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Part 1 Listening (1’*10)(Text1-5 對話僅讀一遍)

  • 1.M:How many people are going to your party tonight?
    15,but only 10 can come.
  • 2.W:Look outside,Grandpa!The ground is all white!
    M:Yes.It snowed a lot yesterday.
    W:What about today?
    M:It's going to be
  • 3.M:I really love this cheese.
    W:Oh,do you?It is made by my mum.Well,I'll be going back to
    for a week in December,so I'll bring you some more.
  • 4.W:I'd like to go to the flower festival in Jamestown on March 6th.It's too far to drive,but I'm afraid of flying.
    M:Train tickets are
    at that time of year.Shall I book you one?
  • 5.W:Last night I was sitting at the table eating something.Suddenly,someone from behind me covered my eyes with his hands.Do you know how I felt at that moment?
    M:Maybe it surprised you.
  • 6.(1)What is the message mainly about?
    A. A movie.
    B. A meeting.
    C. A movie theater.
    (2)Why does the woman ask the man to hold on?
    A. She has to find a pen.
    B. She is on another line.
    C. She gets Maria to answer the phone.
  • 7.(1)How long has Paul worked for Art and Design?
    A. 10 years.
    B. 5 years.
    C. 3 years.
    (2)What kind of job is Paul looking for?
    A. Reporter.
    B. An artist.
    C. A designer.
    (3)What will Paul do next?
    A. Attend an interview.
    B. Buy a magazine.
    C. Return to his office.

Part 2 Vocabulary (1’*15)

  • 8.He________of________he had said at the meeting.( ?。?/div>
  • 9.Because of the snow,the village was not ________ by car.( ?。?/div>
  • 10.After living there for one year,they have________there.( ?。?/div>
  • 11.Before liberation the laboring people had no ___ to education.(  )
  • 12.-It's amazing that an Australian girl sailed around the world alone in about 200 days.
    -That's an inspiring story. Her courage is really ________.( ?。?/div>
  • 13.I think full advantage is__________ of this technology to improve the quality of our products.(  )
  • 14.The new student was very slow to ________ the strict rules of the school.(  )
  • 15.We don't allow ________ here,but you ________ in the smoking room.( ?。?/div>


  • 46.The Albatross(信天翁) A What is an Albatross?
       Albatrosses are the largest seabirds in existence,with wingspans(翼幅)which extend to over three metres in width.They represent a small subset of the larger group known as tube-nosed petrels,which have strong,curved sharp beaks which they use for catching fish and squid on the surface of the ocean.While there is some debate about the exact taxonomy of the species,it is agreed that there are somewhere between 21 and 24 species of albatrosses.
       B A Special Breeding Site
       Of these species,approximately half breed in New Zealand and about 80 percent breed(繁殖)or fish within New Zealand's territorial waters.Six species breed only in New Zealand or on its offshore islands.One of only two mainland nesting sites for these birds in the world,for the northern royal albatross,is on the Otago Peninsula in the South Island of New Zealand;it is a popular tourist destination.Visitors can view the albatross colony(種群)from a special building which has been established beside the nesting ground and,while the site is closed during breeding season(繁殖季),at other times it is often possible to see parents and their chicks living and feeding only metres away from human observers.
       C Predators
       However,there are risks to albatross chicks(幼鳥)on land.Natural predators(捕食者)such as seagulls can eat eggs and young birds,and in mainland areas there are also threats from dogs,cats and other land animals.On some offshore islands,sea lions have been observed raiding(襲擊)nests for eggs.It is thought that this is a new behaviour.
       D Threats (危險)for Adult Albatross
       The main threats to the adult albatross occur at sea,and most of these are man-made.Albatrosses like to travel close to fishing boats,to eat the leftover scraps of fish that are dropped over the side of the boat.Sometimes,however,they also eat the bait(餌)and accidentally ingest(咽下)fish hooks(鉤),or get dragged(拖,拉) along on fishing lines and drown.The number of albatrosses that any one boat catches is small,but because there are so many fishing boats,this may have a long term impact on population numbers.It is estimated(預估)that at least 100,000 albatrosses die in this way each year.As for all sea bird species,there are other threats,such as drift nets,oil spills and rubbish such as plastic in the ocean.While there are international agreements and fishing conventions to try and protect sea birds,albatrosses are among the million or so sea birds that get caught in drift nets and die each year.
       Answer the questions below.Use NO MORE THAN SIX WORDS OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

    (1)What is the distance from one wing tip(翅尖)to the other of an albatross?

    (2)How many kinds of albatrosses are there?

    (3)What can people see from the special building beside the nesting site?

    (4)How many albatrosses die each year because of fishing boats?

    Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the reading passage?
    YES 正確
    NO 錯誤
    NOT GIVEN 沒有提到
    Albatrosses are the largest seabirds in the world.
    Cats and dogs may kill young albatross chicks.
    Adult albatrosses are more at risk on the land than at sea.
    Oil spill can threaten(威脅)albatrosses.
    Albatrosses that get caught up in drift nets die from drowning.

Part 6 Writing task 20’

  • 47.Nowadays in some countries,people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants.Why do people waste food?What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away?
    You should write at least 150 words.
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