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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.As a language learning enthusiast,I've come up with the best apps for learning English from the thousands of mobile apps out there.
       Best for Pronunciation:ELSA Speak
       ELSA Speak is probably the best mobile app around for helping you improve your English pronunciation.The app's greatest strength is its intensive AI feedback,but ELSA also provides mini-training sessions to really perfect your pronunciation.The AI analyzes your recordings based on pronunciation,intonation and fluency then points out exactly which parts sound inaccurate.
       Best for Immersing in English Videos:FluentU
       FuentU is a language learning app that teaches you English through authentic videos like news reports,movie scenes and interviews,with learner tools for all levels.Each clip has interactive subtitles so if you're not sure what a word means,you can hover over it and get in explanation.The app also gives video examples for each word so you can learn vocabulary in context.
       Best for Practical Topics:Babbel
       Babbel has you learn and practice English with realistic conversations that surround things that you're personally interested in.Lessons are short and consist of written and audio versions of the grammar featured in the lessons.Then you are able to complete practice exercises to solidify your understanding.
       Best for Fun Beginner Lessons:Lingodeer
       Lingodeer uses games and short exercises to teach beginner and intermediate English learners.Lingodeer takes a gamified approach to language learning with a goal-oriented curriculum consisting of structured lessons and regular reviews.Lingodeer's lessons are arranged according to themes,such as sports,weather,parts of the body and shopping.

    (1)What is the feature of ELSA Speak?

    A.It analyzes learners' recordings.
    B.It provides guidance for learners.
    C.It gives learners helpful feedback.
    D.It improves learners' communication skill.
    (2)Which app provides videos as learning resources?

    B.ELSA Speak.
    (3)What can learners do with the app Lingodeer?

    A.Design games.
    B.Study around a theme.
    C.Structure lessons.
    D.Take advanced courses.
  • 2.I have lived in rural America for nine years,first in Michigan,where I got my PhD;then in central Illinois and now in Indiana,where I am a professor.In a place where most people have lived the whole of their lives,I feel like a stranger.There are few things I enjoy more than complaining about my geographic isolation.I'm a vegetarian,so there's nowhere to go for a nice dinner that isn't 50 miles away.I'm black,so there's nowhere to get my hair done that doesn't involve another 50-mile drive.And the closest major airport is two hours away.
       I recite these gripes to my friends.We all have grand ideas about what life would be like if only we did that,or lived there.And there's this;I really don't intend to change most of the things I complain about.Griping is seductive on those days when happiness requires too much energy.But it also makes me lose sight of the fact that I was born and grew up in Nebraska and have lived most of my life in one of the plains states.When I go to the coasts,I am struck by how unappealing big-city living can be.
       While I may not love where I live,there are plenty of people who are proud to call this place home.At a party with colleagues,I was going on about everything I couldn't stand in our town when I noticed that they were silent and shifting uncomfortably.That moment forced a change in me.Complaining may offer relief,but so does acceptance.There is no perfect life.By focusing on gripes,I risk missing out on precious moments of appreciation.When I get home,I stand on my balcony,look into the night sky and see the stars.I know that I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

    (1)What causes the author's loneliness?

    A.Dietary habits.
    B.Racial prejudice.
    C.Educational differences.
    D.Identity confusion.
    (2)What does the underlined word "seductive" mean in paragraph 3?

    (3)How might the author feel about himself when the atmosphere changed at a party?

    (4)What does the author realize in the end?

