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發(fā)布:2024/7/25 8:0:9


  • 1.Have you ever wished you could speak a foreign language without taking classes?Have you ever had language barriers while travelling abroad?Meet Enence --a Japanese high-tech invention that allows you to communicate in more than 40 languages.
       What Are We Talking About?
       Enence is a state-of-the-art Japanese technology which instantly records and translates over 40 languages,which makes communication easy and fast.You can use it when travelling,for business meetings or whenever you wish to say something in a different language.With Enence,you can instantly communicate in almost any frequently-used language in the world!
       How does It Work?
       Enence was built with simplicity in mind so anyone can use it.Although it is armed with the latest technology,using the device is super easy.All you need to do is choose the language in which you want to communicate and record your words or sentences.You can even record really long sentences and Enence will translate everything perfectly!
       Some Hard Facts
       Researches show that over 86% of language learning programs are ineffective and do not bring the desired outcome.Another research done with students taking language courses online shows that 9 out of 10 are not happy with the results and wish they hadn't spent the money!Now,Enence is here to enable you to communicate freely without taking any courses.
       Buy It While It's Still Available
       Enence translator was previously used by governments and large corporations only.However,now Enence is available for the general public.For a limited time,only this device is available for a heavily reduced price of 89(previously189).The product has been selling like crazy,so hurry up and order your translator today.

    (1)What is Enence?

    A.A travel agency.
    B.A translation device.
    C.A government platform.
    D.A language learning program.
    (2)What's an advantage of Enence?

    A.It's easy to use.
    B.It's light to hold.
    C.It offers online guidance.
    D.Its use is supported by the government.
    (3)What can be concluded from the part of "Some Hard Facts"?

    A.Online learning is an efficient choice.
    B.It's worthwhile to spend money on education.
    C.Enence saves not only money but also trouble.
    D.One can win a chance to get Enence free of charge.
  • 2.By the time I took Kicker home,I was living in a van (旅居房車),so he was thrown into van life from day one.At this point,I knew how to make him an outgoing and adaptable dog,and my life was far more adventurous than it had been...
       Right out of the gate,I took him to ski touring,which is a lot like cross-country skiing but in wilder terrain.At first,Kicker would just stay nestled (依偎) in my jacket,but as he got stronger,he would run on his own for a little while before I carried him again.
       We also went on some winter camping adventures in the high peaks of the Uinta Mountains,and we tried snow kiting.He ran around while I skied.He learned to speed-fly and kiteboard.One time he vomited (嘔吐) all over the new cushions on my bed.Boy,did that stay smelly for days!Still,living in a van with a dog was great.With each new day,he got stronger and more independent.
       I had dreamed of visiting Alaska since I was a child,so being able to share that trip with Kicker felt incredible.There's something to be said about shared experiences and how they help develop a strong bond.Together we kayaked,snowmobiled,and even ended up exploring deep blue ice caves in Worthington Glacier.Kicker learned to come snowboarding with me in the mountains of Alaska.He would hike part of the way,and I would carry him the rest.I would always let him run next to me as I boarded,but I usually ended up putting him on my shoulders for the rest of the ride down—he had grown far too big to fit in my jacket.
       Having a dog has been one of the most rewarding things in my life.For me,it's about the time spent together exploring,sharing experiences,working through challenging situations,snuggling,and ultimately taking care of one another.

    (1)What was Kicker like when he was first taken home by the author?

    A.Sick and pitiful.
    B.Small and weak.
    C.Happy and active.
    D.Outgoing and adventurous.
    (2)Why was the incident of Kicker's vomiting mentioned in paragraph 3?

    A.To illustrate how hard life is in a van.
    B.To indicate that raising Kicker was not all roses.
    C.To show the importance of taking good care of a pet.
    D.To warn us of the trouble a pet can bring to us on a trip.
    (3)What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

    A.What tricks Kicker learned in Alaska.
    B.What great experiences the author had.
    C.How the author realized his childhood dream.
    D.How much the author enjoyed Kicker's company.
    (4)What is special about the author's relationship with Kicker?

