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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.If you have no difficulty in understanding what native English speakers say in daily life,there is a whole new world of brilliant podcast (播客)series to explore.If you aren't sure where to start,have a look at these:
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) The Joc Rogan Experience ★★★★★
    The Joc Rogan Experience is a great learning device because of its interesting English conversations between Rogan and his guests.At the time of writing there have been over 1,660 episodes with subjects ranging from comedy and science to politics and sports.Rogan is also a famous stand-up comedian,so the show is full of cultural references and idioms.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) This American Life ★★★★★
    This American Life is a great choice for English learners who want an insight into the culture of the USA.It is a mixture of journalism and storytelling,focusing on real-life tales from citizens of all regions of the country.The stories are new and varied.One episode was taped for 24 hours in an all-night restaurant;another interviewed workers on strike.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) The Writer's Voice ★★★★☆
    The New Yorker is a famous American magazine,and every week it prints a new short story.In this podcast,the week's story is read aloud by its writer.The published work covers a wide range of life experiences across the United States and beyond.It's a great way to enjoy some of the best new fiction in the country.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Overheard at National Geographic ★★★★★
    National Geographic is a much-loved American magazine (and TV channel)famous for incredible stories and photography related to science and the environment.Overheard is about the discussions Nat Geo employees have had while taking breaks.Expect crazy stories from explorers,photographers,and scientists from around the world.
    (1)In order to fully enjoy these podcasts,you should
    A.have interaction with hosts
    B.have good English competence
    C.be interested in being a podcaster
    D.be familiar with American social life
    (2)Which podcast gives you more stories behind the scene?

    A.The Writer's Voice.
    B.This American Life.
    C.The Joe Rogan Experience.
    D.Overheard at National Geographic.
    (3)What do these podcasts have in common?

    A.They enjoy great popularity.
    B.Their stories are set in America.
    C.They are attached to magazines.
    D.Their works are updated weekly.
  • 2.The climate change in California has caused terrible damage to California's marine ecosystems.Untold billions of sea stars,or starfish,from at least 20 species disappeared from the entire Pacific coast because of the marine heatwaves.In the absence of sunflower sea stars,a major predator for sea urchins (海膽),the urchin populations exploded.They laid waste to kelp forests (海草林) already weakened by high ocean temperatures.
       However,Central California's kelp ecosystems have done somewhat better than those in Northern California.A new study led by Joshua Smith,an ecologist at the University of California,examines the role sea otter (海獺) populations一a natural predator for urchins一play in preserving existing kelp forests in the Monterey Bay.
       The research project spanned three years,during which intensive under-water produced some very interesting data about sea otter behavior.Sea otters have very high metabolisms (新陳代謝) that keep them warm in icy waters and which also make them greedy consumers of shellfish,urchin,and fish一sea otters can eat 25 percent of their body weight in food in a day.At the observed sites,as the urchin population grew,the otter 's diet shifted to become more heavily dependent on urchins.In fact,the otters were eating three times as many urchins as they had been before 2014.As a result,they provided crucial protection from urchins to the kelp forests.
       The fact that otters were able to contribute to the health of the surviving kelp forests by keeping urchin populations in check provides Smith with hope for the forests' continued survival. "The important thing is that the urchins are ultimately reduced," he says."The sea otters have maintained patches of kelp forest that can then help refill the barren areas to enhance the recovery of forests."

    (1)What influence does climate change have on California 's marine ecosystems?

    A.A greater diversity of marine species.
    B.The disappearance of urchins.
    C.An explosive growth of sea star.
    D.The weakening of kelp forests.
    (2)What Is the study led by Joshua Smith about?

    A.Urchins response to be can warning
    B.The reproduction of marine urinals.
    C.Otters' role in protecting the forests.
    D.The current condition marine ecosystems.
    (3)What is a direct result of the shift in otters' diet?

