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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分:知識運用(共兩節(jié),30分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共1小題;每小題1.5分,共15分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)1.This was the fifth time I'd been to the National Annual Competition.Reporters had been saying that I looked unbeatable.Everyone expected me to(1)
    .But I knew something was(2)
    because I couldn't get this one picture out of my head:a picture of me,falling. "Go away," I'd say.But the image wouldn't (3)
       It was time to skate.The music started,slowly,and I told myself, "Have fun,Michael!It's just a(n) (4)
       Once the music picked up,I started skating faster.I'd practiced the routine so many times,and I didn't have to think about(5)
    came next.But when I came down from the jump,my foot slipped from under me.I put a hand on the ice to(6)
    myself,but it didn't do any good.
        Things kept getting(7)
    .On a triple flip (三周跳)I spun through the air,and just as I landed,my whole body went down again.There I was,flat on the ice,with the whole world(8)
       I didn't think I'd be able to pull myself together.But as I got up,I heard an amazing(9)
    .People were clapping in time to the music.They were trying to give me courage.
       I wasn't surprised by my scores.However,the audience's clapping woke me up!I was so busy trying not to(10)
    that I forgot to feel what was in my heart-the love for skating.

    (1) A.win B.enjoy C.share D.relax
    (2) A.challenging B.missing C.wrong D.dangerous
    (3) A.return B.leave C.a(chǎn)ppear D.stay
    (4) A.sport B.a(chǎn)ctivity C.picture D.a(chǎn)ccident
    (5) A.when B.why C.who D.what
    (6) A.prepare B.catch C.comfort D.measure
    (7) A.clearer B.easier C.heavier D.worse
    (8) A.watching B.expecting C.ignoring D.changing
    (9) A.voice B.story C.sound D.idea
    (10) A.collapse B.resist C.fall D.escape

第二節(jié) 語法填空(共1小題;每小題1.5分,共15分)閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空,在未給提示詞的空白處僅填寫1個適當?shù)膯卧~,在給出提示詞的空白處用括號內(nèi)所給詞的正確形式填空。

  • 2.A Once upon a time,in a small town lived a man who couldn't see.Yet,he carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went at night.One night,he came(1)
    a group of travelers.One of them asked him,"Hey,man!You can't see anything!Why do you carry a lighted lamp then?" The blind man replied,"Yes,(2)
    (unfortunate),I am blind but the lighted lamp I am carrying is for people like you who can see.You may not see me coming and end up knocking into me.That is(3)
    I carry a lighted lamp."
    B In recent years,Chinese literature has gained more popularity worldwide .An increasing number of Chinese literary works(4)
    (translate) into multiple languages,including English,F(xiàn)rench,Japanese and Russian,and read by people from countries and regions(5)
    (involve)in the Belt and Road Initiative("一帶一路"倡議).Not only have the(6)
    (story) from China's past made their way through time,but the beauty of the language has drawn the world's attention.
    C Last July China's manned submersible (載人潛艇)Fendouzhe(7)
    (dive)10,909 meters deep in the Mariana Trench.This is the(8)
    (deep)diving record for a Chinese manned submersible.The pressure underwater is very strong,(9)
    is like an elephant standing on the tip of your finger.Fendouzhe can carry up to three people.The egg shape makes it easier for the scientists(10)
    (move) around and study the sea.

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),38分)第一節(jié) 閱讀理解(共4小題;每小題6分,共28分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  • 3.Various Apps to Learn Apps are typical digital learning tools,which can give you diverse and personalized content to meet your needs.Want to find an app that can help you learn?Here are some great ideas for you.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Khan Academy allows you to learn almost anything for free.It covers subjects such as math,physics,biology,and even computer science.The real magic of this app is that you can learn at your own pace.You can review subjects that you are not good at,or start learning a subject you like.The app is in English.If you want to see its translation you can visit http://open.163.com/khan.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) BrainPOP mixes learning and technology in a fun and simple way.It's free and teaches you something new every day.From the solar system to DNA,each topic starts with an interesting cartoon movie.After you've watched it,you can take a test to see how much you've learned.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Udemy is a "learn on demand" website and app.It is for career-oriented individuals to start their course pricing at $10.99.This app allows you the flexibility to take your time on a course you purchase over the course of several months,without worrying about recurring (重復的) payments before you finish.This flexible learning app allows you to take things slow,fast,or anywhere in-between with complete control on your end.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Duolingo is the premier leader in language education for learning apps.You can learn to speak 29 different languages,all at the touch of a button.You'll be invited to not only read new words,but to speak them.You'll learn grammar and conversational strategies.This app helps you learn to communicate with a new portion of its inhabitants!
    (1)According to the passage,what apps allow you to learn at your speed?

    A.Khan Academy and Udemy.
    B.Udemy and Duolingo.
    C.Khan Academy and BrainPOP.
    D.BrainPOP and Duolingo.
    (2)What can Duolingo offer its users?

    A.Subjects reviewing.
    B.Speaking practice.
    C.Technical support.
    D.Career training.
    (3)What is the purpose of the passage?

    A.To compare the difference of different learning methods.
    B.To introduce the development of learning technology.
    C.To help find the suitable learning apps.
    D.To provide various learning activities.

第三部分 書面表達(共兩節(jié),32分)第一節(jié) 閱讀表達(共1小題;第1、2題各2分,第3題3分,第4題5分,共12分)閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)題目要求回答問題。

  • 8.Most young people are accustomed to having online profiles on their mobile devices,such as smart phones,pads,and laptops.These devices contain a significant amount of information about them and their friends and family,including contact numbers,photos and locations.Since they are exposed to cyber more frequently,young people need to be aware of cyber threats and have a good understanding of cybersecurity,the measures taken to protect systems,networks,devices,and programs from digital attacks.
        Cybersecurity experts continually identify the use of strong,unique passwords as one of their top recommendations.However,because young people have been using passwords online for most of their lives,they might not have stopped to think about how unsafe their passwords actually are.Indeed,strong passphrases,passcodes or other features such as touch identification to lock their devices can help protect their information if their devices are lost or stolen.
        Public wireless networks are widely used nowadays,however,they are not safe,which means that anyone could possibly see what you are doing on your laptop or smart phone while you are connected to them.Young people should limit what they do on public WiFi,and avoid logging in to personal accounts like email and E-pay.If needing a safer connection,they should consider using a virtual private network (VPN) or a personal mobile hotspot.
        Finally,information on how to act online is important for the safety of young people.They should be taught that they should add "friends" on social media only if they know who he or she is.They should also be made aware that posting pictures of other people without their permission might get themselves into trouble.
        Starting to use these methods and raising the certain awareness of cybersecurity at an early age can dramatically improve the security of a young person's online life.

    (1)What is cybersecurity?

    (2)What is the possible danger of connecting to public wireless networks?

    (3)Read the following statement,underline the false part of it and explain the reason.Experts continually recommend young people to use passwords frequently because they lack security awareness.

    (4)Please briefly present what you can do to improve your cybersecurity. (about 40 words)

第二節(jié) 應用文寫作(共20分)

  • 9.假如你是紅星中學高三學生李華。你的英國筆友Chris和你都喜歡觀察和記錄生活。他在郵件中詢問你記錄生活的方式,請你回復郵件,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
APP開發(fā)者:深圳市菁優(yōu)智慧教育股份有限公司| 應用名稱:菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) | 應用版本:5.0.4 |隱私協(xié)議|第三方SDK|用戶服務條款