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發(fā)布:2024/5/30 8:0:9


  • 1.How did the woman feel about her new class?
  • 2.What are the speakers doing?
    A.Placing an order.
    B.Having drinks.
    C.Waiting in line.
  • 3.What does the man mistake?
    A.The seat number.
    B.The train.
    C.The carriage.
  • 4.What will the woman do tomorrow?
    A.Hand in a paper.
    B.Have a day off.
    C.Attend an economic lecture.
  • 5.What are the speakers talking about?
    A.A kid.
    B.A cat.
    C.A dog.

第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽下面5段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘; 聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。

  • 6.(1)What will the woman do next?
    A.Restart the computer.
    B.Put the milk back.
    C.Settle the bill.
    (2)What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Doctor and patient.
    B.Salesman and customer.
    C.Husband and wife.


  • 18.假定你是李華,英語課上,老師要求就應(yīng)用人工智能(artificial intelligence)的利弊進(jìn)行討論,請你代表小組寫一篇發(fā)言稿,說明討論的結(jié)果。
    On the Use of Artificial Intelligence


  • 19.    I had been working in a game reserve (野生動物保護(hù)區(qū)) in South Africa for many years.Though a part of me longed for the busy familiarity of Paris,I knew my life was in South Africa.
        One night there was a sharp knock on my door.I wasn't expecting a visitor. "Francoise?It's me," a woman whispered.I threw open the door. "Amanda?What's wrong?"
        Amanda,a thin young woman,was our chef.She motioned for me to come outside. "There's a baby Ellie here."
        "An elephant?"
        "She's right over there,tiny and terrified."
        "It must be ET's baby daughter," I said.
        Amanda explained that she'd heard a noise outside her room.She'd taken her flashlight,opened the door and shined it across the garden.A tiny elephant stared back at her,eyes in terror.Not knowing what to do,Amanda had closed the door and climbed out of a back window to call me.
        Elephants are fantastic mothers — ET would never leave her baby unattended.Apparently,the baby elephant had somehow slipped under the fence.
        Amanda and I had to get her inside the house to keep her safe until we could get her back to her mother.Her frightened eyes stared at us through the leaves.I walked slowly toward the Ellie.She watched me but as soon as I was within touching distance,she ran behind the house.Amanda and I ran after her.Finally,we managed to corner the Ellie in the parking area.She stood completely still,head down and eyes flashing anxiously at any movement or sound.I tried approaching her again,and this time she didn't resist,allowing us to gently get her into my home.
        I kept talking to her,telling her she was safe and that we would get her back to her mum.Then I called the reserve center for help and,to our relief,they promised to come right away.
        Realizing the Ellie might be thirsty,I told Amanda to get her some milk.
        Soon,we heard the sound of a truck on the dirt track.
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