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冀教版七年級下冊《Lesson 32 I Can't Wait for Winter》2018年單元測試卷(河北省保定市冀英學校)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

二、Translate the sentences into English.

  • 1.許多科學家正在做一些關(guān)于埃及木乃伊的研究.
    Many scientists are
    on Egyptian mummies.
  • 2.中國人春節(jié)時總是團聚在一起.
    Chinese people always
    during the Spring Festival.
  • 3.你想加入我們一起吃午飯嗎?
    Would you like to


  • 9.She said she hoped ______ her daughter.( ?。?/div>


  • 10.It is well-know the English often go out with an umbrella or a raincoat.
    Why?(1 )
    the weather in Britain often changes quickly.It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to(2 )
    Spring can be rainy or windy,(3)
    the weather is getting warmer,and you can hope more sunny days.In fact there(4 )as much sunshine in spring as in summer.Summer is(5)
    time for visitors to go to the sun side and other places of interest.The weather can be sunny and nice.People often go out to have a walk or swim.Autumn is a beautiful season,(6)
    trees in the woods and parks changing color.During autumn it is still nice to be outside,too.In winter,it gets colder.It might snow,especially on high land in the north.There are(7)
    very high winds in this season.
    January and February are the coldest(8)
    of the year,while the warmest(9)
    often July and the August.The difference(10 )
    temperature ( 氣溫 )between winter and summer is not so great in Britain.The average(平均的)temperature for winter is about 4.5°C,and for summer about 15.5°C.
    1.A.For B.As C.Because D.Since
    2.A.make B.stay C.change D.take
    3.A.but B.a(chǎn)nd C.or D.for
    4.A.can B.can be C.have D.can have
    5.A.the earliest B.the latest C.the worst D.the best
    6.A.with B.like C.without D.from
    7.A.a(chǎn)lso B.too C.either D.a(chǎn)s well
    8.A.seasons B.weather C.months D.monthes
    9.A.is B.a(chǎn)re C.was D.were
    10.A.for B.on. C.by D.in.
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