    A.Every day is beautiful.
    B.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.
    C.Human must value lives themselves.
    D.Don't be penny wise and pound foolish.
  • 3.The rhino census(犀牛普查)is out,bearing good news for the greater one-homed rhinos!In September,2022,the International Rhino Foundation (IRF) documented in a report that there is a baby boom in this population,representing an increase of 167 percent.
       According to the report,there are a total of 4,014 greater one-horned rhinos living in India,Nepal,and Bhutan.Although this is positive news,their IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) status still remains vulnerable.
       In India alone,the home to 70 percent of the world's greater one-homed rhinos,there was an increase of 274 rhinos since the last biannual census,according to the organization Rhino Review.
       An important reason for this baby boom is the fact that Assam,India,has enlarged Kaziringo National Park,home to the world's largest one-homed rhino population.The park went from 430 square kilometers to 1,040 square kilometers.This gives more breeding areas for the rhinos,and they are closed to visitors during breeding season.
       India and Nepal are also protecting the rhinos by enforcing wildlife crime laws.To reduce rhino death by poaching (偷獵),the IRF donates vehicles and equipment,plus education including guard training and crime investigation.
       The IRF data for other rhino species is not as promising,although the greater one-homed rhino numbers are encouraging for future conservation.According to the report,there is a decline in Sumatran rhinos,Africa's white rhinos,while the Javan rhino population is stable and threatened by loss of habitat.
       The State of the Rhino report offers hope for these other species.Given that the greater one -- homed rhinos were once close to extinction,with fewer than 100 living in the world,their recovery is incredible.This demonstrates that there are solutions when organizations and people work together.Let us hope that this successful rhino baby boom will affect other endangered wildlife species around the globe.

    (1)What contributes to the baby boom of one-homed rhinos in Assam,India?

    A.Extending the protected areas for rhinos.
    B.Raising fund to set up more reserves for rhinos.
    C.Leaving the one-homed rhinos alone in the wild.
    D.Keeping visitors away from the Kaziringo National Park.
    (2)How does IRF help protect the one-homed rhinos?

    A.By cooperating with other organizations.
    B.By enhancing anti-poaching efforts.
    C.By transferring the rhinos to other habitats.
    D.By guarding the rhinos with new equipment.
    (3)What can we learn from the rhino report?

    A.Rhinos are no longer a vulnerable species.
    B.Rhinos will affect other wildlife in the world.
    C.Everyone can play a role in protecting nature.
    D.It is possible to protect other endangered species.
    (4)What is the purpose of this text?

    A.To inform good news on the greater one-homed rhinos.
    B.To show the measures taken to protect the one-homed rhinos.
    C.To introduce an endangered species-the greater one-homed rhinos.
    D.To indicate the decline of other species of rhino population.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié) (滿分15分)

  • 8.某英語雜志開設(shè)"一周一成語"專欄,向外國讀者介紹中國成語。請你用英語寫一篇短文投稿,介紹中國成語"水滴石穿"。內(nèi)容包括:
    Here comes the Weekly Chinese Idiom-"shuǐ dī shí chuān".


  • 9.My Father's Son It's hard being an astronaut's son.I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me.I mean he's so special and so good at everything the does.But I'm just an average eleven-year-old kid.
        Nowadays I dream about being a famous writer,but I used to dream about doing something spectacular to impress my father and make him proud of me—something like rescuing a child from a burning building or chasing a robber away from an old lady.
        I was daydreaming in school one morning.I was daydreaming about being some kind of hero when my friend Ellen reminded me of my English teacher's announcement about a Father's Day essay contest.
        "I hope we have a winner right here in my English class,"she said."There are three prizes for each of you."
        When I got home,I kissed my mom quickly.Then I went upstairs to my room and sat down with a pen and a pad of paper.I started to think about what I would write.
        How did I sec my father?Hmm.
        I saw him teaching me how to use a bat and how to throw a baseball.
        I remembered how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was hit and killed by a car.And I remembered how he sat and tried to explain death to me when Grandpa Bob died.
        These were the things I was going to write about my dad.To me,he wasn't just a world-famous astronaut.He was my dad.
        I wrote about all these memories and put them in my essay.I handed it in the next day and was surprised to find out that the winning essays would be read in the auditorium on Thursday night.All the parents and students were incited.
        My parents and I went to school Thursday night.One of our neighbors said,"I bet you'll win the contest,David.I bet you wrote what it's like to be the son of an astronaut,and you're the only one in town who could write about that."
    I shrugged and then the first prize winner-Ellen was announced._______
    Surprised and thrilled,I went up to the stage.________
APP開發(fā)者:深圳市菁優(yōu)智慧教育股份有限公司| 應(yīng)用名稱:菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) | 應(yīng)用版本:5.0.4 |隱私協(xié)議|第三方SDK|用戶服務(wù)條款