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新人教版選修6《Unit5 The power of nature》2017年單元測試卷(福建省莆田八中)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Ever since I can remember,I've been told I am the apple of my daddy's eye.
    When I was growing up,in addition to his office at the university,my dad had a(n)(1)
    at home.It seemed huge to me,made of dark wood and covered with important things.I used to(2)
    under that desk,hiding for hours with my dolls and my imagination.
    Why was I(3)
    to that old desk?In addition to the papers and pens on top of the desk,there was also a polished wooden apple with a delicate(精致的) frame.That frame(4)
    a picture of me.It was a physical representation of(5)
    my father felt about me.This(6)
    how precious I was to my dad and how much he loved me.
    I wasn't the only special person either.This saying was(7)
    ,and I'd heard many people refer to others(8)
    the apple of their eye.Many years later I began to(9)
    about the origin of this saying and learned that the apple of the eye is the pupil(瞳孔)of the eye and that this saying was(10)
    a word picture about relationship.It's a picture of being so(11)
    to someone that you can see yourself reflected in the pupil of his eye.
    That picture brought(12)
    to my own eyes,as I remembered how much I meant to my father.How does that(13)
    to the time my son spent as a soldier in Iraq?One day,when I was struggling with fear over his(14)
    ,I read the poetry where a(n)(15)
    refers to his people as the apple of his eye.It reminded me that(16)
    my son is special to me,he is considerably move(17)
    to the country.
    As I read the poetry,I found myself(18)
    .Not only did I care about what happened in the Middle East with my son,(19)
    my country cared.And more importantly,my country could and would take(20)
    of my son.
    (1) A.a(chǎn)pple B.picture C.frame D.desk
    (2) A.sleep B.play C.cry D.read
    (3) A.known B.exposed C.drawn D.compared
    (4) A.held B.used C.opened D.masked
    (5) A.why B.how C.where D.when
    (6) A.ensured B.explained C.showed D.learned
    (7) A.ordinary B.a(chǎn)verage C.normal D.common
    (8) A.a(chǎn)s B.with C.for D.by
    (9) A.hear B.talk C.worry D.wonder
    (10) A.directly B.particularly C.a(chǎn)ctually D.likely
    (11) A.familiar B.close C.kind D.friendly
    (12) A.tears B.regrets C.pleasure D.pride
    (13) A.relate B.a(chǎn)ttend C.see D.a(chǎn)dd
    (14) A.health B.safety C.independence D.future
    (15) A.family B.society C.country D.a(chǎn)rmy
    (16) A.a(chǎn)s if B.only if C.what if D.even if
    (17) A.precious B.important C.a(chǎn)dmirable D.positive
    (18) A.in surprise B.in confusion C.a(chǎn)t peace D.a(chǎn)t ease
    (19) A.a(chǎn)nd B.so C.or D.but
    (20) A.a(chǎn)dvantage B.care C.control D.place


  • 2.A small earthquake shook northwest Alaska on Monday.It was the fifth earthquake of the same magnitude(震級) since April in an area with little activity.The magnitude 5.7 quake happened at 4:01am on Monday northeast of the village of Noatak.
    Like other earthquakes in the swarm(群),the earthquake was felt in Noatak,a community of 560 people.People there had hardly ever experienced earthquakes and they had some worried residents.Before the swarm that began on April 18th,the last known quake of similar size in the area was a magnitude-5.5 quake in 1981.
    The swarm of magnitude-5.7 earthquakes is connected to more than 300 smaller aftershocks.The first earthquake and the others of that magnitude are located in the same area about 20 miles from Noatak.The community is 70 miles north of the Arctic Circle.Monday's earthquake was followed by at least 10 aftershocks.There was no serious property damage or injuries from the earthquakes.
    Ruppert,an earthquake expert,said old faults (斷層) had been mapped in the area,but there was still unknown active faults.She said sometimes surface fault scars(斷層痕) could be hidden."Obviously,since we have all the earthquake activity,there must be some active faults in the area,"Ruppert said.
    The series of earthquakes has scientists puzzled about earthquake activity that is considered very unusual in the area."At this point,we don't really understand the nature of these earthquakes,"Ruppert said.She added that she didn't believe there was any connection between the earthquakes and the Red Dog Mine,located about 35 miles north of Noatak."All mining activities are very near the surface,"Ruppert said."But all the earthquakes are miles below the surface.

    (1)What can we learn about residents in Noatak in Paragraph 2?

    A.They all want to move away.
    B.They aren't used to earthquakes.
    C.They experienced the biggest earthquake in 1981.
    D.They don't believe a big earthquake will come.
    (2)We know that Monday's earthquake

    A.has caused some deaths
    B.has caused very bad property damage
    C.was followed by 300 aftershocks
    D.happened in the north of the Arctic Circle
    (3)In Paragraph 4,Ruppert thinks that in the area,

    A.some active faults exist
    B.surface fault scars can be seen
    C.a(chǎn)ll the faults have been mapped
    D.unknown active faults have been found
    (4)According to the last paragraph,we can learn that Ruppert

    A.is worried about the safety of the Red Dog Mine
    B.understands the nature of these earthquakes very well
    C.wants to protect the Red Dog Mine from being closed
    D.doesn't think the Red Dog Mine caused the earthquakes
    (5)What is the passage mainly talking about?

    A.Alaska was hit by big earthquakes once again.
    B.Active faults were found in northwest Alaska.
    C.People in Alaska were worried about earthquakes.
    D.A swarm of earthquakes in Alaska made scientists confused.


  • 6.I think university life is a time for learning and experiencing new things.I can meet the other young people like me from many different places and can make lots friends.I will probably study and live away at home during this time,so I will have a lot more independent.Studying at university will be quite differently from studying at high school.I may not have so much homework to finish every day,and I will have to spend much more time working by myself.I know that in any university where are different societies or clubs organizing by the students themselves.I want to join the film society and the travel club because I show interest on both activities.These societies and clubs can make my life interesting and helped me make friends.


  • 7.生活中困難不可避免,面對各種困難需要信心.假如你是李華,嘗試舉例說明信心在學(xué)習(xí)、考試、生活等方面的作用,并就面對困難的態(tài)度談?wù)勀愕目捶ǎ?br />注意:1、可適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;
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