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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.What does the man plan to do this afternoon?
    A.Go shopping.
    B.Work overtime.
    C.Do some reading.
  • 2.Why does the man refuse to get his car washed?
    A.He doesn't have money.
    B.He hasn't got time.
    C.He knows it's going to rain.
  • 3.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    B.Husband and wife.
    C.Shop assistant and customer.
  • 4.How much should the man pay?
  • 5.5.What does the man say about the old buildings?
    A.They should be torn down.
    B.They should be preserved.
    C.They should be modernized.


  • 6.聽(tīng)材料,回答問(wèn)題。
    (1)Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.At a classroom.
    B.At a cafe.
    C.At a library.
    (2)What does the woman suggest the man do?
    A.Listen to some music.
    B.Change to another seat.
    C.Have a drink.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié) 滿分15分)第一節(jié) 應(yīng)用文(滿分15分)

  • 18.傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日端午節(jié)越來(lái)越近了。假如你是李華,請(qǐng)你以"Rice Dumplings:a taste that is out of this world!"為題寫一篇文章放到你的微博上。內(nèi)容包括:
    參考詞匯:蘆葦葉 reed leaf;粽子 make rice dumplings
    Rice Dumplings:a taste that is out of this world!_______________________________________________

第二節(jié) (滿分25分)

  • 19.My parents do a lot of embarrassing things!Usually,it's my dad who sings silly songs or tells corny jokes around my friends.But a few weeks ago,it was my mother who played the embarrassing-parent role.
        While my mom and I were shopping,we ran into my teacher,who mentioned that the school didn't have a music teacher to help our class put together a performance for Winter Fair.And,right then and there,my mom said, "I know the perfect song and dance.I'll teach it to the kids!"
        Before I could say "Please don't",my mom had agreed to come to my class every morning at 9:30 for a week.Oh,and just to be clear,it's not as if she's a professional entertainer.My parents run a small grocery store,and the only singing my mom does is in the shower.
        "Um," I said on our way home, "are you sure this is such a good idea?" "Of course!" she said. "If we want your school Winter Fair to happen,people need to step up and volunteer." "I know volunteering is important," I said, "but couldn't you help out in Tex and Indi's kindergarten instead?" She laughed, "Don't be silly.We will have fun!"
        "OK,fellas!" my teacher said at 9:28 on Monday. "We're going to stop silent reading a little early today because a special guest is here to help us with a performance for Winter Fair.Let's all welcome Arizona's mother."
        I looked up to discover my mom standing at the front of the room wearing the world's silliest snowflake hat. "I'm super excited to be here with you!" my mom said,"I'm going to teach you a fun little song-and-dance performance I learned a few years back,when I did some theater in college.Here goes!"
        Oh please,oh please,I said over and over in my head,let there be a fire drill,or an assembly,or a power failure,or anything to stop my mom from completely embarrassing herself - and me!!!
        But apparently,my mom was not at all concerned about looking silly.She turned on some background music and started singing and dancing away.
    1.所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;
    Paragraph 1
    "I can't believe this is happening" was all I could think.__________________
    Paragraph 2
    My mom turned out to be more than a little OK at performing.__________________
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