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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題6分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、和D)中,選出最佳選項。

  • 1.Berlin pollution meeting
       A meeting of country leaders started yesterday.The three-day-long meeting in Berlin is to talk about ways to reduce pollution.Reports from the first day of the meeting are good and the French team said yesterday that they think the leaders will be able to agree.
       Avatar 3 success
       After taking more than two years to make,Avatar 3 has arrived.It is the final part of the Avatar series,which is one of the most successful series in movie history.It looks like that success will continue;Avatar 3 has made more money in its first weekend than any other film this year.
       New study published
       A new study at Oxford University has shown that eating too much chicken can be bad for your brain.Scientists tested more than one thousand people and found that people who eat more than 500 g of chicken per week do much worse in intelligence tests than people who eat less.
       New uPhone 7 SX
       The big news this week was the new uPhone 7 SX.People waited outside uPhone Stores all night in London.New York and Tokyo to be the first to buy the new smartphone.It's very light and very slim.uPhone also says that the 7 SX is waterproof and can charge to full battery in less than one hour.
       Paris Fashion Week
       Long skirts,rollneck tops and knee-high boots are everywhere.Paris Fashion Week has started and Europe's top designers are showing their new looks for the year.The hot topic is that miniskirts are out and longer skirts are in.And the new colour for the winter?Yellow.

    (1)Who might be the writer of the news story Avatar 3 success?

    A.Tim Forbes,Entertainment.
    B.Emma Gershwin,Technology.
    C.Angela Orawan,Politics.
    D.Armand de Winter,F(xiàn)ashion.
    (2)Which of the followings is true?

    A.Avatar 3 is not very popular.
    B.This year's fashion trends are the same as last year.
    C.The leaders in Berlin will not agree about pollution.
    D.Scientists think eating much chicken makes people stupid.
    (3)Which might be the next sentence about New uPhone 7 SX?

    A.The second most successful movie this is Frozen 2.
    B.That makes it the fastest charging phone in the world.
    C.British chicken farmers say that the study is wrong.
    D.It is a big change from the summer trend of blue and black.
  • 2.Have you ever wondered why you spend so much of your life sleeping?Just like electricity charges the battery of a mobile phone,sleep recharges your body and your mind.
       Sleep is a natural and temporary state of rest,brought on by your "body clock"—a system inside your brain that helps you sleep at night and wake up in the morning.Even though you are not aware of your surroundings when you sleep,your brain remains active.
       Humans could not function without sleep.According to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health,sleep helps people learn by strengthening their memories.It has physical benefits,too—like maintaining a healthy weight and boosting your immune system.Too little sleep can make you tired and bad-tempered.Your brain becomes foggy,making it difficult to concentrate and make decisions.That's why you may be told to "sleep on" a choice you're uncertain about.
       Dreams usually occur during a stage of sleep known as rapid eye movement(REM)sleep.In REM,the eyes move quickly back and forth and brain activity increases.Scientists are not sure why people dream.Some say it is a process that helps store memories;others say it helps people process emotions.Everybody dreams for around two hours a night but not everyone can remember them.
       Doctors say sleep is especially important for children and teenagers because their minds and bodies are still developing.Most adults need around eight hours of sleep,but Mandy Gurney,who runs the Millpond Children's Sleep Clinic,says that children need more. "An eight-year-old requires around 10 to 10-and-a-half hours of sleep each night,dropping to around nine hours a night in your teen years." A good night's sleep will get your day off to a great start.As Mahatma Gandhi,who was an Indian politician and activist,was quoted as saying, "When I wake up,I am reborn."

    (1)What is a consequence of lack of sleep?

    A.Keeping physically healthy.
    B.Not being quick in thinking.
    C.Keeping body function well.
    D.Maintaining a healthy weight.
    (2)What do the underlined words in the fourth paragraph mean?

    A.To get a good sleep.
    B.To put off deciding.
    C.To focus on your choice.
    D.To decide in your dream.
    (3)Where does this text probably come from?

