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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.What did the woman do today?
    A.She cleaned her car.
    B.She bought a new car.
    C.She borrowed an umbrella.
  • 2.Why was the woman afraid?
    A.She ran into a dead dog.
    B.She watched too much TV.
    C.She mistook a bag for a dead dog.
  • 3.Where is the man going?
    A.To the lake.
    B.To the hospital.
    C.To the neighborhood.
  • 4.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Husband and wife.
    B.Doctor and patient.
    C.Coach and trainee.
  • 5.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a cafe.
    B.On a plane.
    C.At the airport.


  • 6.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)Where does the conversation take place?
    A.In the study.
    B.In the kitchen.
    C.In the bedroom.
    (2)When is the man going to sleep?
    A.At 1:00 a.m.
    B.At 2:00 a.m.
    C.At 3:00 a.m.


  • 18.假定你是李華,是學(xué)校中國國學(xué)社團的社長。倫敦孔子學(xué)院的學(xué)生來你校參加國學(xué)夏令 營,請你在開營式上發(fā)言,內(nèi)容包括:
    參考詞匯:孔子學(xué)院 Confucius Institute
    Dear teachers,students and friends,________
  • 19.As Christmas decorations appeared in town,our parents called my two younger brothers and me together.At first,I thought someone had died,because I had never seen my parents look so sad.My brothers and I stood waiting for the awful news.
        Mom hugged me as she murmured, "Christmas is going to be different this year.We won't be having a tree or presents.We can barely afford food." Dad,resting on the couch,beckoned(招手示意)the boys into his arms. "Things will change when I get back to work."
        My family was poorer than dirt.Dad,the only bread-earner in our family,worked in a coal mine.However,soon after returning to work at the end of a long strike,Dad was hurt in a rock fall that broke bones in his foot.Lying on the couch with the swollen foot high on pillows,he didn't talk or smile much.There was little to smile about.No work,no income.
        At nine years old,I mothered my younger brothers:Rodney,aged six,and Stevie,three.We shared a small bedroom.That night,after our parents' announcement,we talked.
        Rodney began. "Em,did you see how sad Mommy and Daddy looked?I thought Mommy was gonna cry."
        "Me,too.Daddy's foot's...this big" whispered Stevie,holding out his arms.
        "Yeah...We're in hard times," I said. "It makes Mommy and Daddy sad."
        "But we don't have to be sad," I added,hoping to brighten the mood.
        "Since there are still several weeks to go,maybe we can do something to cheer them up," I said with overdone enthusiasm.The boys proposed, "We can take the money from our piggy bank..earn some more...and surprise them with gifts!"
        "I can run errands(跑腿) for Aunt Em and neighbors to earn money,"I offered.
        "Yeah," Rodney added, "I and Stevie can return bottles and save the deposit money...instead of buying candy!" He pushed Stevie gently with his elbow.
        "Yeah!" Stevie clutched his hands together.
        We had a plan!
        Until they nodded off,I coached my little brothers (especially Stevie) in ways to guard our secret. "Don't talk about it during the day."
        We awoke in the morning,transforming from sad children to the secret agents on an important mission!________________
        On Christmas morning,we hurried into the living room and handed the gifts to Mommy and Daddy._________________
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