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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分 聽力 第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最

  • 1.How long was the match put off?
    A.A quarter.
    B.Half an hour.
    C.An hour.
  • 2.Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.Inside a bookstore.
    B.Outside a cinema.
    C.In a sports center.
  • 3.What does the man ask the woman to do?
    A.Buy him some stamps.
    B.Lend him some money.
    C.Give him some change.
  • 4.Why does the man want to learn English?
    A.Because his work needs it.
    B.Because he has to pass the English test.
    C.Because he wants to travel.
  • 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A.When T-shirts will arrive.
    B.How the quality of T-shirts is.
    C.Whether they should order more T-shirts.

第二節(jié) 聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。

  • 6.(1)How does the woman feel without a phone at night?
    A.More forgetful.
    B.More anxious.
    C.More relaxed.
    (2)What is the relationship between the speakers?
    B.Husband and wife.

第四部分 寫作 第一節(jié)應(yīng)用文寫作(滿分 15分)

  • 18.假定你是李華,是學(xué)校中國國學(xué)社團的社長。倫敦孔子學(xué)院的學(xué)生來你校參加國學(xué)夏令 營,請你在開營式上發(fā)言,內(nèi)容包括:
    參考詞匯:孔子學(xué)院 Confucius Institute
    Dear teachers,students and friends,________

第二節(jié)讀后續(xù)寫(滿分 25分)

  • 19.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。續(xù)寫的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150左右。
    I woke up without an alarm.I didn't need one;it was the first day of school.I jumped from my bed and headed straight into the bathroom in excitement,trying to decide whether to wear the pink blouse with my grey pants or the black cotton top with the white trousers.
        I turned on the shower and let the warm water run from the top of my head and down my shoulders and toes before deciding on the white trousers with the black cotton shirt. "Black is grown up," I told myself.
    My lunch,packed the night before for the big day,even had my name on it.I put it into the bag I bought with my sister over the summer.She said it would look great if I wore it with my fashionable multi-colored sandals(涼鞋)that I also picked up with her on a previous shopping trip. "I guarantee all the cool kids will like them!" she promised me.
        Standing at my breakfast counter,I was not so sure whether I should be wearing this crazy set.However,the sensible side of my brain took over and told me, "Too late now.It is 7:03..." Pushing the last bite of bread into my mouth,I ran out of the door.
        The cool leather chair in the car made me shiver (顫抖)slightly as I desperately tried to think of something amusing to impress the children with whom I would spend the next 180 days.
        It was 7:48 when I arrived at the school,and a crowd of students had gathered outside the old brick house.Most of the kids looked happy to be there.That was a good sign!Taking a deep breath,I headed straight for the crowd.My smile was tight.Walking through parents,teachers and kids,I was encircled and soon everyone wanted to know how I spent my summer and where I bought my trousers.
    Paragraph 1:
    The first bell,however,stopped the conversation.___________
    Paragraph 2:
    I walked towards the front of the classroom._____________
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