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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

一、 Listen and tick. (聽錄音,在意思相符的圖片下面打“√”。)

  • 1.聽錄音,在意思相符的圖片下面打"√"。
  • 2.Listen and number the pictures. (聽對話,用1-5為下列圖片排序。)
  • 3.Listen and choose. (聽對話,選擇你聽到的答語。)
    (1)Where is the museum shop?
    A.It's near the door.B.It's next to the bookstore.
    (2)How can I get there?
    A.Turn left at the bookstore.B.Turn right at the hospital.
    (3)How do you come to school?
    A.I come to school on foot.B.I come to school by bike.
    (4)What are you going to do tomorrow?
    A.I'm going to play football.B.I'm going to reed books.
    (5)When are you going?
    A.Next Monday.B.This evening.
  • 4.Listen and order. (聽錄音,為下列句子排序。)
    (1)That's nice.Where are you going?
    (2)My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week.
    (3)Next Wednesday.
    (4)Why not go on Tuesday?It's half price then!
    (5)We're going to the cinema.We're going to see a film about space travel.
    (6)Really?Thank you!
    (7)Cool!I have lots of comic books about space.When are you going?

二、Read and judge. (讀一讀,判讀下列正“√ ”誤“ ×”。)

  • 5.讀一讀,判讀下列正"√ "誤" ×"。
    Are you Mr Zhang? ↗
  • 6.讀一讀,判讀下列正"√ "誤" ×"。
    Thank you so much. ↘

六、Read and match. (讀短文,找出不同國家學(xué)生上學(xué)的交通方式。)

  • 17.讀短文,找出不同國家學(xué)生上學(xué)的交通方式。
        In China,most students go to school by bike or by bus.Some live near their school.They often walk to school every day.What about the students in other countries?In Canada,many students go to school by car or school bus.In Indonesia (印度尼西亞),some students go to school by ferry.In Finland (芬蘭) and Iceland (冰島),it snows a lot.The students in villages far from the school have to go by sled.If it snows heavily,the students can study at home.In France (法國),some children go to school by subway.

    China Canada Indonesia France Iceland





七、Read and fil in the table. (閱讀對話,根據(jù)例子完成表格。)

  • 18.閱讀對話,根據(jù)例子完成表格。
       It is Sunday morning now.Chen Jie and her friends are making a plan.This morning,Amy and Sarah are going to draw some pictures in Beihai Park.Wu Yifan is going to visit his grandparents.This afternoon,Mike is going to play football with John.Chen Jie is going to buy a comic book.Tomorrow Zhang Peng will take part in an activity with his teacher.
    Who When Be going to/ will
    Amy This morning She is going to draw some pictures
    Wu Yifan (1)
    Mike This afternoon (3)
    Chen Jie (4)
    She is going to buy a comic book.
    Zhang Peng Tomorrow (5)
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