    A.The otters are more likely to stay warm.
    B.The shellfish populations have
    C.Urchins' threat to kelp forests is relieved.
    D.The kelp forests have made a full recovery.
    (4)Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

    A.Sea Otters to the Rescue
    B.Marine Species in Danger
    C.Urchins Are Destroying Kelp Forests
    D.Otters Increase Kelp Forests' Carbon Storage
  • 3.A new Northwestern University study reaffirms the importance of getting a good night's sleep.By examining fruit flies' brain activity and behavior,the researchers found that deep sleep has the power to clear waste from the brain.This waste potentially includes poisonous proteins that may lead to neurodegenerative (神經(jīng)退化) diseases. "Waste clearance could be important,in general,for maintaining brain health or for preventing neurodegenerative diseases," said Dr.Allada,senior author of the study. "Waste clearance may occur during wake and sleep but is greatly strengthened during deep sleep."
        Although fruit flies seem very different from humans,the neurons (神經(jīng)元) that govern flies' sleep-wake cycles are strikingly similar to our own.For this reason,fruit flies have become a well-studied model organism for sleep and neurodegenerative diseases.
        In this current study,Allada and his team examined Proboscis (針狀喙) Extension Sleep,a deep-sleep stage in fruit flies,which is similar to deep,slow-wave sleep in humans.The researchers discovered that,during this stage fruit flies repeatedly extend and move back their proboscises "This kind of movement moves fluids possibly to the fly version of kidneys(腎)," Allada said. "Our study shows that this promotes waste clearance and aids in injury recovery."
        When Allada's team disturbed flies' deep sleep,the flies were less able to clear the waste from their systems and were more likely to be influenced by injuries.
        Allada said this study brings us closer to understanding the mystery of why all organisms need sleep.All animals,especially those in the wild,are incredibly weak when they sleep,but research increasingly shows that the benefits of sleep,including crucial waste removal,are greater than this increased weakness.

    (1)How did the researchers draw the conclusion of their study?

    A.By working out the result by chance.
    B.By predicting the result from the old data.
    C.By making observation and analysis.
    D.By making a range of comparisons.
    (2)What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 3 probably refer to?

    A.The disturbance of fruit flies' deep sleep.
    B.The governing of fruit flies' sleep-wake cycles.
    C.The moving of fluids to the fruit flies' kidneys.
    D.The extension and moving of fruit flies' proboscises.
    (3)What is mainly talked about in the last paragraph?

    A.The fact that all organisms need sleep.
    B.The application of the result of the study.
    C.The disadvantages of the sleep of animals.
    D.The great value of mankind's and animals' sleep.
    (4)Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

    A.Studies on Proboscis Extension Sleep
    B.Deep Sleep Takes Out the Brain Trash
    C.Different Functions of Waste Clearance
    D.Similarities of Sleep-Wake Cycles Between Fruit Flies and Humans

五、第三部分寫作(共兩節(jié), 滿分40分)第一節(jié)(滿分40分)

  • 8.畢業(yè)在即,你校英文報擬向全體高三學生發(fā)出感恩母校的倡議。請你為校英文報寫一封倡議書,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear fellow students,
        The School English
  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Cody always knew his family was different.While other kids went to the beach for summer vacation,he and his mom visited the world's largest basket,or the world's largest baseball bat,or the world's largest fork.These are real things.And Cody's mom had photos of them during those trips hanging on the wall.
        As a little kid,Cody thought these vacations were the best ever.But with time going by,he started to feel embarrassed.When his classmates would ask where he' d gone for vacation,he'd say,"No place special."
        On a Sunday morning,his mom said, "I was reading this article about the world's largest gathering of people dressed as turkeys.It was in Texas,and it was only 661 people!Five times as many people live in our town.I want to hold a similar event here around Thanksgiving Day,which is a few weeks away."
        "Mom," Cody said."No."
        "Yes!" Mom said. "I just called the newspaper.The announcement runs tomorrow.The day after Thanksgiving,everyone will meet in the town square一dressed as turkeys!"
        A few days before Thanksgiving,Cody and his mom sat down for dinner.Cody set down his fork."Do you have any idea what the kids at school think about the turkey dress-up?"
        "No," Mom said.
        "Well,they have a lot to say."
        Mom looked down at her fingernails,then looked at Cody. "I'm afraid it's too late to call it off,sweetie."
        At last,it was the day of the great turkey dress-up.But instead of bouncing around the house as she'd been all week,Mom was sitting on the living-room floor,shoulders slumped (耷拉著)."I can't believe the DJ is sick," she said."What am I going to do?Music is what makes a festivity festive!I don't know how to work all this stuff."
    Mom sighed and leaned back against the couch.___________________
    With the happy memories brought back by the photos on the wall,Cody said,"I'll do it."_______________
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