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  • 1.Travel is the only thing that will really make you richer.While it's very valid,there're many times when we are simply unable to travel for certain reasons.However,there's still a great and affordable way to experience new places:books.
       Wild is Cheryl Strayed's beautifully written story of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail for 1,100 miles all by herself.Her journey of self-discovery and facing her painful past is fascinating and will keep you fascinated from the first page up until the last.You will feel like you're hiking alongside strayed the whole time.
    On the Road
       Jack Kerouac's classic novel in 1957 is a masterpiece from the Beat Generation,which tells the timeless tale of being young,confused,and just getting on the road to try to figure it all out.The book tells the personal developmental story of Sal,who is strongly based on Kerouac himself,leaving New York City and traveling around the country.The book ensures madness,along with colorful characters and heartbreaking moments.
    The Caliph's House
       This book is written by author Tahir Shah,whose experience of vacationing in Morocco of Africa during his childhood growing up led him to move with his family from London to Morocco,where he learned a lot.His writing is rich and fascinating and tells an incredible story of their time of living there.
    The Great Railway Bazaar
       Paul Theroux's book narrates his four-month experience in 1973 traveling by train from London to Europe,the Middle East,the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia,as well as his return trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway,enriching and improving himself.Theroux explored poverty and ignorance throughout the book,which is often considered as a classic in the travel writing world.

    (1)Which book tells of the author's long journey on foot?

    B.On the Road.
    C.The Caliph's House.
    D.The Great Railway Bazaar.
    (2)What is the main content of The Caliph's House?

    A.The author's rich writing experience.
    B.The story of British children in Africa.
    C.The vacation of an African family in London.
    D.The author's childhood experience in Morocco.
    (3)What are the four books mainly concerned with?

    A.Madness and sadness.
    B.Travel and self-growth.
    C.Poverty and confusion.
    D.Childhood and ignorance.
  • 2.Teachers in poor areas are always being asked to do more with less.They're given smaller budgets and larger tasks in schools that employ fewer teachers and take in more students.But none of these struggles can quite compare to the challenges faced by a computing teacher Akoto in Ghana who teaches his students how to use computers.
       Akoto recently posted photos of his classroom,and they've gotten quite a response.Akoto is an information and communication technology(ICT)teacher who has been assigned to teach his students without using an actual computer.So like any good teacher,Akoto teaches them by drawing pictures of a computer on the blackboard.
       Akoto recently shared images of one of his computer lessons,in which he can be seen using multi-colored chalk to draw the features of Microsoft Word software on the blackboard.In one of the photos,you can see his students drawing the same images in their notebooks.
       One might ask,"Why do they bother to take such a challenging course?" But here's the reason:Even though the students at Akoto's school don't have computers,they are still required to pass a national exam that includes a section on computing skills before they move onto high school.
       So Akoto does what he needs to do to ensure that his students understand the material.He has drawn pictures many times for his students over his six years and just happened to share the pictures this time on Facebook.He says he has his own personal laptop,but it is different from the one Akoto is required to teach.He doesn't bring it to class for fear of confusing the kids with a computer that they have never seen.
       The good news is that those Facebook pictures made their way to the right place.Microsoft Africa promised to give him some proper resources.Others also stepped up to the plate and helped out Akoto.NIIT Ghana,an information technology training institution,donated five computers to Akoto's school and one for Akoto himself.A PhD student at the University of Leeds in the U.K.inspired by Akoto also donated a computer.

    (1)Which of the following best describes the state of Akoto's school?

    (2)How do Akoto's students react to his classes?

    A.They copy his behavior in class.
    B.They learn to identify multi-colored chalk.
    C.They usually take photos of the computers.
    D.They often share images of their lessons online.
    (3)Why does Akoto choose not to bring his own laptop to his classes?

