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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Sunrise Magic Balloon Flights Wondala is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.Floating over the city in a hot air balloon in the early morning sky will fill you with peace and quietness.The beauty of the city as the sun comes up will take your breath away!Sunrise Magic offers sunrise flights 365 days a year.After landing,a champagne breakfast awaits passengers at Lakeview hotel.Sunrise Magic has over 25 years of experience and is a leader in commercial hot air ballooning.Passengers meet at five-star hotel Lakeview.Weekend flights,are approximately one hour in length and weekday flights last about 45 to 60 minutes.
       Flight prices
       Weekday flights
       Flight cost:﹩180 per person (Children under 12-120)
       Champagne breakfast(optional):Additional﹩25 per person
       Weekend flights
        Flight cost:﹩235 per person(Children under 12-150)
       Champagne breakfast (optional):Additional﹩25 per person
       Groups of five or more will be offered a 10% discount off the normal price of a flight.
       Safety is very important to us and we will not fly if weather conditions are unsuitable.We have a 100% safety record.All of our pilots are approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
       Phone Sunrise Magic on 53467999 to make a booking.Departure time will be confirmed when booking.Please allow at least two and a half hours for flights and an additional 1-2 hours for breakfast.We advise that you wear comfortable clothes and that you wear strong shoes so that your feet remain warm and dry.If weather conditions don't allow us to fly on your preferred day,you can have a full refund or we can rebook your flight on another day.

    (1)What can we learn about Sunrise Magic Balloon Flights?

    A.Sunrise Magic offers sunrise flights all year round.
    B.Passengers meet at a hotel with 25 years of history.
    C.Weekend flights usually last about 45 to 60 minutes.
    D.Passengers can enjoy a champagne breakfast for free.
    (2)How much should a couple with a son aged 11 pay at least?

    (3)What can passengers do if weather conditions are unsuitable?

    A.Make a complaint.
    B.Get a discount.
    C.Confirm the booking.
    D.Get a full refund.
  • 2.A Norfolk sheepdog named Peggy spent most of her life working on a farm and helping her human herd animals from place to place.She was great at her job,which requires keen intelligence and the ability to listen to a shepherd's signals.But everything changed when Peggy suddenly went deaf for unknown reasons.
       Peggy was sent to an animal shelter in 2018.With the shelter full,staffers tried to find a foster family for her to spend the holidays with.Thankfully,animal welfare manager Chloe Shorten stepped up to take her in! "We decided she could stay with us temporarily while we found somewhere more permanent to take her in,but we completely fell in love with her almost immediately and it soon became clear that she wouldn't be going anywhere!" Chloe said. "She was greasy and out of condition,untrusting,and frightened," the shelter added.
       "She soon started to bond with me and we started taking her to fun places like the beach,something we don't think she has ever experienced before," Chloe said. "With some tender loving care and good food,Peggy soon started to adjust to life.Several months on and Peggy has blossomed into a dog who is continuing to improve daily."
       One of the biggest ways Peggy's new family helped her adjust was getting her back to work.Working dogs are bred to do a specific job,and without a purpose,they can grow depressed and bored.So Chloe introduced the dog to hand signs and taught her to use her eyes in place of her ears while on the job.Now that she's 10,she's "generally retired," but she still enjoys herding and continues to impress her family with how quickly she learns new skills.

    (1)What can we infer about the Peggy from the text?

    A.She is ten and has retired.
    B.She went deaf due to a rare condition.
    C.It was long before she adjusted to her new life.
    D.She was abandoned by her former family.
    (2)How many ways did the Chloe use to help Peggy adjust in the text?

    (3)Why did the Chloe get Peggy back to work?

    A.They were depressed and bored by her performance.
    B.They wanted to help her recover her sense of hearing.
    C.They needed her to help them herding animals.
    D.They were concerned about her mental health.
    (4)Which of the following best describes Peggy?

