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發(fā)布:2024/7/12 8:0:9


  • 1. Tom will come to give us a lecture                next month.(  )
  • 2.The man                  me 20 yuan                   repairing my bike.(  )
  • 3. Children labelled "slow" may believe they are                to learn slowly,                  they could make more progress.( ?。?/div>
  • 4. It is no good                 here this morning.Come again on Monday.(  )
  • 5.They must have gone there last night,                 ?( ?。?/div>
  • 6.It was her suggestion         action should be taken at once      helped the injured person out of danger.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.Scientists have made another discovery,____________I believe is of great importance.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.The musician along with his band members                  ten performances in the last three months.( ?。?/div>
  • 9.Not until                ,               she had lost her keys.(  )
  • 10.—It was terribly hot yesterday.
    —______ yesterday and                 today.(  )


  • 11.--Do you think John will be late for class meeting?
    --                   There is enough time.( ?。?/div>


  • 33.    We all need physical exercise.Exercise uses up food we eat and keeps the body energetic.If you exercise several times a week,you will stay happy and healthy.
        Some Western countries,such as the United States,have problems with exercise.In the US,many people do not have enough exercise because it is hard for them.People have to work from morning to late afternoon,so they don't have time to take exercise.They work in office buildings,sitting in chairs all day long in front of computers.It is impossible for them to get much exercise in this way.
        Some Westerners can get exercise walking from their homes to work.However,most people cannot do this.It is too far from their homes to their offices.They have no choice but to drive to work.In fact,some people have to drive one or two hours to their offices.This is not good in two ways.First,these people don't have a chance to exercise because they are sitting in their cars for two to four hours each day.Second,driving is challenging especially in rush hours and needs too much attention.It makes a person very tired.So,when these people arrive home at night,they don't want to take exercise after work.
        Today,many people in the West are overweight,which causes health problems for therm.Doctors say exercise can help people both lose weight and improve their health.So many people are trying to get more exercise.But it takes time to change,and when people don't see a difference right away,they will lose patience and stop exercising.

    Westerners need exercise
    The advantages that people can get from exercise ●Help heavy people lose (1)
    ● Keep you energetic.
    ●Help you stay healthy and happy.
    why people don't have enough exercise
    ●In the US,many people have no time to exercise.
    ●Narrow work environment makes exercise impossible.
    ●Busy work and tiring driving lead them to have no (3)
    in exercise.
    The wrong attitude to exercise that some people have People will not be (4)
    if they don't see a difference in a short time.


  • 34.假設(shè)你發(fā)明了一種新型的智能外套,老師請(qǐng)你向全班同學(xué)介紹你的發(fā)明。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下面的提示內(nèi)容,寫一篇80詞左右的文章。
    Name "Magician"
    Appearance 很輕,很漂亮;長袖子,兩個(gè)口袋,還有一個(gè)帽子
    Functions&Advantages (1)它會(huì)根據(jù)溫度提示,幫助我們保暖或保持涼爽
    Significance 這項(xiàng)發(fā)明將會(huì)幫助我們過上更好的生活
    Keywords:sleeve(袖子),temperature,solar power(太陽能) .
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