    A.He is unwilling to share it.
    B.He is confused by its system.
    C.He is uncertain about its function.
    D.He is afraid to puzzle his students.
    (4)What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

    A.To stand still is to move back.
    B.Actions speak louder than words.
    C.Great things can be achieved by joint effort.
    D.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • 3.A shocking news report has revealed that more than one in five species of maple (楓樹)trees faces extinction,warning that 75% of the threatened species are "geographically restricted" in their native regions.
       The trees are experiencing a vast decline in habitat,due to urban development,wood harvesting and agricultural expansion.Time is running out for the world's biodiversity.Every recent survey of plants and animals in the wild points to this.This is happening nearly everywhere rarer maples exist.And because of climate change,the narrow habitats that support species at the edges of dry places and at the tops of mountains are quickly disappearing.
       The trees can be found in subtropical and tropical regions,as far south as Indonesia.The only species found in the UK,the field maple is not under threat.Not only are the trees a popular attractive feature in parks and public spaces,but they are a key part of the natural ecosystem in woodlands,as well as being an important wood crop in several countries.Although the sugar maple in North America,which produces maple juice,is not endangered,two of the closest relatives to the species are endangered.
       The report notes that conserving at-risk species in their natural habitat is the best conservation tactic.But collections in botanical gardens and seed banks- called "ex situ collections" can act as insurance policies against extinction.There are currently 14 species of maple,including four that are critically endangered,which are absent from these types of collections.
       One species in Mexico,the Acer binzayedii,is in "desperate need of conservation" despite only being discovered in 2017. "It is at risk from climate change in its cloud forest habitat and threatened by logging and forest fires while it is also absent from 'ex situ collections'," the report adds.The report recommends developing conservation plans,monitoring species currently not at risk to ensure populations are maintained,and adding those missing maple species to seed banks.

    (1)What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

    A.Action to protect maple trees.
    B.The dangerous situation of maple trees.
    C.Various maple trees' habitats in the world.
    D.The conditions for diversity in maple trees.
    (2)What do the field maple and the sugar maple have in common?

    A.They cannot produce juice.
    B.They are found in America.
    C.They are not at risk of extinction.
    D.They have two endangered relatives.
    (3)What does the underlined word "tactic" in paragraph 4 probably mean?

    (4)What's the main purpose of the report?

    A.To offer a proposal.
    B.To recommend a product.
    C.To introduce maple species.
    D.To warn people of disasters.


  • 8.假定你是李華,上周六你校組織參觀了野生動物園。請就此給校英語報(bào)寫一篇征文,內(nèi)容包括:
    A Visit to the Wildlife Park________.

第二節(jié)(滿分25 分)

  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Bear Necessities Grill & C-Store is a convenience store for students at Cornell University.Seth,George and Harry are men who work there.I have not met them.I have only spoken to them several times on the phone because of my son,who is one of the lucky fresh students at this university.What I have found is that these guys carry in their store huge amounts of beauty,warmth and kindness to strangers.It stays with students in life.
        I still remember that I contacted them for the first time.That's because my son felt very weak and unwell in his dorm.He had no energy to go down to the dining hall because he had stayed up without eating dinner the night before due to reviewing lessons.His roommate had already left.Hearing my son's weak voice on the phone,I did a quick search on the Internet and found the telephone number of the convenience store,Bear Necessities Grill & C-store on campus.So I got in touch with Seth by telephone.I told him about my son being unwell and asked if I could buy some things over the phone and if it was possible for someone to check on my son in his dorm.
        Seth,the store clerk,heard me out and said he was so sorry about my son not feeling well.And then he sincerely said he would have,me speak to his manager,George.I started to feel better.
        After a short while,George called me,listened to me and comforted me patiently,hoping my son would feel better.He told me that I couldn't pay money for the things over the phone,but he would get his supervisor to see what can be done to prepare some food to get for my son.
        Harry,the supervisor,came on the phone.He said he was sorry that my son was having such a rough start of the semester,and asked me what I wanted to get for my son. "Bananas,biscuits,bread,and a bottle of pure water," I told him.He said he would arrange to send these items to my son as soon as he could.It floods me with respect in the process of life where the three kind men take the time to listen,notice,share and make choices.
        My son texted me two hours later.___________.
        I called Seth,the store clerk;to express my thanks.___________.
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