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發(fā)布:2024/8/27 4:0:8


  • 1.This first day of school can be stressful for both parents and children.But for Connor Crites,an 8-year-old Kansas boy living with autism(自閉癥),it was(1)
    terrible,until another child(2)
    in.Connor Crites was beginning his second grade at Minneha Elementary School in Wichita,Kansas.But instead of mixing with other children and exploring the playground,Connor(3)
    himself from others and stood in a comer(4)
       Now,unfamiliar social(5)
    can be challenging for autistic children to(6)
    .But luckily for Connor,the 8-year-old Bob,who was also starting second grade,noticed him(7)
    and weeping by himself.Without(8)
    ,Bob walked over to Connor and took his hand.Still(9)
    upset,Connor held on to Bob's hand as they walked together into school.
       Bob's mother,Courtney Moore,witnessed the(10)
    and took a quick photo of the boys.She said,"He grabs his hand and walks him to the front door.We waited until the bell rang and he walked him inside of the school.The past is history.They have a firm bond." Moore(11)
    the photo on Facebook and wrote:This lesson is a beautiful example of how friendship can come at the most(12)
    moments.When Connor's mother,Crites,saw the photo,she was(13)
    to tears.
    saved my son.It doesn't matter the disability,and it doesn't matter anything,just be kind,and open your heart.It's what we need in this cold world,which(15)
    us," Crites said.

    (1) A.a(chǎn)lso B.even C.hardly D.yet
    (2) A.stepped B.called C.cut D.gave
    (3) A.divided B.prevented C.separated D.learned
    (4) A.howling B.sighing C.sobbing D.considering
    (5) A.chances B.a(chǎn)dventures C.prejudices D.situations
    (6) A.obtain B.handle C.a(chǎn)dopt D.confirm
    (7) A.wandering B.complaining C.reflecting D.struggling
    (8) A.principle B.guidance C.hesitation D.method
    (9) A.visibly B.surprisingly C.regularly D.deliberately
    (10) A.emotion B.scene C.a(chǎn)spect D.a(chǎn)tmosphere
    (11) A.owned B.checked C.took D.posted
    (12) A.unexpected B.unforgettable C.unnecessary D.unacceptable
    (13) A.terrified B.moved C.frustrated D.embarrassed
    (14) A.Luck B.Faith C.Companionship D.Courage
    (15) A.inspires B.challenges C.enhances D.wams


  • 2.閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出最佳選項。
    AREA HOTELS Spend your vacation with us.We offer luxury suites(豪華套房),an Olympic- sized pool,a state-of-the-art fitness center,and a beauty spa.Leave business cares behind while you relax at the Rosewood Hotel.You'll never want to leave!Call 800-555-0942 for reservations.
        The Woodside Motel is the place to stay while visiting our city.After a day of sightseeing,relax in the comfort of your luxury room.All our rooms have king-sized beds,free movies,and mini-bars.Our outdoor playground and indoor recreation room(娛樂室)mean the little ones will never be bored.Babysitting service available.Enjoy your next family vacation at the Woodside Motel.
        The Columbus Hotel is close to the city's finest restaurants and clubs.Enjoy the wonderful view of the city skyline from the Columbus Rooftop Restaurant.Host your next conference or banquet(宴會) with us.We have a selection of reception rooms and banquet rooms suitable for conferences and parties.Call 245-555-0982 to speak to our banquet coordinator(協(xié)調(diào)員),245-555-0987 for dinner reservations at the Rooftop Restaurant,and 245-555-0862 to reserve a room.
        Next time you're in town,stay at the City View Hotel.Whether you're here to shop,play,or work,City View's location can't be beaten.We're close to all major bus lines and right next to the city's business district.All rooms include kitchens.Call 492-555-5932 for reservations.Don't forget to ask about our special weekly and monthly prices.
        The Sunflower Motel offers reasonable prices and cable TV in every room.Pets are welcome (extra charge applies).Special weekend prices.Call 488-555-0821 for reservations.

    (1)Which hotel is most suitable for a couple with a six-month-old baby?

    A.The Rosewood Hotel.
    B.The Sunflower Motel.
    C.The Columbus Hotel.
    D.The Woodside Motel.
    (2)What number may you call if you are looking for a place to hold a big birthday party?

    (3)Where does this text probably come from?

