.CHINESE new year Celebrations Check back for information about Chinese New Year (also called the Lunar New Year) celebrations,parades,and fireworks in the cities below.We typically update this page in early January.
       Los Angeles (United States)
       Annual Golden Dragon Parade(游行)
       Saturday,F(xiàn)ebruary 4,1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
       North Broadway
       The Golden Dragon Parade is the important Chinese cultural event in Southern California and draws over 100,000 visitors and tourists.The parade has been an annual event since 1898.
       It features marching bands,lion and dragon dancers,performers,and over two dozen floats.
        Learn more about Los Angeles Chinatown!
       Vancouver (Canada)
       Chinese New Year Parade
       Saturday,January 28,1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
       Sunday,January 29,1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
       Sun Yat-Sen Plaza
       It features different cultural performances,special lion dance,Kung Fu shows and more.
       Learn more about Vancouver Chinatown!
       London (England)
       Chinese New Year Parade
       Sunday,January 29,10:00 am - 6:00 pm
       Trafalgar Square
       Floats,Chinese lion and dragon dance teams,local artists,food and craft shops.Continuous performances at Trafalgar Square.The biggest Lion and Dragon event in Europe!
       Learn more about London Chinatown!
       Sydney (Australia)
       Lunar Lanterns
       January 27 - February 12
       Darling Harbour
       Twelve extremely large Chinese lanterns,created by local artists to celebrate the animals of the Chinese zodiac(黃道帶),will be shown at different places through the city.The lanterns - which were uncovered in 2016 - have been updated for 2017.
       Learn more about Sydney Chinatown!

    (1)Which city has been celebrating Chinese New Year since a century ago?

    A.Los Angeles.
    (2)Where can you go if you want to experience different cultures?

    A.North Broadway.
    B.Sun Yat-Sen Plaza.
    C.Trafalgar Square.
    D.Darling Harbour.
    (3)How is Sydney different from the other cities?

    A.It has attracted an audience of over 100,000.
    B.It offers opportunities to shops and local artists.
    C.It displays Chinese lanterns in different places.
    D.It presents celebrations for 12 days in January.
  • 11.The widespread use of Internet technology has made our lives easier but causes a big challenge to senior citizens (長者),who are not always comfortable with smartphones and so many new APPs.
       Only a few senior citizens are able to enjoy the benefits that new technologies offer.According to the National Bureau of Statistics,the number of people aged 60 and above was 253.88 million in 2019,about 18.1% of China's population.But only 23% of the senior citizens were able to use the Internet.That means more than three-fourths of the elderly are deprived(被剝奪) of the digital benefits.
       Many senior citizens who can't use smartphones are facing difficulties during this pandemic(流行?。瓻ven with a smartphone in hand and Internet available,many of them still feel helpless.They don't know how to call a taxi through the APPs.There have been reports of many shops turning away elders who don't know how to pay using smartphones,instead of letting them pay with cash.Worse still,as they don't know how to get the Internet-based health code(健康碼),they are refused to enter many public places.Presenting individual health code is part of the epidemic prevention(防疫) and control measures.
       New technologies become popular because they are often of great use in our daily lives.But many senior citizens,especially those living in the countryside or those whose grown-up children don't live with them,are not able to use the Internet or smartphones,either because of financial(財政的) problems or because they cannot learn new things beyond a certain point.The digital gap between the elderly and the young is becoming more obvious.
       However,the senior citizens should not become a silent group deprived of digital benefits.It is our responsibility to help them bridge the digital gap,and be patient with them when they face difficulties catching up.

    (1)What do the statistics show in Paragraph 2?

    A.There are a small number of senior citizens in China.
    B.Only 23% of the senior citizens can use the computer.
    C.Three fourths of the elders are unwilling to use smartphones.
    D.Many elders fail to enjoy the convenience of the digital devices.
    (2)What does the author try to tell us?

    A.Cash is no longer accepted in most shops.
    B.It's a must for everyone to have a health code.
    C.Most elders need guidance on how to use the APPs.
    D.Many shops now refuse to offer service to the elderly.
    (3)The elderly can't enjoy digital benefits for the following reasons EXCEPT

    A.their living areas
    B.their financial conditions
    C.their relationship with children
    D.their difficulty in learning new things
    (4)Which word best describes the author's attitude to the current situation of the elderly?


五.單句改錯 以下每個句子只有一處錯誤,每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(∧),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\)劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。

  • 34.Apart the school,the village has a clinic and many small shops.


  • 35.假定你是李華,你校將舉辦以"保護文化遺產(chǎn)"為主題的活動,請寫一封郵件邀請在你校學(xué)習(xí)的英國交換生Albert參加,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Albert,
        How is everything going?----------------------
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
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