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發(fā)布:2024/7/11 8:0:9

單項(xiàng)選擇 (共25小題;每小題1分,滿分25分)

  • 1.I'm embarrassed at my ________ of what they are talking about—celebrities and fashion,only silly nodding frequently.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.According to the information_____Tuesday morning,the fire had______five people's lives.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.Betty raised the important question of________will be in charge when the manager was away on business.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.Currently,almost 50 percent of jobs,including journalism,______with technology that can operate automatically.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.Nobody can take it as guaranteed that just because you make a sizeable investment you will see a ________ return.
  • 6.________ extracurricular activities is beneficial to broadening your horizons and enriching your campus life,having your comprehensive qualification ________ .( ?。?/div>
  • 7.Students will encounter many challenges in the universities for the first year,________ getting used to a new environment quickly comes to be the most important one.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.Time alone will tell whether this was simply a clever and polished performance or a ________ new style of leadership.
  • 9.Turkish officials are saying that the number of people who ________ by the earthquakes that took place in southeastern Turkey ________ at least 20 million.(  )
  • 10.The power given to this office will be used to hold,occupy and possess the property and places ________ to the government and ________ the taxes.(  )
  • 11.__________you must be informed of before setting out to finish the paper is__________ it is a student- made one.( ?。?/div>


  • 32.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,在空白處填入1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)貑卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。
       More than three decades ago,Chu Hongjun,a young man from East China's Shandong province,traveled to Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region,(1)
    (throw) himself into wildlife research and protection work in Altay prefecture.Today,his 27-year-old daughter,Chu Wenwen,sticks to the faith of her father.More than that,she has (2)
    (successful) called on more than 1 million young people in making a joint effort to create a better living environment for the Mengxin beaver (海貍),the only beaver species living in China,(3)
    is only found along the Ulungur River in Altay.
       The web-savvy (精通網(wǎng)絡(luò)的) youngster has initiated a project to livestream,24 hours a day,how the beavers live in the wild.Infrared (紅外線) cameras (4)
    (fix) so that viewers can monitor the ecological circulation around those small habitats (5)
    (build) by the beavers. "We are the young generation that grew (6)
    amid the internet boom.Today,modern online communication tools and advanced (7)
    (equip) used for scientific research enable us to gather more people together in the pursuit of wildlife protection," she says.
       Additionally,Chu Wenwen is also willing to take parents and their children on field trips (8)
    (observe) beavers firsthand.She believes that if opportunities are provided for people to learn more about the animal,they're (9)
    (likely) to take actions to protect it.
       "We can bridge (10)
    gap between the public and the beavers," she says.

讀后續(xù)寫 (滿分25分)

  • 33.I was sure everyone in my junior-high drama class saw the paper in my hands shaking when I stood up to audition(試演)for a lead role in the annual Christmas play.I was there,not by choice,but because teacher Alice wanted each of us to try out for a part.
       As a "good" student,I did what I was asked,even if it was scary.I was small for my age,wore secondhand clothes and cried easily.At school,I was often the object of jokes and laughter and had few friends.I wanted desperately to shrink back into my seat and be invisible.But there I was,on stage.Reading was,at least,something I loved.So,I read.
       I finished reading and rushed back to my seat.The spell was broken.I wanted to curl up(蜷縮)and disappear.When the teacher read the cast list and called my name,I wasn't paying attention.No one ever chose me for anything.
       "Patty," she repeated,"you are Star.Come and get your script(劇本). "
       This is impossible!How can it be?With a pounding heart and cold,sweaty hands,I felt nearly dizzy,but incredibly happy.I walked up unsteadily to get the papers.On returning to my desk,I felt regretful.I should have refused.I felt as if everyone else were looking at and laughing at me.I buried my head in my arms.Gently patting my shoulder,teacher Alice said,"Be confident,Patty.You can do this.I know you can.I'll help you." With tears in my eyes,I raised my head and nodded firmly.
       So,I practiced every day-while walking to school,at lunchtime,before bedtime,even on weekends.At first,I was worried about forgetting parts of a long monologue(獨(dú)白)that took place in one scene,but I managed to memorize it.I felt more confident after that.At last,it was the day for the show.
    Everything went smoothly until it was my turn to give the long monologue._____
    Fighting back tears,I continued my performance._____
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