    A.A travel journal.
    B.A research paper.
    C.A tourist guidebook.
    D.A business report.
  • 3.    David is a retired teacher.In October 2020,when the House of Commons voted against extending free school meats into the holidays,David started strategising with the school headteacher:"I said:'What are we going to do about this?'"At the last minute,the local council stepped in to fun d free holiday meals but a seed had been planted,leaving David pondering(沉思) the wider issue of local food poverty."It was evident there was a need for food support within the area,"says David.
        David contacted a group of local residents who had expressed an interest,plus two friends who had worked with the UK food bank charity the Trussell Trust -inviting them to join him on a Zoom call to discuss food poverty during the Covid crisis and beyond."We decided,everybody together,that we could do something," David says.
        The group recruited(招募) volunteers and the project took shape.They chose the name "The Sharehouse",rather than "food bank",to reflect the fact that the project would meet not only the need for local food support,but also the pressing desire many expressed to do something meaningful at a time of crisis."It's like an exchange,rather than a bank,"says David.
        The nonprofit opened just six weeks after that first call in December2020."We had seven people,"says David,but by the following week,they had 40 clients,and it built steadily.Now they support 100-plus families three times a week,and have gone from having 12 volunteers to about 40.It has also worked with local services to offer support on everything from addiction to debt and benefits advice.
        Welcoming a client for the first time is often one of the hardest moments."Having to sit with somebody new and let it unfold-it's very raw."The Sharehouse has regulars,but other people fall off the radar,leaving David to wonder what has happened."I wonder where they are now;what they're doing.It can be emotional."
        The Sharehouse serves as are minder of how effective collective action and community.can be.For anyone wanting to volunteer,David's advice is:"Be led by what inspires you,don't be frightened and don't over think it."

    (1)Why did David found the Sharehouse?

    A.Some of his neighbours are going hungry.
    B.The authorities denied local food poverty.
    C.He wanted to compete with the food bank charity.
    D.Local residents are unwilling to fund free holiday meals.
    (2)What do we know about the Sharehouse?

    A.It has made a huge profit.
    B.It has expanded its ambitions.
    C.It presses local people to donate.
    D.It exchanges food with the food bank.
    (3)What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 mean?

    (4)What is David's advice to potential volunteers?

    A.Follow your heart.
    B.Think before you act.
    C.Provide for a rainy day.
    D.Do as the Romans do.


  • 8.假如你是李華,你的外教Peter對中國飲食文化非常感興趣,他想請你推薦一款中國傳統(tǒng)餐飲,請給他寫一封信,內(nèi)容包括:


  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        A freezing downpour washed the street in front of the small-town bar.I sat gazing into the watery darkness,alone as usual.I had been in that old bar for half an hour,quietly drinking,when my thoughtful eyes finally focused on a medium-sized lump (一團) in a puddle (水洼) a hundred feet away.For another ten minutes,I looked out through the window trying to decide if the lump was an animal or just something.
        The night before,a German dog named Shep had come into the bar begging for potato chips.He was starving and just the size of the lump in the puddle.Why should a dog lie in a cold puddle in the freezing rain?I asked myself.The answer was simple:Either it wasn't a dog,or it was,he was too weak to get up.
        The wound in my right shoulder ached all the way down my fingers.I didn't want to go out in the storm.Hey,it wasn't my dog.It was just a stray on a cold rainy night,a lonely drifter(流浪者).So was I,I thought,as I tossed (扔) down what was left of my drink and headed out the door.
        He was lying in the three inches of water.When I touched him,he didn't move.I thought he was dead.I put my hands around his chest and raised him to his feet.He stood unsteadily,and his head hung like a weight at the end of his neck.His floppy ears were just hairless pieces of flesh dotted with open sores(傷口).
        "Come on,Shep," I said,leading him to a corner next to the bar,where he lay on the cold cement and closed his eyes.A block away I could see the lights of a late-night convenience store.It was still open.I bought three cans of dog food and fed him.He couldn't swallow but poorly look at me.He was dying!
    1.續(xù)寫詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150 左右;
        The local vet(獸醫(yī)) was still at his office,so I loaded the poor creature into a taxi and headed there.__________.
        Three days later,when I opened the door of the vet's,Shep welcomed me with wild enthusiasm.__________.
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