    A.They bond through shared adventures.
    B.They help each other to become stronger.
    C.They bond through giving each other rewards.
    D.They depend on each other in life's hardest times.
  • 3.    Slowness has been a sweeping trend in sustainability.Slow food celebrates local produce and traditional cooking methods;slow fashion is made with a focus on people and the planet.You may have even heard of the slow city,a campaign to restore local cultures and turn cities back to their natural environments.
       Slow design developed from the larger slow movement.Although the term was only recently introduced,the idea of thoughtful design looks back to a time when buildings and furniture were made with great craftsmanship (手藝) and by hand-before the mass-produced throwaway furniture took over.You can think of the term "slow" as a celebration of timelessness:both the timelessness of a piece and the timelessness of the relationship between that piece and its owner.
       One example of slow design today is what's been dubbed the brown furniture revival (復(fù)興).Brown furniture refers to the heavy wooden furnishings that were popular in your grandparents' day but suddenly fell out of style at the turn of the century.Brown furniture is often associated with dark woods,such as trees like mahogany,walnut,and teak,that take decades to reach maturity and true craftsmanship to transform into functional pieces.
       Today's furniture industry is dominated by the $13.1 billion-and-growing global ready-to-assemble(RTA) furniture market.RTA furniture is usually constructed from low-quality fiberboard,which lasts a small part of traditional furniture's lifespan (壽命).The weight of furniture landfilled in 2018 was 9.7 million tons,4.5 times what was landfilled in 1960.
       In a less direct way,the idea of timelessness also lends itself to a lower environmental impact.Besides their demonstrated physical durability,slow materials and design are meant to outlive trends and never be thrown out simply because they're out of style.
       As second-hand shopping becomes more appealing to today's young generation-because of its low environmental impact and affordability-the brown furniture of yesteryear is making a comeback.

    (1)Why is the first paragraph written?

    A.To explain a new term.
    B.To present the topic of the text.
    C.To provide background information.
    D.To highlight the importance of slowness.
    (2)What does the underlined word "dubbed" mean in paragraph 3?

    A.Known as.
    B.Mistaken for.
    C.Compared to.
    D.Connected with.
    (3)What can be inferred about RTA furniture?

    A.It is out of date.
    B.It has a long lifespan.
    C.It is heavy and expensive.
    D.It has bad effects on the environment.
    (4)What is good news for the brown furniture revival?

    A.Grandparents are buying new furniture.
    B.The brown furniture will soon be mass-produced.
    C.The young generation favors second-hand shopping.
    D.Materials for slow design furniture are more available.


  • 8.假定你是學(xué)生會主席李華,你校運(yùn)動會于今日結(jié)束,交換生Jack在運(yùn)動會上獲得長跑比賽第一名,請你給他寫一封郵件。內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua


  • 9.    It was Friday,and I was at my daughter's place in Manhattan.My husband and I had gone out for breakfast with my daughter and son-in-law and their child.After breakfast,we took a taxi to Central Park.The plan was to take my 2-year-old grandson on his first horse and buggy(小馬車)ride,pick up our bags from my daughter's house and drive to my friend's home in Flatbush,Brooklyn,for a visit.
       The horse ride went well,and we all had a great time.My grandson was filled with joy and excitement all the time.We arrived back at my daughter's apartment,picked up our bags and then I said to my husband,Moishe, "Where is your phone?" Usually,I will check everything before we leave a taxi since things can fall out,but this time,I guess I didn't,and we could not seem to find it.
       Maybe we left it in the buggy,or it might have fallen out in the taxi?I wondered.Or perhaps we left it in the restaurant at breakfast?I was in a state of panic,wondering what the one with the phone could do with it.Moishe was evidently at a loss as to what to do.My sensible son-in-law,Leon,had a clever idea of calling the phone to see if anyone would answer it.
       With butterflies in my stomach,I watched as Leon dialed and got through.He turned the loudspeaker of his phone on so that we all could hear but what we heard was a lady's poor,broken English.The person on the other side of the phone obviously had difficulty communicating with Leon.Leon was very patient and was speaking very slowly but I could see that he didn't get much useful information before he had to hang up.
       After some discussion,we decided to send a text message to the lost phone saying, "We will pay money to get our phone back,please tell us where you are." This idea worked out well.Soon we got a reply message saying "119 Ocean Parkway,Mrs.Hichens".
       In no time,we all got into our car and headed for the address.______
       With Laura's help,Mrs.Hichens was able to explain to us what had happened.______
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