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滬教牛津版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)《Unit 6 Ancient stories》2023年同步練習(xí)卷(1)

發(fā)布:2024/9/14 1:0:8


  • 1.That night,in the main square of the city,all the Trojans celebrated.They sang and(1)
    around the horse,and made jokes(2)
    the stupid Greeks."I(3)
    like this since my childhood."the captain said.After the party,they locked all of the city and then all(4)
    of the city and then all went(5)
    midnight,the main square was empty,(7)
    the huge horse.Suddenly a secret door opened(8)
    the side of the wooden horse.The horse(9)
    Greek soldiers!They quietly climbed out of the horse(10)

    (1) A.dance B.danced C.dancing D.have danced
    (2) A.a(chǎn)bout B.on C.a(chǎn)t D.in
    (3) A.laugh B.laughed C.hasn't laughed D.haven't laughed
    (4) A.gate B.gates C.the gate D.the gates
    (5) A.sleeping B.sleep C.to sleep D.a(chǎn)sleep
    (6) A.By B.At C.On D.In
    (7) A.beside B.besides C.except for D.except
    (8) A.in B.on C.by D.a(chǎn)t
    (9) A.is filled with B.is full of was C.was fill with D.was full of
    (10) A.step by step B.bit by bit C.one by one D.day by day


  • 2.
    A.Who is your favorite character?
    B.Because reading novels makes me relaxed.
    C.No problem.
    D.I go to the library once a week.
    E.Because he's kind and always helps people in need
    F.I'm afraid I can't.
    G.Of course you can.
    A:Linda,I know that you've read lots of novels.Why are you so crazy about novels?

    A:How often do you go to the school library?
    B: (2)

    A:Which is your favorite novel?
    B:I like Journey to the West best.

    B:I like Monkey King best,How about you?
    A:I like Monk Tang best. (4)

    B:Yes,he is really kind.This book is very interesting.I want to read it again.Can you lend it to me?
    A: (5)
    I will bring it to you tomorrow.


  • 3.secret,army,War,soldier,succeeded
        A young (1)
    lay dying in a hospital bed.He was too weak to speak or move."We can save him,"the doctor said as he examined the young soldier. "Oh,my God!He's a woman!"
        It was true.The brave soldier was really a woman called Deborah Sampson.Living as a servant,she dreamed of having great adventures (冒險(xiǎn)).When the Revolutionary(2)
    broke out,women were not allowed to serve in the (3)
    But Deborah dressed herself as a man and (4)
    in becoming a soldier.
        Once during an attack,Deborah was shot in the leg.She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg,he would discover her(5)
        Therefore,Deborah got the bullet(子彈) out of her own leg using a knife.Then she continued to fight as a soldier.


  • 4.I didn't go to sleep until
  • 5.To save more paper,you must use both s
    of it.
  • 6.There is no water in the bottle.The bottle is e
  • 7.The a
    temple is over 500 years old.


  • 22.從…爬出來
  • 23.然而,一夜之間他們通過一個(gè)聰明的計(jì)謀成功地奪取了它.
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