    A.Animals and the environment.
    B.Sports and well-being.
    C.Science and technology.
    D.Arts and entertainment.
    (4)What is the last paragraph mainly about?

    A.Why people need to sleep.
    B.How people feel after sleep.
    C.How much sleep is needed.
    D.Sleeping improves our mood.
  • 3.Mallory Haske surfs nearly every day in the summer,and it really bothers her to see trash in the water or on the beach.So when her English teacher at Salem High School,Virginia,assigned a "passion project",Haske came up with a creative idea that combined surfing and trash.
       She collected litter on the beach and used it to create a surfboard in an effort to raise awareness of ocean pollution.
       "It's pretty sick," said Haske on May 17,standing on the beach at 86th Street waxing(給……上臘)her newly finished trash board. "I really hope it floats."
       Haske is 18 years old.Surfing is one of her favourite sports. "The feeling of catching a wave is euphoric(極其興奮的)," she said. "It's such a mental release,and you forget that you have chores or homework to do."
       Her teacher,Kathleen Trace,assigned the project months ago and was surprised to see how Haske's enthusiasm about it grew throughout the school year. "Not every student finds her passion,but she did," Trace said. "I'm super proud of her."
       Over the winter,Haske collected litter including cigarette butts,bottle caps,fast-food containers and masks along the resort area beach.Making one out of trash was a first for him.Nearly the entire board is made from recycled material and litter.
       First,he made the surfboard's frame.He used thin pieces of wood.The outside of the board is made of plastic,and the inside is filled with garbage.
       On Tuesday after school,Haske paddled out and attempted to ride a wave on her new board,but the mostly flat conditions made it difficult.The nose kept going under the water,but Haske stayed upbeat.
       "She's pretty heavy up front,but she's going to be my best friend," Haske said after coming out of the water. "She's made for good waves."

    (1)Why does Mallory Haske like to surf?

    A.Because it gives her a break.
    B.Because it makes her think a lot.
    C.Because all students in Virginia surf.
    D.Because her teacher taught her to surf.
    (2)Why did Kathleen Trace feel surprised about Haske's project?

    A.Because Haske had a difficult time doing well in the class before the project.
    B.Because Haske stayed interested in the project a lot longer than other students.
    C.Because Haske had never talked about her passion for surfing before the project.
    D.Because Haske did not put in as much effort on the project as the teacher thought.
    (3)Why did Mallory Haske have trouble with her new surfboard?

    A.Because there were too many waves to surf.
    B.Because the weather was not good for surfing.
    C.Because it is made of trash and will never work.
    D.Because it is hard to make the front end go underwater.
    (4)What can be the suitable title for this text?

    A.Making Waves with Garbage.
    B.From Bottle Caps to New Board.
    C.A Passion Project for Ocean Pollution.
    D.A Virginia Teen Creates Surfboard out of Litter.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分10分)第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共1小題;每小題10分,滿分10分)

  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。

        Tu Youyou,a famous female chemist and scientist,was been born in Zhejiang Province in 1930.
        In 1951,she was admitted by Beijing University,majoring in making medicine and graduating in 1955.Since then,she has been devoted to study traditional Chinese medicine and modern western medicine.In 1972,she succeeded in discovering and developing Qinghaosu out of a Chinese herb cure those patients of malaria,for what she won many big awards.She is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine on October 5th,2015,becoming the first Chinese women scientist to win the Nobel Prize.
        All of us Chinese are proudly of her and her achievements.She has indeed set the excellent example to us students.

第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  • 9.你校學生會將舉行英語單詞拼寫競賽,假定你是校學生會主席李華,寫信邀請學校的外教Miss Brown出席并參與評委的工作。內容要點:
    3.希望賽后Miss Brown進行點評并頒獎。
    Dear Miss Brown,
        I'm writing to invite you as one of the judges for the Spelling Bee Competition.
        I hope you can accept my invitation and look forward to your reply.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
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