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發(fā)布:2024/9/6 2:0:8


  • 1. Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others?( ?。?/div>
  • 2.This is      useful article on how to be      honest man.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.—What's the         of your good grades?
    —Hard work and carefulness.( ?。?/div>
  • 4. Not only Anne's parents but also she        trying to        a shelf.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.---Mom!Could you please teach       English?
    ---Sure!But it is more important to learn it by       .( ?。?/div>
  • 6.— Every day I run for more than two hours.
    — Really?You'd better ________ so much.Too much running isn't good for your health.(  )
  • 7.--I'd like to cut out some pictures from these magazines.May I use your      ?
    --Of course.Here you are.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.—Does John jump ________ of all the students in his class?
    —No,Sam can jump even ________.( ?。?/div>

閱讀表達(dá) 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容用英語回答問題,每題答案不超過5個(gè)單詞。

  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)24.Once,a student complained to his teacher about his unhappy life.
       Teacher decided to teach him a lesson.
       One day,he asked the student to get some salt and a glass of water.
       The student returned with a glass of clean water and a handful of salt.The teacher asked the young man to put the salt into the glass and drink it.
       "How does it taste?" the teacher asked.
       "It tastes bitter (味苦的)," the student replied.
       The teacher didn't say anything else,but asked the young man to get the same amount (數(shù)量) of salt and follow the teacher to a nearby lake.
       "Put the salt into the lake," the teacher said.The young man did what the teacher said.
       "Now,taste the water from the lake," the teacher said.
       As the water dropped down the young man's chin,the teacher asked, "How does it taste?"
       "Fresh and a bit sweet," the student said.
       "Do you taste the salt?" the teacher asked.
       "No," the young man shook his head.
       The teacher sat beside the young man and said, "The pain of life is like salt - no more,no less.However,the amount of bitterness you taste depends on the container (容器) you put the pain in." The amount of pain in life stays exactly the same.So when you are in pain,the only thing to do is to open up the mind.Stop being a glass,become a lake.

    回答下面 5 個(gè)問題,每題答案不超過 5 個(gè)詞.
    (1)What did the student complain to his teacher about?

    (2)Where did the teacher ask the student to put the salt at first?

    (3)How did the water from the lake taste?

    (4)What does the salt mean in the story?

    (5)What should we do when we are in pain?


  • 25.假如Andy是一位來自美國的交換生,目前就讀于你所在的中學(xué),通過兩個(gè)月的接觸,你們成了好朋友,請你根據(jù)下面的提示,以A Friend From the USA為題介紹一下他。開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
    外貌特征 14歲,短發(fā),圓臉,高大英俊,總是面帶笑容;
    性格品質(zhì) 誠實(shí);幽默(請各舉一例說明);
    興趣愛好 癡迷于DIY,經(jīng)常在周末自己動手制作、修理物品;
    生活體驗(yàn) 認(rèn)為中國的學(xué)校與美國相當(dāng)不同,在這兒上課較多而休假較少:
    未來打算 成為一名社會工作者,……(請用1至2句話說明原因)
    A Friend From the USA Andy is my new friend from the USA.He is_____.
APP開發(fā)者:深圳市菁優(yōu)智慧教育股份有限公司| 應(yīng)用名稱:菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) | 應(yīng)用版本:5.0.4 |隱私協(xié)議|第三方SDK|用戶服務(wù)條款