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發(fā)布:2024/9/28 1:0:2


  • 1.Our Favourite Tech Gifts of 2021 When it comes to time for the holiday shopping season,we're extra choosy about the countless technology products that we will buy and give to friends and family.Here's what impressed editors,reporters and producers most in 2021.
       Lumos Matrix helmet
       I recently bought a Lumos Matrix helmet (﹩229)with built-in lights to make riding my bike at night a lot safer and less stressful.It's a regular pain point for bikers like me to make sure careless drivers see you,especially when it's dark.This does help.
    ——Matt Mcfarland,Writer
       Goodreads app
       Although this isn't a gift,the free Goodreads app is a game changer.At the beginning of 2019,I promised myself that I'd read at least one new book every month.I set a goal of 12 books on Goodreads and use it to track my progress,keep a list of books I'm interested in and check out what friends and others on the app were recommending.I read 35 books this year! (That's up from five books last year.) Goodreads feels like one of the rare feel-good social networks.
    ——Kaya Yurieff,Tech Reporter
       Ember coffee cup
       I drink my coffee slowly,so it has routinely cooled by the time I get halfway through it.For my birthday,my mum bought me a cup,which keeps my coffee warm until I finish it without reheating.I can also set the temperature I want.It makes my mornings so much easier.
    ——Millie Dent,Intern

    (1)What is the main advantage of Lumos Matrix helmet?

    A.Helping drivers concentrate.
    B.Managing the bad weather.
    C.Making night riding safer.
    D.Making bikers less painful.
    (2)What does the writer mean by referring to the Goodreads app as "a game changer"?

    A.It changes some readers' reading rules.
    B.It inspires readers to read more through communication.
    C.It limits the number of books a reader can read.
    D.It provides readers with free Internet games.
    (3)Which of the following can best describe Ember coffee cup?

  • 2.To raise money for restaurant workers who had to stay at home during COVID-19,two brothers,Aiden and Louis Ardine,decided to walk 3,200 miles across America.
       Having just arrived on the sands of the Pacific Ocean,Aiden and Louis Ardine have now completed their five-month walk.They had hoped to raise $ 30,000 for some charities (慈善組織) that were helping restaurant workers waiting for lockdown (隔離) to end,but ended up making $ 70,000 — which they gave away to the COCO Fund and the Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation.
       "This would not have been possible without the help of a huge community of people,whether people were donating or helping us guide our way across the United States." said Aiden Ardine. "This was surely an adventure full of hope,and it proved people are born good and want to help their neighbors."
       Just like cross-country trips in this nation,their journey was characterized by amazing views,long roads,and helpful strangers:like a man who passed them in the extreme heat of summertime Iowa,before doubling back and giving them a cold drink;or a Nevada campground manager who let them stay for free.
       In Utah they had what the naturalist John Muir would have described as an "interview" with a black bear.When rounding a corner in the path,they found themselves within a few feet of it.
       When they reached San Francisco,their supporters were waiting for them on the beach.Afterwards they flew home along with their mom who had been there to meet them.After their adventurous stay away from home,we can only imagine she was really feeling proud of her sons.

    (1)Why did the two brothers collect money?

    A.To set up some charities.
    B.To help end the lockdown.
    C.To complete their five-month walk.
    D.To help restaurant workers stuck at home.
    (2)Which word can best describe the two brothers?

    (3)What happened to the brothers in Utah?

    A.They met with a bear.
    B.They were interviewed.
    C.They saw a naturalist.
    D.They were injured in an accident.
    (4)What can be the best title for the text?

    A.A Long Journey.
    B.Walk With Love.
    C.A Proud Mother.
    D.Adventure With Fun.


  • 7.A primary school in rural China with more than 1,000 teachers and students has achieved food self-sufficiency by offering farming for students.
    (equip) with farmland where students can participate in manual labor,Jingwai Mingde Primary School in Xuanwei,Yunnan province, (2)
    (feed) itself for 15 years.
        Each class is allocated a piece of land to plant seasonal vegetables or raise livestock, (3)
    will become ingredients for their (4)
    (day) meals.Students do farm chores twice (5)
    week under the guidance of the teachers.
        There is also a zoo in the school keeping sika deer,ostriches and other animals (6)
    (help) students expand their horizons (7)
    get along with animals.
        The school set up a greenhouse (8)
    fruit trees and medicinal herbs for students to learn about botanical knowledge in nature (9)
    (happy),instead of listening to teachers in the classroom.
        "Children who have not kissed the land will not have a complete childhood," said school principal Lei Yingfei. "The farm labor will build excellent (10)
    (character) that last a lifetime."

第三部分:書(shū)面表達(dá),應(yīng)用文寫(xiě)作 ( 滿分 20 分)

  • 8.請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面的寫(xiě)作要點(diǎn)和要求寫(xiě)一篇標(biāo)題為Friendship in Modern Society的短文。
    參考詞匯:網(wǎng)絡(luò)欺凌 cyberbullying
    Friendship in Modern Society_____________________________________________
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