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發(fā)布:2024/7/11 8:0:9


  • 1.Canadians have many natural wonders with enough lakes,mountains and rivers to explore for a lifetime.Here are some of the best waterfalls in Canada.
       Niagara Falls
       Niagara Falls,Ontario
       Niagara Falls are the most famous waterfalls in Canada.They are actually made up of three different falls,with Horseshoe Falls being the only one located on the Canadian side.Different viewing choices are available including the Hornblower boat cruise (游船).In 2007,the base of the falls was referred to as "World's End" in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End.
       Bridal Veil Falls
       Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park,British Columbia
       Bridal Veil Falls are located in the east of Chilliwack,British Columbia,and really do look like their name,with water gently pouring over smooth rock.An easy 15-minute walk to the falls takes you through rich leaves.Picnic tables are available,and there are lots of chances for viewing wild plants and animals along the way.
       Takakkaw Falls
       Yoho National Park,British Columbia
       Takakkaw Falls are the second-highest waterfalls in Canada.After a drive up a wandering road,these falls are only a short hike from the parking lot.Even though the falls can be seen from far away,the wonderful up-close views,impressive sound and cold mist provide an awe-inspiring (使人敬畏的) sensory experience.
       Virginia Falls
       Nahanni National Park Reserve,Northwest Territories
       Coming in at twice the height of Niagara Falls,Virginia Falls are located on the South Nahanni River in the Northwest Territories.Virginia Falls are also called "Nailicho",which means "big river falling" in the South Slavey language.These falls are very much out-of-the-way,which means they receive only about 1,000 visitors every year.

    (1)What do we know about Niagara Falls?

    A.They appeared in a movie.
    B.They include four falls in total.
    C.They can only be visited by boat.
    D.They are the highest falls in Canada.
    (2)What can visitors do in Bridal Veil Falls?

    A.Make a camp.
    B.Observe wildlife.
    C.Drive through the falls.
    D.See powerful waterfalls.
    (3)Which falls are difficult to reach?

    A.Niagara Falls.
    B.Bridal Veil Falls.
    C.Takakkaw Falls.
    D.Virginia Falls.
  • 2.In Colonial days,farm families worked from sunrise to sunset and sometimes longer.People had little time for play.They did not have a chance to see other people as much as we do today.But sometimes they were able to turn hard work into good times and still visit with their neighbours.
       In Virginia,Indian corn was an important crop.In late autumn after the weather had turned cold,the corn was ready to be harvested.Each ear had a cover of leaves called the husk(殼).The colonists pulled ears of corn from the dry stalks and stored the ears of corn.Later,they held a corn huskingparty.
       On a clear night in November,neighbouring families gathered to husk(剝?nèi)ァ臍ぃ?the corn.They lit lanterns in a barn and piled the corn in high mounds(垛) on the floor.Then everyone went to work.
       Most of the corn was yellow or white.But from time to time,a red ear was found.The person who found it was supposed to have good luck.
       As people worked together,they enjoyed each other's company.There was cider to drink and cakes and cookies to eat.Corn husking was a favourite with boys and girls because they liked the chance to have a party.

    (1)When and where were corn husking parties held?

    A.They were held in barns at night.
    B.They were held in the fields at night.
    C.They were held on farms during the day.
    D.They were held on farms on moonless nights.
    (2)Why did boys and girls like corn huskings?

    A.They liked the chance to dress up.
    B.They liked to have parties.
    C.They liked to count the ears of corn.
    D.They liked to do hard work.
    (3)What is the passage mainly about?

    A.It is about harvesting an important crop.
    B.It is about Indians during Colonial days.
    C.It is about dances held in colonial barns.
    D.It is about how to husk corn.
    (4)How would the person feel when he found a red corn?

    A.He would feel very happy.
    B.He would feel very sorry.
    C.He would feel very worried.
    D.He would feel very satisfied.
  • 3.We've all heard the stories of an actor's struggles before a career breakthrough:living a hard life,working part time,being a couch potato before getting that major role.Shelby,the star of "A Dog's Way Home," has a hard-luck tale that could top them all.Before her big break,she was living in a landfill,rooting through garbage for her next meal.
       Shelby's big break came in April 2017,when animal-control officer Megan Buhler was driving in Cheatham County,Tennessee.Out on an unrelated call,Buhler spotted and approached what she recalled was a noticeably scared puppy emerging from the dump. "I knelt down and just said,'Oh,come here,baby,'" said Buhler. "She was so scared,but she came right up to me,and I was able to put her in my truck." The pair headed to the county animal shelter,where the staff began calling the new resident Baby Girl.
       Buhler and others didn't know that 3,200 kilometers away,Hollywood was looking for a dog to play Bella in a film written by Cathryn Michon.The find-a-Bella job went to freelance trainer Teresa Ann Miller.Her mission was to search shelters nationwide for a dog that could play Bella.One day,Miller spotted Baby Girl's adoption photo. "Honestly,it was a really good picture,and she was flat-out smiling," Miller said.Then she met Baby Girl,and assessed her on personality and the ability to respond to simple commands.After assessment,she adopted Baby Girl from the shelter,renamed her Shelby and took her to California for training.Miller and Shelby trained for just over three months before filming began.Then they were together each day on the set.
       Most of the film's reviews have praised Shelby's performance.Variety made the comments "an amazing dog,perfect performance!"
       Shelby has come a long way from the garbage dump.But Buhler said when she saw Shelby recently she just needed only a second to compare the movie star with the dog she found from piles of trash. "She's exactly the same," Buhler said.

