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牛津譯林新版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)《Unit 7 Seasons》2023年同步練習(xí)卷(4)

發(fā)布:2024/9/14 8:0:9


  • 1.閱讀下面的材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容填空,完成后面的表格.
    Life is like the four seasons.Now I am very old,and I am not busy any more.I have time to look back on it.
    When I was young,it was the spring of my life.I was born.I played a lot,and then I started school.I learned many new things.Like a flower,I grew bigger every day.There were happy days and sad days:some days the sun shone,and some days it didn't.
    In my twenties,I started to work to make money.I was strong and happy.Then I married (結(jié)婚) and had a child.In those days,I didn't have much time to think.Every day I was busy and worked very hard.The summer of my life passed quickly.
    Then the days got shorter.Leaves fell from the trees.My child was a college student,and then an engineer.I started walking more slowly.One day I didn't work any more.I had more time.I understood this was my autumn,a beautiful time when the trees change colour and give us delicious fruits.
    But the days kept getting shorter and colder.Winter has come.I am older and not as strong as before.I know I do not have many days left,but I will enjoy them to the end and try to make my winter a warm one.
    The four seasons of my life
    Spring I was like a flower and (1)
    bigger every day.I played and learned a lot.And there were both happy days and sad days.
    Summer I began making money and had my family in my twenties.I had (2)
    time to think.Time passed (3)
    Autumn My child became a(n) (4)
    after leaving college.I walked slowly and stopped working.I knew it was my autumn.
    Winter I am older and not as strong as before.I will enjoy my days to the end and make my life (5)


  • 2.bright,rain,cold,take,or,clearly,stay,they,late,without
    In England,people like to talk about the weather because the weather does not always(1)
    the same in the day.In the morning it is warm just like in spring and autumn.An hour(2)
    black clouds come,and it(3)
    hard.The weather gets a little(4)
    .In the late afternoon the sky will be(5)
    ,the sun will begin to shine;it will be summer at this time of day.
    In England,you can also have summer in winter,(6)
    have winter in summer.So in winter you can swim sometimes,and in summer sometimes you should(7)
    warm clothes.
    In England,you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella(8)
    them when they go out in the morning though the sun is shining(9)
    ,and you should not laugh at(10)
    .If you don't take an umbrella,you will regret later in the day.


  • 3.I heard that the rain
    (fall) from morning till night in your town yesterday.
  • 4.Sally thinks that old things always bring back sweet


  • 5.-Did you listen to the weather forecast just now?
    -Yes,it's reported that the
    (溫度)will drop 5 degrees.


  • 14.一切都被覆蓋在白雪下面,湖泊和河流都結(jié)冰了。
    white snow,and the lakes and rivers are frozen.
  • 15.昨天晚上,約翰得了重感冒,所以今天早上他只得待在家里。
    Last night,John
    ,so he has to stay at home this morning.
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