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發(fā)布:2024/9/15 6:0:10

閱讀 (共兩節(jié), 滿分50.0分)

  • 1.Recently a growing number of foreign universities,such as the University of Cambridge,are accepting China's gaokao results as one of their admission standards.Is the Chinese college entrance exam being recognized globally?Forum readers share their opinions:
        Cecilia Zhang(China)
       The gaokao is a really tough exam.If possible,it can be used as one of the indicators(指標(biāo))for foreign universities,in addition to other indicators,such as how well they speak the target language.The students,who perform well in the gaokao,also have the ability to successfully adapt to Western styles of education.I believe accepting the gaokao as an indicator is a win-win for Chinese students and overseas universities.
       In fact,gaokao is perhaps much more difficult than the SAT or ACT exams.You can get a perfect score of 1600 on the SAT but not in the gaokao,partly because the SAT is a machine-scored multiple-choice exam.Do you know anyone that has ever achieved a perfect score in the gaokao?
       Hundreds of students from China have entered universities in the UK using their gaokao scores,which requires that their knowledge of English be above a certain level.This measure has benefited specific groups of students from various backgrounds in China.
       Mbursian (Canada)
       In order to attend a university in an English speaking country,a student needs to have an acceptable band score on the IELTS.Most importantly,students need an acceptable knowledge of the language spoken in any country they plan to study in.Now the Chinese gaokao is closer to meeting the requirements of different countries.

    (1)Who believes accepting the Chinese gaokao is a win-win?

    A.Cecilia Zhang.
    (2)What is most important for Chinese students planning to study abroad?

    A.The IELTS score.
    B.Enough test preparation.
    C.The Chinese gaokao score.
    D.Knowledge of the native language.
    (3)What does the text intend to tell the readers?

    A.The gaokao will replace other tests.
    B.The gaokao is becoming globally accepted.
    C.The gaokao is the most difficult of all tests.
    D.The University of Cambridge made a good decision.
  • 2.When asking for money,teens usually spend money in eating and having fun.But Garland Benson,a 14-year-old in Austin,Texas,asks for money to help his sister,Christiane.
       Garland is trying to raise SI million to help cover the cost of starting a clinical trial 臨床試驗(yàn))to develop a treatment for Batten disease that can cause blindness.Christiane was found having Batten disease at age 5,and she was 15 in2018.
       "It's ﹩I million that I'm going to raise by myself," Garland told KXAN."My first goal was to get 100,000 people to give S10 each,and I can do that by spreading it on social media,getting people to donate ﹩10 until 10 people and then keep going like that and finally I'll get there."
       Garland's ﹩1 million plan,called "Be a Hero!",started in February,2017.He has nearly reached his goal and he has raised S869,525.He has used school projects and even at school-based group of brothers called "Brothers for Batten" who do things like garage sales to raise the money.
       Christiane hasn't allowed Batten disease to keep her from experiencing life.She still goes skiing with her family,rides horses and is a part of her school's cheerleading squad(啦)
       Garland and Christiane's parents,Charlotte and Craig,started the Beyond Batten Disease Foundation in 2008 in the hope of funding a clinical trial for treatments that may slow the progress of Batten disease.Mom Charlotte is proud of both her kids for doing what they can to help each other and others with Batten disease.

    (1)Why does Garland Benson want to raise ﹩1 million?

    A.To collect money for his daily fun.
    B.To pay for his and his sister's schooling
    C.To help fight his sister's disease.
    D.To fund a research into a deadly disease.
    (2)What can we know about Garland Benson's" Be a Hero!"?

    A.It has nearly succeeded.
    B.It is a school-based group of brothers.
    C.It helps slow the progress of Batten disease.
    D.It is a website designed for people with Batten disease.
    (3)What words can best describe Christiane?

    A.Cheerful and brave.
    B.Clever but depressed.
    C.Active and hard-working
    D.Unfortunate but positive.
    (4)What can we learn about Christiane's mother?

    A.She takes pride in her children.
    B.Her efforts to fund a clinical trial failed.
    C.She is proud of her children's achievement in study.
    D.She once turned to the Beyond Batten Disease Foundation.
  • 3.    Earthquakes happen without warning.They can happen any time of a day,at any point during the year.But don't worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt.Only a few big ones hurt people.However,it's important to know what to do when an earthquake is happening.
        Do not go outside.You could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings.If you are outside,stay away from buildings and power lines(輸電線).
        Stay under a desk,table.or other strong furniture.Hold on to it.Or stay in a corner of the building.Cover your face and head with your arms and cover your mouth with a towel or clothing.Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.
        Keep away from windows,pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building.and anything else that could fall and hurt you.Most people get injured by falling things during an earthquake,not by the shaking itself.
        Also keep away from a fire.You could fall down and burn yourself on the fire.
        If you are driving when an earthquake happens,stop the car if it's safe.Stay inside your car until the earthquake stops,and don't drive near bridges.Try not to stop by power lines or trees.These could fall and hurt you.

    (1)Most earthquakes are too
    to hurt people.
    (2)From the passage,when an earthquake is happening,we should
    A.stay under a big building
    B.stay under a strong furniture
    C.stand by windows
    D.drive near a big bridge
    (3)It isn't safe for you to
    while the earthquake is happening.
    A.run out of the building
    B.stay in a corner of the building
    C.cover your head with your arms
    D.cover your mouth with a towel
    (4)The best title for this passage should be"
    A.How Earthquakes Happen
    B.How to Drive a Car
    C.What We Should Do in Earthquakes
    D.Why Earthquakes Happen.

寫作 (共兩節(jié), 滿分40分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,你校英語協(xié)會(huì)招聘志愿者,接待來訪的國(guó)外中學(xué)生。請(qǐng)你寫信應(yīng)聘,內(nèi)容包括:
    (4)參考詞匯:英語協(xié)會(huì)the English Association
    Dear fellow students,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
  • 9.閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個(gè)完整的故事。
        In the 1970s,when I was a new teacher at a school in Detroit,I was arranged to teach a particularly talented class.The students included a little girl named Mary Kay,who had spent only one year at our school—the year that I had her in my third-grade class.
        Her father was Billy Kim,a quite famous man.He was from South Korea.His daughter Mary Kay could speak beautiful English,and loved smiling.She had great respect for learning and never made trouble in class.
        In one class,I asked Mary Kay to read an article in our book out loud.To my surprise,although Mary Kay could speak beautiful,flowing English,she was poor in reading.She even mispronounced many words.Immediately,the kids in the class laughed at her.
        Then I said to Mary Kay, "Why don't you go and write some words in your native language on the blackboard for everyone?" Mary Kay's eyes suddenly brightened,and she walked with a smile to the board,full of new-found confidence.
        The other children watched as she wrote word after word along with her name in her native language.The whole class immediately watched with a bit of respect and amazement,not pity.Then one of the students said, "Write my name,Mary Kay." And she did.Then more students asked.Soon,the whole class had their names on the board,and Mary Kay became a heroine.She could do something the others could not.She went from feeling inadequate(能力不足的) to feeling proud.In the following days,I still often encouraged Mary Kay.
        After Mary Kay finished her third grade,I had never met her and lost contact with her.About 30 years later,I happened to meet with her father in a local church.And I decided to ask him about Mary Kay,so I introduced myself first.

    Paragraph 1:
        "Hello,Mr Kim,I'm Sophia Brown," I said.                          
    Paragraph 2:
        She told me how much my class had influenced her life.                            ???????
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