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發(fā)布:2024/6/13 8:0:9


  • 1.Why did the woman go to Mallorca?
    A.To teach Spanish.
    B.To see a friend.
    C.To look for a job.
  • 2.What does the man ask the woman to do?
    A.Submit a report for him.
    B.Go to a class with him.
    C.Take him to hospital.
  • 3.Who will look after the children?
  • 4.What are the speakers going to do?
    A.Go shopping.
    B.Drive home.
    C.Eat out.
  • 5.What are the speakers talking about?
    A.How to fry fish.
    B.How to make coffee.
    C.How to remove a bad smell.


  • 6.(1)When does Gomez watch a football game on TV?
    A.When the stadium is crowded.
    B.When he fails to get a ticket.
    C.When his friends are too busy.
    (2)How much did Gomez pay for the football game last time?
    A. $20.
    B. $50.
    C. $25.


  • 18.假設你是紅星中學高三學生李華。最近你收到英國好友Jim的來信,得知他和朋友們騎車旅行一周的計劃沒有得到父母的許可,他感到非常沮喪。請你給Jim 寫一封回信,內容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
  • 19.It was one of those sunny mornings when merely breathing seemed to be an event worth celebrating.I was in a particularly good mood as my mother had just given me RM400(馬來西亞幣) for my daily expenses during the week that she would be away with my father in China to visit her sick grandaunt.I was wondering if I survived on bread and butter the whole week,I would have RM300 to buy the latest computer games!It was certainly a great way to begin the day.
        As I neared the classroom,I heard a loud noise coming from it and quickly rushed in.My classmates were gathered around Tommy's table as he searched through some personal items.Tommy had always been a popular boy in class.Not only was he bright and well-mannered,but he also came from a wealthy family that provided him with all he could ask for.
        My classmates told me that Tommy had lost the money that he had brought as a donation to the welfare home that we were supposed to visit that afternoon.Understanding the situation,I suggested that we organize a search around the classroom and inform the class teacher as soon as possible.In no time,Miss Soh rushed to the classroom.She decided to run a search through everyone's bag.We quickly stood by our tables and emptied the contents of our bags onto the table.When it came to my turn,I took out all my possessions.As Miss Soh took out the RM400 from my wallet,the class fell into a shock.
        Up till then,I had no idea that the amount lost was exactly RM400.Everyone stared at me in horror.Miss Soh was pleased that her efforts had borne fruit.In a loud voice,she demanded to know where the money had come from.I told her the truth,but she appeared not to have heard anything that I had said.She claimed loudly that I was the thief,because my family was poor and could not possibly afford to give me RM400.
    Her cruel words cut me deeply.
    A week later,when taking Miss Soh's class,Tommy suddenly found the neatly folded RM400 slip out of his notebook.
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