    A.Aggressive and shy.
    B.Adaptable and gifted.
    C.Untrusting and greasy.
    D.Fierce and talented.
  • 3.We've landed on the moon and sent spacecraft to Mars.But how would you like to take a walk around the red planet itself,having a closer look at the rocky Marian surface from all angles?Well,for those who can't afford a rocket ship,experiences like this are now a "virtual" step closer,thanks to AR(Augmented Reality) technology.
       AR refers to the process of displaying digital information on top of the physical world using an electronic device.The device could be a pair of smart glasses,a tablet or even a smart phone.
       Unlike "virtual reality",or VR,users can touch objects and move around in this digital world,instead of being restricted to a small area.This is particularly exciting for businesses.
       These days,it's possible to virtually try on or try out a variety of goods before buying via AR apps:Sephora's app lets you view cosmetics(化妝品) in AR on your face;QUANU offers a chance to "see" furniture in your home;paint brands let you virtually view colors on your walls.These offerings provide a way to enhance in-store experiences or make life much easier for busy shoppers.
       In time,AR advocates hope it will allow us to interact with a whole world that is enhanced by multimedia provided by very clever computers- transforming not only business,but also fields like healthcare,manufacturing,telecommunications,education,and public safety.A doctor could see patients around the world from the comfort of his own home.
       Not everyone is convinced that either the technology or the world is ready.Kipman,the creator of the HoloLens,thinks we still have a long way to go before AR reaches its potential. "We will look back at this decade as being like cavemen in terms of technology," he said.

    (1)What is the main feature of AR?

    A.Users may be limited to a fixed position.
    B.It can be operated on any electronic device.
    C.Users can physically explore the digital world.
    D.It separates digital information from the physical world.
    (2)What can we learn from the examples in the third paragraph?

    A.AR provides high-quality goods.
    B.AR enhances consumer experiences.
    C.AR enjoys enormous popularity.
    D.AR boosts economic development.
    (3)What is Alex Kipman's attitude towards AR?

    (4)What can we infer from the passage?

    A.AR has taken the place of VR.
    B.AR is widely used in health care.
    C.The world is well prepared for AR.
    D.AR has a relatively bright prospect.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié)(滿分15分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,你班今天與英國(guó)姊妹學(xué)校Hampton School在線共上一堂課,介紹各自國(guó)家的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日。請(qǐng)你就此事給??⑽臋谀繉懸黄獔?bào)道。內(nèi)容包括:
    1.詞數(shù) 80 左右;


  • 9.My parents do a lot of embarrassing things!Usually,it's my dad who sings silly songs or tells corny jokes around my friends.But a few weeks ago,it was my mother who played the embarrassing-parent role.
        While my mom and I were shopping,we ran into my teacher,who mentioned that the school didn't have a music teacher to help our class put together a performance for Winter Fair.And,right then and there,my mom said, "I know the perfect song and dance.I'll teach it to the kids!"
        Before I could say "Please don't",my mom had agreed to come to my class every morning at 9:30 for a week.Oh,and just to be clear,it's not as if she's a professional entertainer.My parents run a small grocery store,and the only singing my mom does is in the shower.
        "Um," I said on our way home, "are you sure this is such a good idea?" "Of course!" she said. "If we want your school Winter Fair to happen,people need to step up and volunteer." "I know volunteering is important," I said, "but couldn't you help out in Tex and Indi's kindergarten instead?" She laughed, "Don't be silly.We will have fun!"
        "OK,fellas!" my teacher said at 9:28 on Monday. "We're going to stop silent reading a little early today because a special guest is here to help us with a performance for Winter Fair.Let's all welcome Arizona's mother."
        I looked up to discover my mom standing at the front of the room wearing the world's silliest snowflake hat. "I'm super excited to be here with you!" my mom said,"I'm going to teach you a fun little song-and-dance performance I learned a few years back,when I did some theater in college.Here goes!"
        Oh please,oh please,I said over and over in my head,let there be a fire drill,or an assembly,or a power failure,or anything to stop my mom from completely embarrassing herself - and me!!!
        But apparently,my mom was not at all concerned about looking silly.She turned on some background music and started singing and dancing away.
    1.所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;
    Paragraph 1
    "I can't believe this is happening" was all I could think.__________________
    Paragraph 2
    My mom turned out to be more than a little OK at performing.__________________
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