    (1)Why does the author mention an actor's struggle before a career breakthrough at the very beginning?

    A.To clearly point out the main idea of the passage.
    B.To attract reader's attention by giving dramatic examples.
    C.To introduce a dog's similar but even more striking experiences.
    D.To make a sharp contrast between an actor's struggle and a dog's struggle.
    (2)What finally helped Baby Girl get the big role in the film?

    A.Her adoption picture.
    B.Her personality and ability.
    C.Her flat-out smiling.
    D.Her miserable experiences.
    (3)By saying "She is exactly the same" in the last paragraph,Buhler probably means
    A.the dog looked exactly the same as before
    B.the dog's really excited to live such a happy life
    C.the dog returned to the piles of trash where she found it
    D.the dramatic change of the dog's life hasn't changed her inner quality
    (4)What do you think may serve as the best title of the passage?

    A.The Trainer and Her Star Dog
    B.Shelby's Hard-luck Story
    C.From a Landfill Puppy to a Movie Star
    D.The Success of "A Dog's Way Home"
  • 4.Slang (俚語(yǔ)) is very informal language which is often used by young people.It's hard to keep up to date with it as new words and phrases appear and develop.Living in a multicultural society has an effect on language,especially on the young,whose friends are often from a mix of backgrounds.TV and music also have a big influence.A complete list of slang is difficult to make.By the time it is finished,the list will be out of date.However,here are a few examples:
       "Safe", " sorted", " sound" or "cool" all means "That's good" or "I understand".
       Instead of using different tag questions (附加疑問(wèn)句) like "…isn't it?", "…can't you?" or "…don't they?",people use "innit".For example, "He can dance really well,innit?" (=He can dance really well,can't he?) or "They always say that,innit?" (=They always say that,don't they?)
       Instead of saying "very", "really" or "completely",people use "well".For example, "I'm well tired." or "You got it well wrong!"
       "Whatever" means "I don't care".For example,A: "But the teacher says we can't leave until we've finished." B: "Whatever.I'm going."
       "He's fine" or "He's fit" both means "He's good-looking". "Fine" and "fit" can describe a boy or a girl.
       Not everybody uses slang and not everybody likes it.A school in the north of England recently told its pupils to stop using slang words such as "hiya" (hello),cheers" and "ta" (both mean "thank you") if they want to get a place at university or a good job.
       When British people use language like this,it's no surprise that some say they can't understand native speakers.But perhaps learners don't need to worry so much.Research shows that most of the English spoken around the world today is between non-native speakers of the language.
       So,how important is it to understand these slang words and expressions?If you watch films or TV in English,read magazines in English,chat online in English or are interested in English lyrics (歌詞),then understanding slang can be very useful.You probably won't see much slang in your English examination,though.

    (1)Why is it hard to make a complete list of slang?

    A.Many slang words are outdated.
    B.It is mostly used by young people.
    C.Modern slang changes very quickly.
    D.It is from different cultural backgrounds.
    (2)Which of the following means "I understand"?

    (3)What can be inferred about slang from the text?

    A.It prevents language from developing.
    B.It is also spread through TV and music.
    C.It is more popular in the UK than in the US.
    D.It has found its way into formal written English.
    (4)What can be concluded from the text?

    A.Many UK schools are encouraging students to use slang.
    B.It is possible for English learners to master some British slang.
    C.Knowing little slang doesn't greatly affect how one communicates.
    D.More English is spoken by native speakers than by non-native speakers.
  • 5.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。
    Characteristics of an excellent scientist The dictionary defines a scientist as a person having professional knowledge on one or more sciences,especially natural science or physical science.(1)
    Let's look at some characteristics of an excellent scientist.
       An excellent scientist must be very curious about things.Scientists such as Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse discovered things mainly because they wanted to know how things work. (2)

       Becoming a scientist takes a long time. (3)
    Even if you think you have received some education on science,you still have a lot of scientific research to do.If you're an instant— gratification type of person,this may not be the best choice for you.
       Ethical (道德的) qualities
       In order to truly discover and use knowledge for the greater good,a scientist must have a desire to improve people's life as well as the environment,since they are linked and they can affect one another in the long run.(4)
    Sticking to an old belief contradicted with evidence is dishonest.However,that belief shouldn't be changed without powerful evidence.
       Working habits
    He/ She can work well alone or in groups,depending on what's needed and also needs to communicate thoughts on paper and verbally.Networking connects him/her with colleagues working on similar projects where he/she may discover something new.
    A.To make discoveries,you have to think differently.
    B.There are very few jobs that take longer than this one.
    C.It also defines a scientist as someone who uses scientific methods.
    D.A scientist must report findings honestly regardless of personal interests or public opinion.
    E.One of the main places that many scientists work in is the research laboratory
    F.An excellent scientist even takes notes of the smallest observation and keeps it in mind.
    G.Without a drive to ask questions or even wonder,a scientist will never get to the first stage of the scientific process.


