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滬教牛津版九年級上冊《Unit 2 Great minds》2023年單元測試卷

發(fā)布:2024/9/15 11:0:11


  • 1.An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden.He(1)
    care of his flowers all the time.
       One day a young man went past the garden.He looked at the beautiful flowers,imagining how happy he could be if he lived in(2)
    .Then,suddenly he found(3)
    the old gardener was blind.He was very(4)
    about this and asked, "You can't see these flowers.Why are you busy taking care of them every day?"
    old man smiled and said, "I can tell you four reasons.First,I was a gardener when I was young,and I really like this job.Second,I can touch the flowers(6)
    seeing them.Third,I can smell the sweetness of(7)
    .The last one,that's for you."
    ?But you don't know me," said the young man.
       "Yeah, (9)
    true that I don't know you.But I know that flowers are angels.We enjoy the happiness these flowers(10)
       The blind man's work pleased our hearts and(11)
    our eyes,and also made his life(12)
    .It was just(13)
    Beethoven,who became deaf in his later(14)
    and wrote many great musical works.Beethoven himself couldn't hear his wonderful music, (15)
    his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely.Isn't it one kind of happiness?

    (1) A.take B.takes C.is taking D.took
    (2) A.such a beautiful place B.so a beautiful place C.such beautiful place D.so beautiful place
    (3) A.that B.if C.whether D.when
    (4) A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprisingly
    (5) A.A B.An C.The D. /
    (6) A.on B.with C.a(chǎn)t D.without
    (7) A.they B.them C.their D.themselves
    (8) A.Me B.I C.My D.Mine
    (9) A.it's B.it was C.it has D.it had been
    (10) A.brings B.has brought C.bring D.had brought
    (11) A.open B.opens C.was opened D.opened
    (12) A.happily B.happier C.more happily D.most happily
    (13) A.a(chǎn)s B.like C.seem D.a(chǎn)s well
    (14) A.life B.live C.lives D.living
    (15) A.a(chǎn)nd B.so C.but D.or


  • 2.Once upon a time,there was a small town.And there was a cave near the town.People called(1)
    the "Cave of Fear".Many people had explored into the cave(2)
    no one had ever returned from there.So people lived in terror.They were afraid(3)
    the monster would leave the cave one day.Since then,no one went to the cave any more.
       Many years (4)
    ,a young man came to the town one day.He heard (5)
    the situation of the cave,he decided to enter the cave and (6)
    the monster.The young man wanted(7)
    person to go with him,but everyone was(8)
    afraid that a single person got near the mouth of the cave with him.
       The young man never gave up.He went inside the cave alone.Suddenly,he felt something hit him (9)
    on the back.This pushed him forward towards a hole in the rock.He (10)
    avoid it,and fell through.He thought he was about to (11)

       However,as he fell,he heard music,and voices.They got(12)
    when he reached closer to the bottom of the cave.He heard a group of people shout, "Surprise!"
       It was(13)
    big party!The partygoers were all those people(14)
    had never returned to the town.They explained to him that this place had been the idea of an old mayor of the town.That mayor had tried to do (15)
    great things,but was always held back by the fears of the people around him.So he created the story of the monster.He wanted to tell people that fear would stop your way to exploration.

    (1) A.itself B.it C.its D.it's
    (2) A.if B.or C.but D.however
    (3) A.that B.where C.how D.whether
    (4) A.a(chǎn)fter B.a(chǎn)go C.past D.later
    (5) A.from B.a(chǎn)bout C.on D.for
    (6) A.met B.will meet C.meeting D.meet
    (7) A.a(chǎn)nother B.other C.others D.the other
    (8) A.very B.so C.such D.even
    (9) A.hardly B.harder C.hard D.hardest
    (10) A.mustn't B.couldn't C.can't D.wouldn't
    (11) A.die B.death C.dead D.dying
    (12) A.clear B.clearer C.clearest D.clearly
    (13) A.a(chǎn) B.a(chǎn)n C.the D. /
    (14) A.who B.whose C.which D.whom
    (15) A.a(chǎn) lot B.few C.a(chǎn) little D.some


