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滬教牛津版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)《Unit 1 Encyclopaedias》2023年單元測(cè)試卷(1)

發(fā)布:2024/9/14 6:0:10


  • 1.-I wish someone would invent clothing that can't be worn out.
    -Maybe your dream will come true some day.(  )
  • 2.-Is Tom like eating fruits?.
    -Yes.He likes eating fruit such as apples,pears and bananas.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.-I feel healthier after a visit to the countryside
    -Because the air in the countryside is fresh.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.根據(jù)句意,選擇與劃線部分意思最接近的選項(xiàng).
    - Few people are able to realize their own problems.
    -I'm one of them.So I need you to remind (提醒)me about my problems at any time.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.-Is James older than Tom?
    -No,he is as old as Tom.They are both ten years old.( ?。?/div>
  • 6.__________ refers to the ability to learn,understand and think in a good way about things.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.The air in ______ countryside is so fresh.( ?。?/div>


  • 21.All parents always want to give the best to their children.So(1)
    Jeff and his wife.
       Now Jeff has been terribly(2)
    .He is recording(錄音)his words so that his little son will be able(3)
    his voice in the future.
    ill in 2011.The doctor told him that he might have only two to five years to live and the illness would make him(5)
    his voice,so he decided to do something for his 13-month-old son.
       His wife Gina said, "Jeff used to play and sing in a band,so his voice is(6)
    to him.I can't imagine(7)
    will happen without his voice around.I would certainly like Bill to know his father's voice(8)
    this way."
       Jeff and his wife hope that they can save his real voice in these years for(9)
    little son.He now spends all his weekends and evenings recording his voice.Their little son,Bill,will feel his parents'(10)
    when he grows up.

    (1) A.done B.does C.do D.did
    (2) A.ill B.illness C.sickness D.health
    (3) A.to hear B.hear C.hearing D.heard
    (4) A.felt B.fall C.fallen D.fell
    (5) A.to lose B.lose C.losing D.lost
    (6) A.importantly B.importance C.unimportant D.important
    (7) A.who B.how C.what D.which
    (8) A.on B.in C.to D.with
    (9) A.them B.their C.theirs D.themselves
    (10) A.help B.love C.story D.voice


  • 22.In the 1920s and 1930s the airlines were just beginning.It was unusual for people to travel by air because it was expensive and dangerous.In those days,there were no flight attendants to look after the passengers.Young men,or "stewards" helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers' luggage(行李) but they did not provide food and drinks.But then in 1930,a woman called Ellen Church invented the "stewardess".
       Ellen Church was born in 1904 on a farm in Lowa.She was a different child.She didn't want to work on a farm or marry a farmer - she wanted a more exciting life.Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital.For the next few years she stayed at the hospital but also took flying lessons and got her pilot's license.
       Ellen was twenty-five years old when she first got in touch with Boeing Air Transport(B.A.T) She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a man's world.Although women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous,she realized it was impossible for a woman to have a career as a pilot.But she had another idea.Most people were frightened of flying because flying was still an unreliable(不可靠的) way to travel.There were often delays,many crashes and the bad weathers made many passengers sick.Ellen thought could take care of passengers during flights and B.A.T.a(chǎn)greed.
       The young woman from Lowa and seven other nurses became the first air stewardesses.
       At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes,but passengers loved the stewardesses.In 1940 there were around 1,000 of them working for different airlines.The early "stewardesses" had to be under 25-year-old,single and slim.When a woman joined an airline,she had to promise not to get married or have children.It was a hard job and not well paid.They worked long hours and earned $I an hour.
       In the 1970s,stewardesses were unhappy in their job and airlines had to make some changes.Since the 1970s, "stewardesses" have been called flight attendants.They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.

    (1)The last sentence of the first paragraph suggests that

    A.the word "stewardess" was made up by Ellen Church
    B.Ellen Church was the first woman who flew a plane
    C.Ellen Church was the first woman who worked on a plane
    D.Ellen Church was the first woman passenger on a plane
    (2)From the second paragraph,we learn that

    A.Ellen did not behave in the same way as most of other girls did
    B.Ellen's family was not rich enough to support her education
    C.Ellen enjoyed working as a nurse in the hospital
    D.Ellen has an unhappy childhood that changed her completely
    (3)The main reason for B.A.T.offering Ellen the job was

    A.her flying experience
    B.her university education
    C.her nursing experience
    D.her life attitudes
    (4)According to the passage,in the 1940s a woman had to
    if she wanted to be a stewardess.
    A.be a nurse
    B.be married
    C.be a mother
    D.be young
    (5)The passage mainly talks about

    A.the background of early flying pilots
    B.the experience of flying passengers
    C.the history of early flight attendants
    D.the development of airplanes
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