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發(fā)布:2024/9/5 12:0:8


  • 1. How will the speakers go to work tomorrow?
    A.By bus.
    B.By car.
    C.By bike.
  • 2. What does the man think of Chinese?
    A.It develops slowly.
    B.It is hard to learn.
    C.It is easier than English.
  • 3.What does the man want to buy?
  • 4. What might the woman like to do?
    A.Mix colours.
    B.Design clothes.
    C.Paint bright objects.
  • 5. What benefit people according to the man?
    A.Mobile phones.
    B.Air conditioners.

第二節(jié)(共 15 小題;每小題1, 5分, 滿分22.5分)

  • 6.(1)How does the woman feel about drinking beer first?
    A.It makes her fat.
    B.It makes her act silly.
    C.It makes her relaxed.
    (2)What does the man suggest doing?
    A.Going for beers.
    B.Going to the gym.
    C.Staying at home.


  • 18.假定你是高中生李華,你的英國(guó)朋友Peter正在中國(guó)留學(xué)。在端午節(jié)來(lái)臨之際,請(qǐng)你給他寫一封信,邀請(qǐng)他一起過(guò)端午節(jié)。內(nèi)容如下:
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
  • 19.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語(yǔ)續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文.
    Good Neighbours After school one winter day,Jack asked his mother to allow him to go out and play in the snow. "Sure,you can.Remember to put on your coat and your hat and your gloves," his mother said. "You can build a snowman before your father comes home."
       "I'm going to need a carrot for the nose," Jack said. "And I'll need some things for the snowman's hat and face." Jack got a bucket and collected everything he needed to decorate his snowman.His mother promised she would watch him build the snowman from the window.
       Outside,in his front yard,Jack started with a very small ball of snow.He got on his knees and rolled the snow into a big ball.At another window,someone else was watching Jack play.It was his new neighbour Naoko.Naoko asked her mother if she could go outside and join Jack in building his snowman.Naoko's mother agreed and promised to watch her from the window. "You can play until your father comes home," her mother said.
       Naoko ran outside to Jack's yard and asked if she could help him finish his snowman.
       "Yes,please help me," Jack said. "I have built my snowman's body with two snowballs.I need to roll one more for my snowman's head."
       "But snowmen only have two snowballs.One is for the body and one is for the head," Naoko said.
       "No,snowmen always have three snowballs," Jack said. "I don't think I need you to help me after all."
       Jack picked up some snow and made it into a small snowball.He got on his knees and rolled the snow away from Naoko to make the snowman's head.Naoko walked back into her own yard and began to build her own snowman.
       Jack made a hat for his snowman with his bucket (桶).He used his mother's sewing (縫) buttons for the eyes and mouth.Lastly,he added a carrot for the snowman's nose.Seeing his snowman,Jack was happy when suddenly a terrible thing happened.The head fell off the snowman and crashed to the ground! "Oh,no!My snowman fell apart," Jack said, "and my father is almost home!"

       Naoko heard Jack's cry and ran over to his yard to see what the problem was.__________
       "You're welcome.I like your snowman better," Naoko said. "Mine doesn't have a nose."__________
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