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發(fā)布:2024/7/18 8:0:9


  • 1.When planning a trip,people may find it hard to look for a destination.Luckily,the following fantastic movies might have the answer,and they could have audiences jumping to book their next flight abroad.
        The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
        Directed by and starring Ben Stiller and adapted by Steve Conrad,the movie sees Walter Mitty break out of his comfort zone and start an adventure across the globe.Iceland' s volcano and the Himalayas are just two of the fantastic locations featured.This is a perfect time to get any home-lovers out into the wilderness,enjoying the beauty of nature.
        The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
        Directed by John Madden,the movie boasts an all-star line-up that includes Maggie Smith and Judi Dench.The movie portrays India in all its glory,with audiences surely wanting to be immersed in its rich culture.It argues that not only is travel good for the soul,but it can make an extraordinary difference within each of us.
        The Bucket List
        Directed by Rob Reiner and written by Justin Zackham,the movie focused on making the most of life.The leading characters' terminal illnesses were not going to hold them back from visiting their destinations.While the film is deeply moving,it also promotes a notable message,to get into the world and never stop getting inspired.
        Away We Go
        Directed by Sam Mendes and written by Vendela Vida,it's fantastic.Burt and Gloria want to find a new home where they can raise their child safely.The search begins with a visit to Phoenix and their journey takes them to Tucson,Madison,Montreal,Miami and Florida.It' s a tour of some of North America's wonderful towns and cities,but each time they are viewed through the lens of family,love and support.

    (1)Which of the following is suitable for those who want to visit India?

    A.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
    B.The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
    C.The Bucket List.
    D.Away We Go.
    (2)Who acted as a scriptwriter for the movie?

    A.Ben Stiller.
    B.John Madden.
    C.Maggie Smith.
    D.Justin Zackham.
    (3)What is Away We Go mainly about?

    A.A road trip.
    B.A love story.
    C.A family reunion.
    D.A special family.
  • 2.Cold weather not only threatens the life of human beings but also the survival of wild animals.In Houston,it has claimed some unusual animal victims—bats.
        Mary Warwick is the wildlife director at the Houston Humane Society.She was doing shopping when the freezing winds reminded her that she had not heard how the area' s bats were going.So she drove to the bridge where over 100 bats looked to be dead as they lay frozen on the ground.But during her 40-minute drive home,they began to come back to life.The bats made sounds and moved around in a box she had placed on her heated passenger seat for warmth.She returned to the bridge twice a day to collect more.
        Two days later,she got a call about more than 900 bats rescued from a bridge in nearby Pearland,Texas.On the third and fourth days,more people showed up to rescue bats from the Waugh Bridge,and a special transportation effort was set up to get the bats to Warwick,which touched her a great deal.Each of the bats was warmed in an incubator(恒溫箱)until their body temperature rose.
        However,there were too many bats for one person to care for.The society' s current buildings did not have the necessary space,so Warwick and others put the bats in her attic(閣 樓).The bats were separated by group in containers usually used for dogs.There,they were able to reach a state of hibernation(冬眠).Over 100 bats died because of the cold and the fall from the bridge but the others are being or have been released.
        The society is now raising money to build a special room for bats at the society.The society's entire animal rescue team will be vaccinated(接種疫苗)and trained in rescuing bats as they prepare to move into a larger building with the special bat room. "That would really help in these situations where we continue to see strange weather come through,"she said."We could really use more space to rescue the bats."

    (1)Why did Mary War wick drive to the bridge?

    A.To get rid of the dead bats.
    B.To check what happened to the bats.
    C.To reach home a little earlier.
    D.To monitor the surviving bats.
    (2)Which of the following moved Mary Warwick deeply?

    A.More people were willing to donate.
    B.More people showed concern about her.
    C.More people came up with good ideas.
    D.More people joined her rescue.
    (3)What trouble did Mary Warwick have in saving the bats?

    A.There was not enough space to warm the bats.
    B.An increasing number of bats died from the cold.
    C.It was difficult for her to get bats into hibernation.
    D.The bats' body temperature didn't rise as expected.
    (4)What is Mary Warwick's attitude towards the humane society's efforts?

  • 3.The Roman Colosseum is a giant amphitheater built two thousand years ago.Despite its age and an earthquake that knocked down its south side,most of the 150-some-foot building is still standing.Like many ancient Roman structures,parts of it were constructed using a specific type of concrete.Scientists and engineers have long suspected the key to these buildings' strength is their use of this Roman concrete .But exactly how this strong concrete has contributed to the architecture's durability(耐用)has been a mystery to researchers worldwide.
        A team of interdisciplinary(跨學(xué)科的)researchers recently discovered a potential answer to why these ancient Roman buildings have been able to weather the test of time while many modern,concrete structures seem to collapse after a few decades.The answer:self-healing concrete.The material has three components:limestone.volcanic material and water.For years,architects and historians have guessed the volcanic material is what makes it strong- which it does.But it does not explain the material' s self-healing ability.
        What the researchers found was that the self-healing properties might simply be a result of chemistry.The limestone in the concrete is likely the secret.When the ancient Romans made mortar (砂漿),they heated up the lime to turn it into a substance called"quicklime"—a very reactive chemical sibling to limestone.And,because they introduced water to the quicklime during mixing,the heat it produced set up a chemical foundation that could strengthen the concrete later.When tiny cracks start to form later,the quicklime stops them from becoming bigger.When it rains,the lime quickly fills the crack or reacts with the volcanic ash to "heal" the material.
        For materials scientist Ainissa Ramirez,this new understanding of ancient Roman concrete is a welcome discovery. "This is one way that the material can be greener,"says Ramirez. "It' s sort of like a message in a bottle.The Romans made the material.We had to kind of figure out how they did it so that we can make better materials -and then in turn ,attend to our environment better."

    (1)Why is the Roman Colosseum mentioned in paragraph 1?

    A.To show many wonderful ancient Roman structures.
    B.To provide a clue for studying ancient Roman structures.
    C.To disc lose to the world the mystery of ancient Roman structures.
    D.To start the introduction of the durability of ancient Roman structures.
    (2)What does the underlined word"weather" in paragraph 2 mean?

    (3)What might account for the architecture' s self-healing ability?

    A.A material called quicklime.
    B.A chemical foundation.
    C.The volcanic material.
    D.The water in the crack.
    (4)What is implied in Ainissa Ramirez' s words?

    A.Roman concrete was made like a message in a bottle.
    B.Roman concrete was aimed at protecting the environment.
    C.Further study of Roman material will be carried out soon.
    D.The way to make Roman material can be practical nowadays.


  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
        I like traveling to different parts of our country during my holiday.One of my most favorite trips is to Tibet.Last winter,I paid a visit to my uncle whom lives in Tibet.I took a train from Lanzhou to Lhasa and the journeys cost me more than 22 hours.At my arrival in Lhasa,my uncle invited me eat some delicious local food.I get a deep impression of the kindness of the locals.It was obviously that everybody lived a happy life.Travel to Tibet gives me strength to change himself.I' m determined to study hard to make contributions to our country from then on.


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