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發(fā)布:2024/9/27 0:0:1


  • 1.    There's a lot to see in Badlands National Park (BADL).Castle Trail:A Badlands National Park Favorite We're kicking things off with the longest trail in the park-and it is an excellent one.This 5-mile journey takes you through the backcountry of Badlands,with the main destination being the incredible Castle Rock formation.Along the way,you'll hike through grassland.And as always in the Badlands,watch out for snakes.
       See Bison in Sage Creek Wilderness Area
       Are you as crazy about wildlife?Sage Creek is for you.Located in Wall,SD,this is one of the largest areas of preserved mixed-grass prairie(草原) left in the United States.And it's one of the best places for North American bison.But remember to always stay in your vehicle,and never get out to approach a bison.This is not only illegal,but can cost you your life.
       Ascend the Amazing Saddle Pass Trail
       Saddle Pass is a short trail,but one you won't want to miss.One of the most photographed spots in Badlands National Park is also one of the coolest climbing experiences,hands down.Here,you'll climb up the Badlands Wall itself into a view of the White River Valley.The trail gets its name from the shape of the prairie you'll travel.
       Badlands National Park's Top Hike:Notch Trail
       As the most popular hike in the Badlands,Notch Trail features a fantastic ladder climb and absolutely breath-taking views.This trail is worth the difficulty,but it is not recommended for anyone with a fear of heights,and can be dangerous during or after heavy rains.The most Badlands injuries take place here,so be sure to practice safely.

    (1)What makes Sage Creek special?

    A.Its longest trail.
    B.Its large prairie.
    C.Its unique scenery.
    D.Its dangerous climbing.
    (2)Which place is named after the shape of a prairie?

    A.Castle Trail.
    B.Sage Creek.
    C.Notch Trail.
    D.Saddle Pass Trail.
    (3)What are travelers to Notch Trail warned to do?

    A.Stay in the vehicle.
    B.Take a raincoat.
    C.Avoid getting injured.
    D.Keep away from the ladder.
  • 2.China has planted millions of trees in its north over the past two decades as part of its fight against expanding deserts.
       The effort paid off.Around the year 2000,deserts across the country were still expanding by 10,400 k㎡ a year.But in 2017,the State Forestry Administration reported that China's deserts were decreasing by more than 2,400 k㎡ a year.The achievement was confirmed by a 2018 study from the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences in Paris.
       "In 1999,the Chinese government began planting millions of trees in its Grain for Green Program.It was intended to repair damaged farmland in the northern Loess Plateau,which is roughly the size of France," says Philippe Ciais,a climate researcher at the laboratory. "I was there a few months ago,and it is indeed amazing that once bare landscapes are now almost fully covered by plants."
       And China is doubling its effort and has announced a target of 30% forest coverage by 2050.At the moment,the coverage is 22%.
       "The growth of forests is significant and necessary progress in the fight against desertification," says Jianping Huang,a climate researcher at Lanzhou University. "But it's still too early to determine whether it has solved the problem.In northwestern China,researchers have found that many of the plant species introduced to the Loess Plateau use more water than native vegetation.A 2016 study found that the restored ecosystem was already using too much rainfall and reducing the amount of water that runs off to rivers.It could lead to water shortages for humans."
       Considering water shortages is important,the national forestry department has recognized the error of planting trees in dry areas.In recent years,it has worked more closely with researchers and communities to find ways to seed less-thirsty plants that have economic value.These include plants used in traditional Chinese medicine,which farmers can harvest and sell. "All programs need to take into account local conditions," the forestry department said in March. "Our efforts should go towards keeping vegetation healthy,rather than simply planting trees. "

    (1)What is the second paragraph mainly about?

    A.The effort of planting trees.
    B.The worsening desertification.
    C.The hard fight against expanding deserts.
    D.The result of the Grain for Green Program.
    (2)What is China's target for forest coverage by 2050?

    (3)What is Jianping Huang concerned about?

    A.The rapid growth of the foreign species.
    B.The fast losses of native plants and trees.
    C.The war for water between trees and humans.
    D.The quickly declining rainfall in the dry areas.
    (4)What has the forestry department learned from the tree-planting effort?