  • 3.William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in England.His father,John,was a glove-maker.His mother,Mary,was a farmer's daughter.He had two older sisters,two younger sisters and three younger brothers.
       Shakespeare probably studied Latin,Greek and history,and left school when he was 14 or 15.Three years later he married Anne Hathaway.They had a daughter called Susanna and twins named Judith and Hamnet.Sometime before 1590 he left Stratford and went to London,the capital city of England.
       London's first theatre opened in 1576.Shakespeare worked in London as an actor and then started writing plays,too.In 1593 the plague,a terrible disease,killed thousands of people and theatres were closed.During this time Shakespeare started to write poems instead of plays.His short poems are called sonnets.
       Shakespeare helped build a new theatre called The Globe.It opened in 1599.It was round and had space for 3,000 people.No women acted in Shakespeare's time:men and boys played all the parts.
       Shakespeare wrote comedies with happy endings,like A Midsummer Night's Dream.He wrote tragedies which had sad endings,such as Romeo and Juliet.His history plays are about kings and queens,such as Henry V.Shakespeare wrote around 39 plays,maybe more.He loved language and invented new words and expressions that we still use today.
       Shakespeare became rich and famous.He had houses in London and in Stratford.He died when he was 52 on 23 April,1616.His plays and poetry were very popular 400 years ago and they are still popular today.People all over the world love his works because he wrote wonderful stories about very interesting people. (288 words)

    (1)What is the author's purpose in writing this article?

    A.To introduce Shakespeare's sonnets.
    B.To document the success of Shakespeare's plays.
    C.To describe the life of Shakespeare.
    D.To describe the early life of Shakespeare.
    (2)When did Shakespeare start to write poems?

    A.Sometime before 1590.
    B.When he was 14 or 15.
    C.When he was 35 years old.
    D.During the plague in 1593.
    (3)In what order did the following things take place in Shakespeare's life?

    a.Left school b.Worked as an actor c.Married Anne Hathaway
    d.Helped build The Globe e.Died in 1616 f.Born in Stratford-upon-Avon
    (4)Which of the following statements is true?

    A.Shakespeare invented new words and expressions that we still use today.
    B.Shakespeare was born in a rich and famous family.
    C.Only a few women could act in Shakespeare's time.
    D.Shakespeare was known for his plays,sonnets and novels.
  • 4.Most great people are also famous people,but famous people may not be great people.A great person is someone who is always willing to sacrifice (犧牲) his or her life for others.Read the information below to learn about four great people.
    Norman Bethune(1890 - 1939),Canada
       He was a great doctor fighting against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders (侵略者) during World War II.He worked extremely hard for the Chinese people and saved many Chinese soldiers.
    Sun Yat-sen(1866 - 1925),China
       He was the founder of the first Republic of China in 1911 after many years' fighting.He was a fighter throughout his life for the freedom of the Chinese people.
    Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013),South Africa
       He fought for the black people and was in prison for nearly thirty years.He helped black people get the same rights (權(quán)利) as white people.
    Neil Armstrong(1930 - 2012),USA
       He was the first man to land on the Moon in July 1969. "That's one small step for a man,one big leap(跳躍)for mankind," he said.
    ( 184 words)
    (1)Why was Nelson Mandela a great man?

    A.He was the first man to land on the Moon.
    B.He was the founder of the first Republic of South Africa.
    C.He helped black people get the same rights as white people.
    D.He fought against American invaders during World War II.
    (2)What was Neil Armstrong?

    A.A doctor.
    B.A soldier.
    C.A president.
    D.An astronaut.
    (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

    A.Man landed on the Moon for the first time in July 1969.
    B.Nelson Mandela fought all his life for the freedom of the Chinese people.
    C.Famous people are willing to help others.
    D.Famous people must be great people.


  • 11.赫本(Hepburn)是個杰出的演員,她將為人們永遠銘記.


  • 12.查理.卓別林被認為是世界上最偉大的演員之一。請根據(jù)提示內(nèi)容,寫一篇80詞左右的英語短文介紹他的生平。要求語言通順、意思連貫、表達完整。
       (3)1913 年到美國,開始他的電影事業(yè)(career);
       (4)一生共拍攝了80余部影片,他的作品總是同情( show sympathy for)窮人而嘲弄富人;

    Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin is regarded as one of the greatest actors in the world.                     
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