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發(fā)布:2024/5/8 8:0:8

第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題6分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.There are more than 400 units in the National Park System of the United States.Most people know about the most popular parks,such as Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon National Park.Here are some of the little-known National Parks that everyone should try to visit.
       Crater Lake National Park,Oregon
       Crater Lake is one of the most unique areas in Oregon and the country.The park makes a great summer and winter time destination.Most of the year the park is covered in snow,the summertime window is very brief,lasting only from July to October.During the short summer,visitors can enjoy the Rim Drive,hike,camp,fish,swim in the lake and even take a boat tour of the lake.
       Joshua Tree National Park,California
       Located in southern California,Joshua Tree National Park has some amazing sites to see,even the night skies,especially while camping.There are many nature trails,hiking trails,as well as options for mountain biking and rock-climbing.Visitors to Joshua Tree National Park can enjoy the beautiful desert ecosystem.
       Petrified Forest National Park,Arizona
       Arizona has excellent examples of some of the ancient history of the Americas.One place to learn about this and see it in person is at Petrified Forest National Park.This park has an amazing concentration of petrified wood,giving visitors the chance to imagine the forests that once covered the land.
       Wind Cave National Park,South Dakota
       This park is home to one of the world's longest and most complex caves.Visitors to this park can enjoy learning about the geology and history of the cave,and they can also enjoy the variety of wildlife that inhabit the mixed-grass prairie (大草原),including bison,mule deer,elk and more.

    (1)How long does the summertime window last in Crater Lake National Park?

    A.Three months.
    B.Four months.
    C.Five months.
    D.Six months.
    (2)What can visitors do in Joshua Tree National Park?

    A.Ride a horse.
    B.Go fishing.
    C.Climb rocks.
    D.Go skating.
    (3)In which park can visitors experience caves?

    A.Crater Lake National Park.
    B.Joshua Tree National Park .
    C.Petrified Forest National Park.
    D.Wind Cave National Park.
  • 2.I have lived in rural America for nine years,first in Michigan,where I got my PhD;then in central Illinois and now in Indiana,where I am a professor.In a place where most people have lived the whole of their lives,I feel like a stranger.There are few things I enjoy more than complaining about my geographic isolation.I'm a vegetarian,so there's nowhere to go for a nice dinner that isn't 50 miles away.I'm black,so there's nowhere to get my hair done that doesn't involve another 50-mile drive.And the closest major airport is two hours away.
       I recite these gripes to my friends.We all have grand ideas about what life would be like if only we did that,or lived there.And there's this;I really don't intend to change most of the things I complain about.Griping is seductive on those days when happiness requires too much energy.But it also makes me lose sight of the fact that I was born and grew up in Nebraska and have lived most of my life in one of the plains states.When I go to the coasts,I am struck by how unappealing big-city living can be.
       While I may not love where I live,there are plenty of people who are proud to call this place home.At a party with colleagues,I was going on about everything I couldn't stand in our town when I noticed that they were silent and shifting uncomfortably.That moment forced a change in me.Complaining may offer relief,but so does acceptance.There is no perfect life.By focusing on gripes,I risk missing out on precious moments of appreciation.When I get home,I stand on my balcony,look into the night sky and see the stars.I know that I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

    (1)What causes the author's loneliness?

    A.Dietary habits.
    B.Racial prejudice.
    C.Educational differences.
    D.Identity confusion.
    (2)What does the underlined word "seductive" mean in paragraph 3?

    (3)How might the author feel about himself when the atmosphere changed at a party?

    (4)What does the author realize in the end?

    A.Every day is beautiful.
    B.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.
    C.Human must value lives themselves.
    D.Don't be penny wise and pound foolish.
  • 3.    Is the end of homework near?As new powerful artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT take the Internet by storm,teachers concerned with AI-driven cheating are questioning their teaching and assessment methods.
       ChatGPT,the most powerful AI language model ever developed by the company OpenAI,remembers the thread of your dialogue,using previous questions and answers to inform its next responses.Deriving its answers from huge volumes of information on the Internet,it is fine-tuned using both supervised and reinforcement learning.It is capable of generating natural-sounding text on demand in just a few seconds.The quality of the copy it produces is sufficient to impress teachers in secondary and higher education,and even researchers.A few days after its launch,more than 1 million people were trying out ChatGPT.UBS analyst Lloyd Walmsley estimated in February 2023 that ChatGPT reached 100 million monthly users in January,accomplishing in 2 months what took TikTok about 9 months and Instagram two and a half years.
       The use of AI tools in copywriting has sparked an outcry around the world.In the United States,public schools in New York and Seattle have decided to block ChatGPT from their devices and WiFi networks.In France,the prestigious Sciences Po university in Paris has also just announced a strict ban on its use.But experts question whether bans like these are really effective.On one hand,students will always be able to access tools like ChatGPT through other means than school devices.On the other hand,some question the relevance of blocking access to a digital tool whose use is likely to grow in the professional world in the coming years.
       Amelie Cordier,a lecturer in artificial intelligence at Lyon University,notes that students haven't waited for ChatGPT to try to escape the chore of homework—whether by photocopying the library encyclopedia,copy-pasting content from Wikipedia or enlisting their parents' help. "What is ultimately very important in the learning process is not so much the subject on which you learn,it's the methodology that you learn to develop around that subject," Cordier said.

    (1)Why does the author raise a question in paragraph 1?

    A.To imply a future trend.
    B.To arouse the readers' interest.
    C.To introduce background knowledge.
    D.To reveal the negative effects of artificial intelligence.
    (2)For what purpose does the author list figures in paragraph 2?

    A.To show the popularity of ChatGPT.
    B.To stress the high cost of inventing ChatGPT.
    C.To present the creativity of artificial intelligence.
    D.To prove the necessity of developing tools for chatting online.
    (3)Which of the following is probably the reason for the experts' question?

    A.Students can always employ AI tools in other ways.
    B.Teachers and researchers are impressed by ChatGPT.
    C.The bans have been announced only in the US and France.
    D.AI tools have already been widely applied in professional fields.
    (4)What plays a critical role in learning according to Cordier?

    A.Parents' help.
    B.The library encyclopedia.
    C.The system of methods.
    D.The content from Wikipedia.

第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分10分)第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)(共1小題;每小題10分,滿分10分)

  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
        While leaving a shop,I heard a conversation between a staff member and a lady,whom was looking to enter the shop with her dog.A staff member was apologizing that the dog not permitted to enter—it wasn't a support dog.The lady turned to leave out.I called out to her to wait and offer to look after the dog.She was surprised,and half joking asked if I was going to steal her dog.I told her I was a pet lover either.I then spent lovely 20 minutes get to know Baxter while its owner took his time to do the shopping.How a wonderful experience!

第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(滿分25分)

  • 9.假如你是李華,你準(zhǔn)備給即將回國的外教Mike送一個(gè)有中國文化特色的小禮物并附便函一封。內(nèi)容包括:
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