    A.To put economic value first.
    B.To consider the income of all parties.
    C.To base its decisions on local conditions.
    D.To wait for complete scientific evidence.
  • 3.    As an only child,Nicole Renae often felt lonely in her youth.But that all changed when she turned ten.For her birthday,Renae's grandmother surprised her with an adorable gray puppy named Chloe.
        From the very start,the two were inseparable. "She was my best friend," Renae says.But when Renae was 14,her father got a new job that came with devastating news:He'd be working at home,and the house needed to be free of audible noise.
        With no easier option,the family sent Chloe to a humane society.Though they were optimistic that the dog would find a new home with people who loved her,they couldn't know for sure.
        In time,Renae grew up,got married,and had a child of her own.Remembering the joy that having a dog had brought her as a kid,Renae wanted her daughter to experience the same.She had it in her mind that she would adopt a puppy,but then one day she saw a post on Facebook about a senior dog that needed a new home.The dog in the photograph looked a lot like Chloe — she was even named Chloe.In an instant it was decided:She would adopt this older dog.
        When she met Chloe,Renae was struck with a strange feeling.The dog seemed so familiar.And Chloe appeared to feel the same way about Renae.Chloe reminded Renae so much of her old dog that the emotion overwhelmed her.
        "I was crying," Renae says. "I just knew in my heart that it was her."
        Still,eight years had passed since Renae had seen Chloe last,so the notion (突然的想法) seemed to be little more than wishful thinking.
        But her mom realized there was a way to test the theory:Their Chloe had been microchipped as a puppy.They found the ID number,then Renae took her new Chloe to the vet to be scanned.Sure enough,she also had a microchip.
        "The numbers were a match," Renae says. "I felt like I'd won the lottery (彩票)."

    (1)Why did the family get rid of Chloe when Renae was young?

    A.To escape from noises.
    B.To rehouse the senior dog.
    C.To guarantee Renae's safety.
    D.To help build the humane society.
    (2)Why did Renae want to adopt a puppy?

    A.To give her daughter pleasure of keeping a pet.
    B.To strike up a friendship with a pet.
    C.To search for her old dog Chloe.
    D.To remind herself of her Chloe.
    (3)How did the family confirm Renae's notion?

    A.With a careful health check.
    B.By matching microchips.
    C.By putting the dog to the test.
    D.By letting their feelings be their guide.
    (4)What does the author want to do by telling the story?

    A.Think highly of lasting friendship.
    B.Appeal to people to care for animals.
    C.Share a story with a thrilling ending.
    D.Show many wrong decisions are hastily taken.


  • 8.你校英語校報(bào)新增的Unforgettable Moments欄目正在征集關(guān)于好人好事的文章。請你寫一篇短文投稿,內(nèi)容包括:
  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
       The early April wind was colder than I expected as I walked anxiously toward the Holiday Inn at Union Square in San Francisco.With every step I took,I heard my mother's words, "Johnny,I am all packed and looking forward to seeing you!"
       After five years of trying to get a visa to the United States to visit me,she finally succeeded on the third attempt.The long and boring process,while at times heartbreaking,could not prevent my mom from her desire to make the trip.Despite being only five feet,three inches tall,Mom had always been the pillar (支柱) of our family.Her solution to the visa challenge proved once again that no barrier was a match for Mom's strong determination and love for her family — in this case,me!
       Although excited,I was extremely nervous.Mom and I had not seen each other in more than eight years,since I left Malaysia at eighteen to attend college in the U.S.Due to a fault,my application for permanent residency was put on hold.In spite of being gainfully employed and a homeowner,I could not leave the country until my paperwork was resolved.
       In the beginning,our only source of communication was through letters.Later,it became lengthy phone conversations.Much had happened during the eight years while I was absent.
       During the months before her U.S.trip,I tried to help my mom prepare what she needed to pack.I planned for her to stay with me for four months,during which time we would be traveling throughout the United States.Her reply was always, "Don't worry about me.I know what I need.How about you?What would you like me to bring you from Malaysia?" My answer never changed.All I wanted was a couple of bags of authentic curry and chili (辣椒) powder from our hometown of Melaka,as I was running low on these treasured spices.
       When the day finally came,I waited patiently for her in front of the hotel.
       It was late afternoon by the time we reached my house in Baton Rouge.
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