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發(fā)布:2024/9/5 17:0:8


  • 1.Listen and choose.聽(tīng)音,選出你聽(tīng)到的答案。讀兩遍。
    (1)Yesterday I went to____ school.
    A.Sam and Amy
    B.Sam and Amy's
    C.Sam's and Amy's
    (2)In the UK,children often sit ____ in class.
    A.in lines
    B.around tables
    C.around chairs
    (3)They sing songs together every____.
    (4)In the UK,school often starts at ____.
    A.8 o'clock
    B.half past 9
    C.9 o'clock
    (5)School is ____ here.
  • 2.Listen and judge.聽(tīng)音,判斷正(T)誤(F)。讀兩遍。
    (1)There's a TV show about dogs.____
    (2)In the UK,many blind people have special birds.____
    (3)The man is blind.His dog can help him.____
    (4)Fifi is a dog.____
    (5)Fifi can help blind people.____
  • 3.Listen and choose.聽(tīng)音,選擇正確的答案。讀兩遍。
    (1)Could Zara go out?____
    A.Yes,she could.
    B.No,she couldn't.
    C.No,she could.
    (2)Are there children's paintings on the walls?____
    A.Yes,there are.
    B.Yes,there aren't.
    C.No,there aren't.
    (3)Where did Sam,Amy and Lingling play basketball yesterday?____
    A.At school.
    B.In the park.
    C.On the playground.
    (4)How many points did Sam get?____
    (5)What do they do during the Double Ninth Festival?____
    A.Do outdoor activities.
    B.Spend time with friends.
    C.Eat dumplings.

七、Read and write. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,補(bǔ)全句子。(10分)

  • 10.Read and write.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,補(bǔ)全句子。
        Hi,I'm Li Fang.My parents and I are going to have a busy weekend.On Saturday,my father is going to read some books.My mother is going to clean the room.I'm going to visit my friend,Amy.On Sunday,I'm going to have a birthday party.I'm going to be eleven.My mother is going to make a birthday cake for me.My father is going to the supermarket.There are many different things in the supermarket.There isn't any fish or chicken at home,so dad will buy some fish and chicken.Amy,Lingling and Sam will come to my birthday party,we are going to have lunch together.After lunch,we're going to tell stories.And then we're going to see a film.
    (1)Li Fang and her parents are going to have a
    (2)On Saturday,Li Fang's mother is going to
    (3)On Sunday,Li Fang is going to
    a birthday party.
    (4)Li Fang is going to be
    (5)Li Fang's
    is going to make a birthday cake for her.
    (6)There are many
    things in the supermarket.
    (7)Dad will buy some fish and
    (8)Amy,Lingling and
    will come to Li Fang's birthday party.
    (9)After lunch,they're going to
    stories.And then they're going to see a

八、Read and write.閱讀短文,仿照例子給Mike寫(xiě)建議,至少再寫(xiě)出五條,注意動(dòng)詞形式的變化(10分)

  • 11.Read and write.閱讀短文,仿照例子給Mike寫(xiě)建議,至少再寫(xiě)出五條,注意動(dòng)詞形式的變化。
        Mike is a good boy.But yesterday he was a bit naughty.What did he do at school?He didn't get up early.So he was late for school.He didn't work hard.He played with the CDs in class.He ate in class,too.What did he do at home?He watched TV all the evening.He read books in bed.He didn't help Mum tidy up.He didn't finish his homework.And he made a mess in his room.Mum was angry with him.What should Mike do?What shouldn't Mike do?Help Mike,please!
    Dear Mike,
        You should get up early.You shouldn't eat in class.
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