  • 6.Technology has really improved my life over the past years.For example,the(1)
    that the iPhone brought have been dramatic (巨大的).We(2)
    our phones as music players,cameras,flashlights,and entertainment (娛樂(lè)) devices.We can use Siri,or Google on our phones to(3)
    to our voice requests.Phones have(4)
    become a way to pay for items.And the saying "There's an app for that" has become a serious(5)
    to many of our questions and problems.
       The Amazon Echo voice assistant (Alexa) has also had a dramatic(6)
    on my life.With a few Internet-connected light bulbs and switches,I can now(7)
    Alexa to turn lights and devices on and off.When I get into bed at night,I tell Alexa what time to(8)
    me.In the morning,Alexa(9)
    the alarm clock and gives me the weather and news.
       A more recent(10)
    to my home,the Google Home voice assistant,has also made my life(11)
    .With the addition of a ﹩35 Chromecast device for my TV and a subscription (訂閱) to Netflix,I can tell Google to play a certain Netflix movie or television show by(12)
    .For example,I can say, "Hey Google,(13)
    The Crown on TV." My TV will display the show and(14)
    right where I left off.No more(15)
    the series in the Netflix app or trying to remember what I watched last.

    (1) A.prices B.voices C.problems D.changes
    (2) A.require B.use C.look D.copy
    (3) A.a(chǎn)gree B.relate C.respond D.compare
    (4) A.still B.even C.never D.seldom
    (5) A.way B.discussion C.plan D.a(chǎn)nswer
    (6) A.push B.recovery C.decision D.impact
    (7) A.a(chǎn)sk B.a(chǎn)llow C.beg D.force
    (8) A.teach B.warn C.invite D.wake
    (9) A.switches B.sounds C.sets D.tests
    (10) A.a(chǎn)ddition B.direction C.connection D.description
    (11) A.safer B.longer C.worse D.easier
    (12) A.time B.order C.name D.example
    (13) A.watch B.play C.film D.buy
    (14) A.organize B.record C.close D.start
    (15) A.thinking about B.turning to C.searching for D.giving up
  • 7.While (1)
    (visit) Hangzhou's West Lake and its surrounding beautiful hills,you'll understand why it's been a great source of inspiration for artists,poets and philosophers (2)
    Chinese history.
        Though (3)
    rest of the country is moving from two wheels to four,cycling culture is thriving(繁榮的) in Hangzhou.The city (4)
    (develop) China's first bicycle-sharing system in 2008.Since then,it's grown into the world's (5)
    (big) and one of the world's best public bicycle systems.
        Hangzhou grows some of China's finest green tea--- Longjing.Every spring,before the traditional Qingming Festival,tea (6)
    (love) from all over the country come to Longjing,a village (7)
    lies just south of West Lake,for the first cup of top-quality tea.During tea season-- (8)
    (usual) late March and April-- the air is filled with smell from the tea,when leaves (9)
    (pick) and roasted in the village.The village is open to the public and you can pick your own tea after getting (10)
    ( permit) from the local tea farmers.


  • 8.These smart homes will keep us
    (安全的),save us energy,and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.
  • 9.In Japan,someone who w
    (目擊) another person employing the gesture might think it means money. (根據(jù)中英文提示填空)


  • 27.她說(shuō)的是什么還不知道。
    is not yet known.


  • 28.On Saturday night,my best friend called and invited me to her birthday the next day.I was very excited to go there,but I needed permission from my parents.
        I went to my dad's room and softly said, "Dad,tomorrow is my best friend's birthday and I really want to go." Papa said, "OK.I don't mind,but ask your mom."
        I asked my mom and she said, "OK.You can go,but you have to be back before 10."
        The next morning my mom was surprised to see me.No alarm.No Mom's warning.I just woke up by myself.Finally,the whole day had passed and it was party time.My dad dropped me off at my friend's place and told me that he would pick me up at 10.I said "OK" and ran away.
        I enjoyed myself a lot at the party.We had dinner and played so many games.It was 10 finally.I remembered my mom telling me that I should be back before 10.I came out and started searching for my dad,but I could not find him.I was so worried and scared.I waited and waited,and then I started walking.I thought at least I could walk home as my house was 20 minutes away from my friend's.As I was walking,I was crying as I had never walked alone on the road that late at night.
        Suddenly I heard someone shouting something.I was scared and started walking fast.I thought some criminal(不法分子) was there.As I was walking fast,I heard someone walking fast behind me.I started running and crying,and then I saw some parked cars.I hid behind the cars.I saw a shadow searching for me.I hoped someone would help me.After a while,I could not see the shadow,so I came out slowly and ran towards my home.
    Paragraph 1:
        Finally,I arrived home,and I began crying when I saw my mom.__________________________
    Paragraph 2:
        Hearing what my dad said,my mom couldn't help laughing.______________________________
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