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發(fā)布:2024/8/30 2:0:8


  • 1.Heathfield Day Summer Camp
    It's for girls aged 7 to 15.Heathfield started its own Summer Camp for local girls so they could enjoy the high quality activities and sports that we were already offering to overseas students on our International Summer School (ISS).Over the years more than a thousand girls have attended the camp,many returning year after year and bringing sisters and friends with them.Returning students receive a 10% discount from their second year.Day girls arrive between 08:45 and 09:15 when activities start.An Early Morning option with Breakfast is available at 08:00.At 5:30 girls are collected and signed out by parents or can take our Late Stay option until 6:30.
       Heathfield's teachers offer the girls a fun-packed and educational daily program,balancing creative,artistic and sporting skills.Campers are grouped together according to age and move together between activities.There're different programs for junior and senior groups.
       Girls enjoy the opportunity to spend time as a day girl and as a boarder.They can stay from one day to four weeks.But residential stays are for a minimum of one week.Each Thursday afternoon we invite parents to an exhibition or show to see what the girls are doing.The exhibitions include cookery,art,craft and photography in weeks 1 and 3,and in weeks 2 and 4,music,dance and drama shows take place.Two or three afternoons a week girls mix with the students from the ISS and take part in sports and games.
       There's an hour's lunch break.Our dining-room service offers a great range of hot and cold dishes.

    (1)What do we know about Heathfield Day Summer Camp?

    A.Its arrangements are flexible.
    B.It offers participants 10% off.
    C.Its programs are the same for groups.
    D.It limits the number of participants.
    (2)What does Heathfield do to the camper?

    A.Advise them to stay as boarders.
    B.Forbid them to go out on weekdays.
    C.Call on them to be independent.
    D.Divide them into different groups.
    (3)What may Tina's parents do at Heathfield on Thursday of Week 2?

    A.Pay a visit to the ISS.
    B.Have dinner with her.
    C.See her dancing.
    D.Take physical exercise.
  • 2.Rural Patagonia is famous for its wonderful nature.A Google search for "bicycle tour Patagonia" led my friend Rachel and me to the Carretera Austral:a 770-mile stretch of mostly unpaved highway.We packed our bikes into hoxes and flew to Puerto Montt,a port city some 650 miles south of Santiago.From there,we continued south for several days and set foot on the Carretera.
       It took about two weeks to cycle the route through wild forests,windswept plains,and snow-capped mountains.On our last full day along the Carretera-and three days into a constant rainstorm-we found ourselves at a loss for where to sleep.We were cold and wet.
       We were still 30 miles from Villa O'Higgins,which marked the end of the Carretera and the promise of a hot shower.From there,we'd ride about 600 miles further along somewhat better roads to Ushuaia.
       There was no way we were going to make O'Higgins by nightfall.We hadn't passed a nice campsite in hours.We'd just stopped beside a small stream when we spotted a cowboy-looking man walking out of the trees.And we saw that the stream led to a small house.The man came to the road. "Do you know a dry place to camp?" Rachel asked.
       The man invited us into his home.We shared hot chocolate and conversation in his warm,rough kitchen.He brought out an old copy of Patagon Journal,and we were amazed to see a photo of our host,Erasmo Betancourt,on the cover.It turns out that our new friend was a well-known cowboy-turned-activist who had been an outspoken opponent of the damming(筑壩)of Patagonia's rivers.In recent decades,local farmers,fishermen,and conservationists have fiercely resisted the construction of hydroelectric(使用水力發(fā)電的)dams on the region's mighty rivers.Our adventure wouldn't have been possible if not for their fierce love of this beautiful land and devotion to its protection.
       The next morning,we thanked our host and hit the road.Is there anywhere on Earth so remote that one cannot encounter humanity?

    (1)Where were the author and Rachel headed the next day?

    C.Puerto Montt.
    D.Villa O'Higgins.
    (2)What was the major problem facing the author and Rachel that night?

    A.Where to find a dry campsite.
    B.How to satisfy their hunger.
    C.How to find their way in the forest.
    D.Where to get some drinking water.
    (3)What was Betancourt's attitude to building hydroelectric dams on Patagonia's rivers?

    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Dams on mighty rivers ruined our adventure.
    B.A bicycle tour of Patagonia revealed nature to us.
    C.A cowboy-turned-activist saved Patagonia's rivers.
    D.We encountered kindness in one of the wildest places on Earth.


  • 7.The influence of Chinese tea culture has been intertwined(交織) with the nation throughout much of its history.It(1)
    (add) to the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage(非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)) on Nov 29,2022.
       Traditional tea processing techniques consist of the knowledge,skills and practices.These traditional techniques are(2)
    (basic) found in provinces such as Zhejiang,Jiangsu,F(xiàn)ujian and Hunan,among others.The popularity of traditional tea culture and favorable weather conditions lead to the(3)
    (form) of many plantations(茶園) in these provinces.
       Tea is common in Chinese people's daily lives.(4)
    (boil) tea is served in homes,workplaces,tea houses,restaurants and temples(5)
    used as an important medium for communication in socializing and(6)
    (ceremony) such as weddings and sacrifices.
       China now has 43 items(7)
    the intangible cultural heritage list,(8)
    (continue) to be the most enlisted country in the world.
       Wang Yongjian,head of the delegation to the UNESCO session,told Xinhua that(9)
    list will make this cultural heritage more visible to the public,(10)
    helps promote respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.


  • 8.學(xué)校英文報正在開展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom為題的討論。請使用圖表中的調(diào)查結(jié)果寫一篇短文投稿,內(nèi)容包括:
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